
In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

author:Beauty Nutrition

Red in the snow

【Aliases】 Snow vegetables, spring immortality, snow lily, pickled snow vegetables, sherrion

【Eating habits】Warm and spicy; return to the lungs and stomach meridians.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

【Effect】Wide intestine appetizer, enlighten the eyes, detoxify and reduce swelling

【Nutrition and Health Care】

1. Promote digestion

After the snow red pickling, there is a special umami taste and aroma, which can promote the stomach, intestines, digestive function, enhance appetite, and can be used to appetize and help digestion.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

2. Wake up and refresh

Snow red contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a very active reducing substance, involved in the body's important redox process, can increase the oxygen content in the brain, stimulate the brain to use oxygen, has the effect of refreshing the brain, relieve fatigue.

3. Detoxification and swelling

Snow red has detoxification function, can resist infection and prevent the occurrence of diseases, inhibit the toxicity of bacterial toxins, promote wound healing, and can be used to assist in the treatment of infectious diseases.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

4. Blind diaphragm

Sherry red tissue is coarse and hard, contains carotene and a large amount of edible fiber, so it has a blind and wide intestinal laxative effect, can be used as a food therapy for ophthalmic patients, but also can prevent constipation, especially suitable for the elderly and habitual constipation to eat.

5. Slimming function

Snow red is also a green food representative for weight loss. It promotes the discharge of accumulated waste and purifies the body to make it refreshing and clean. While eliminating waste and toxins accumulated in the body, it can also replenish vitamins and minerals, stimulate the original motivation in the body, and promote digestion, absorption and discharge regularization. It is very effective in improving the speed of weight loss, and also has anti-aging effects.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

6. Enhance immunity

Because glutathione, glycine and cysteine are synthesized, glutathione is an extremely important free radical scavenger in the human body, thereby enhancing the body's immune function.

【Eating should not be avoided】

[Appropriate] suitable for patients with acute and chronic tracheitis cold sputum, cough with white and sticky sputum, chest full of stuffiness, pulmonary carbuncle, lung abscess

[Avoid] people with excessive internal heat; cancer patients, patients with pruritic skin diseases, simple goiter, sores, eye diseases, hemorrhoids and blood in the stool.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

【Attached】Method of pickling red in the snow

Wash the snow red with clean water, fish out and wait for the water to dry, use 5-6 kg of green salt and 7.5 liters of water per 50 kg. After entering the tank on the same day, be sure to pour the cylinder once in the evening, and when the cylinder is poured, the vegetable soup should be turned over, and after salinization, the cylinder can be poured once every other day, and it can be eaten after 10 days.

In-depth interpretation of the nutritional benefits of snow red and its consumption contraindications

【Editor's Note】

Welcome to pay attention to "Meiling Nutrition", we will explain the nutritional knowledge of an ingredient for you every day, because only by understanding the nature of many ingredients can you complement each other according to the advantages and disadvantages of various aspects, which will help to better maintain health. Tomorrow we will introduce the vegetable - Artemisia annua.

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