
In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

author:Shukuri Musume

Hello everyone, I am a show kitchen lady, a girl who likes to stay in the kitchen to study food, every day with you to share a nutritious and delicious home cooking method, if you also like to make food, welcome to pay attention, we can share with each other in the experience of making food, learn from each other, for family and friends to make more nutritious and healthy food.

Introduction: Eat more fish in the spring, when you encounter this fish, you must buy one, the meat is thick and thorny, less nutritious, and every household can afford to eat!

Spring is here, and it's time for all things to revive. After a few spring rains, it awakens the creatures of nature and wakes up the sleeping river. Walking on the field, a spring breeze blows through, and everywhere is full of life. Spring is the best time to eat fish. Because all kinds of fish are close to spawning in the spring, after a winter of hiding, they also have more nutrients in their bodies. Therefore, the fish in this season are particularly fat and tender, with high nutritional value and more delicious taste. So, what fish is best to eat in spring?

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Grass carp is one of the freshwater fish we eat most often. Its flesh is delicious and nutritious. In addition to being rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, and vitaminSA, B1, B2, D and other vitamins, grass carp is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and rich in selenium. Often eat fish meat can protect the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, anti-aging, beauty and beauty and other effects, for people with weak physique and loss of appetite, it is an appetizing tonic, enhancing appetite, and strengthening the body. At the same time, fish contains less calories and low fat, and eating more is not afraid of burdening the body. There are many ways to cook grass carp, which can be braised or steamed, and they are particularly delicious! In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish!

【Home-cooked fish】

Ingredients: grass carp, bean sprouts, enoki mushrooms, lettuce, oil wheat vegetables, eggs, green onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, salt, cooking wine, starch, chicken essence, peppercorns, peppercorns, dried red peppers, Pixian bean paste, cooking oil.

The specific steps are as follows:

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 1: After scaling, gills and internal organs, after cleaning, close to the fish bones, the fish slices on both sides are cut off, and the fish bones are chopped into 3-4 cm long segments, and the fish meat slices are 0.5 cm thick. Put the fish bones and fish meat into two basins, add the right amount of water, wash it several times, and then control the moisture and set aside.

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 2: In the basin containing the fish head and fish bones, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, green onion and ginger water, stir well, and marinate the fish bones for 20 minutes.

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 3: In the basin containing fish slices, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, egg white, green onion and ginger water, stir well, marinate for 20 minutes, add the appropriate amount of starch, stir until the fish is syrup and set aside.

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 4: Add oil to the hot pot, after the oil is hot, add the onion, ginger and garlic to fry the incense, put in two large spoons of Pixian bean paste, stir-fry the red oil on low heat, add enough water, adjust to the high heat, boil the water, add the vegetables you like to eat, blanch the dish and fish it out, put it into the basin.

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 5: Then put the fish head and fish bones into the pot, cook on high heat for 3-5 minutes, cook the fish head, and then fish into the bowl of vegetables. Then put the fish slice by slice into the pot, cook on high heat until the fillets turn white, and then fish into the basin.

In the spring, eat less pork and eat more of this fish, which is more nutritious than crucian carp, fresher than mackerel, and it is really fragrant to eat boiled fish

Step 6: Add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to the soup, bring it to a boil on high heat, and pour the soup into the basin. Add peppercorns, peppercorns, dried red pepper segments, pour hot oil to stimulate its aroma, and finally, sprinkle with coriander segments, and a spicy and fragrant home-cooked fish is ready! Favorite friends, hurry up and try it!

Tips: Pay attention to the treatment of freshwater fish, be sure to clean the black film in the belly of the fish, this layer of black film is very fishy, if not removed, it will directly affect the taste of the fish.

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