
Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

author:Aegean AI reading

I looked around, but found that Mr. Lu's string was still hanging on the wall, covered with dust. Next to the strings, there are several pictures hanging, I took a closer look, the largest one in the middle, is not the flower bridge outside the east gate of guilin water? ...... Sure enough, it was our flower bridge, under the bridge was the Li River, the two stone dragon pillars at the head of the bridge were still there, and there were two descendants standing next to the pillars, a man and a woman, the boy was Mr. Lu, and the girl must be the Luo family girl. Mr. Lu was also dressed in student clothes, clean and beautiful, clean, and wearing a student duck-billed hat. When I looked at the Luo family girl again, I couldn't help but secretly cheer. Sure enough it was our Miss Guilin! The water show of that body, a pair of transparent phoenix eyes, it was really painful to watch. Two people, shoulder to shoulder, clinging tightly, smiling and squinting, both of them are only eighteen or nineteen years old.

This is the closing paragraph in the "Flower Bridge Eiji". The "I" in the text is the owner of the rice noodle shop, which is opened at the bottom of Changchun Road in Taipei. In that picture, at the head of the Huaqiao Bridge outside the Shuidong Gate, there was a rice noodle shop opened by "my" grandfather for a long time - Huaqiao Rongji. Today's shop in Taipei and Grandpa's shop take a name.

In three words and two words, it is not difficult to see the strong feelings of "I" for my hometown and for the people of my hometown. The mountains of Guilin, the water of Guilin, the girls and boys of Guilin, in the eyes of "I", are particularly beautiful and pitiful.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

Bai Xianyong in "Huaqiao Rongji", by the boss lady is the narrator of the story "I", leading out a mainlander living in Taipei. Most of them are "my" Fellow villagers in Guangxi, living in Taipei living a life of uprooting, eating grain, and precariousness.

Because "I" opened a hometown-style rice noodle shop, it attracted many compatriots who "wanted to eat some hometown flavor", so that "I" could understand them and see the bitterness and helplessness in their lives.

Among these people, some are annoying, some are annoying, and some are pitiful; but they have one thing in common, that is, everyone is a wanderer, including "I", who has their own suffering and watchfulness in their hearts, and they miss the water and soil and the people all the time.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia</h1>

Mr. Lu in the story is a tragic character. He went from a figure of knowledgeable and Sven to a degenerate, becoming funny and unbearable, and becoming the object of ridicule, especially at the end of the story, his death really made people feel sorry and lament for him.

At first, he had to be treated kindly by the hostess because he was the only Guilin fellow among the guests, and at the same time he had the beauty and cultivation of the Guilin people. One is character, the other is nostalgia, so every week Mr. Lu has to cook a bowl of Guilin hot rice noodles cooked by the hostess herself.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

A bowl of hometown rice noodles, full of nostalgia. But Mr. Lu of Fu Bo did not enjoy it for long. Because he uninterestingly rejected a matchmaker that "I" had kept for her. The recovery of this bowl of rice noodles was after Mr. Lu was tricked out of his fifteen years of savings.

A piece of friendship is left on a bowl of rice noodles in my hometown. Once refused, once cheated, Mr. Lu was a Luo family girl who was already engaged for his hometown. However, this Mr. Lu is really a "man without creation" as the boss lady said, whether it is The boss lady's niece Xiuhua or the Luo family girl, Mr. Lu failed to marry his relatives, and he also became embarrassed and confused because of the pit deception of his cousin.

If that's the end of the matter, fate isn't too harsh on him. Helplessly, from Mr. Lu and the laundry lady Ah Chun entangled together, to Ah Chun stealing people in Mr. Lu's room, and then to Mr. Lu going to catch the adulteress but being beaten, a series of encounters can be described as "the leak in the house is in the overnight rain".

It is a pity to think about what kind of person Mr. Nalu used to be, and then what kind of person he became.

Before, in order to wait for the reunion with his lovers in his hometown, he did not hesitate to be exonerated and treated his boss lady; later, when the people were empty of money, they ignored the eyes of the people around him and mixed with the fierce and spicy washermaid. Before, when he crossed the road with the children after school, the appearance of patience with open arms was reminiscent of a docile big rooster; later, on the way out of school, he did not have the heart to take care of the children at all, but instead shouted at their twittering, fighting, and even venting the resentment in his heart on the children. Before, Mr. Lu was so elegant and dignified and respectable, and after that, how funny and ridiculous he was to be despised.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

Mr. Lu, who suffered such an encounter, had long been unable to enjoy a piece of nostalgia of the boss lady, but his sudden death had simply ended for his lonely and lonely life.

"I", on the other hand, stumbled upon the picture of him and Miss Luo in his room. The words at the end of the story are still full of "I" love for my hometown -

In Mr. Lu's room, I couldn't find anything valuable, so I took the photo away, I wanted to hang it in our shop, and in the future there would be Guangxi compatriots coming, and I would like to show them that the flower bridge that my grandfather opened in the past was on the edge of the Li River, at the head of the flower bridge, on the intersection.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >2, we are all homeless</h1>

In "The Tale of Hanabashi Rongji", a cadre of people, etc., everyone is a wanderer. Waiting for their loved ones, waiting for reunions, waiting for their hometowns, is their common wish.

Needless to say, in order to reunite with the Luo family girl in Guilin, Mr. Lu was carelessly tricked into ten gold bars by scalpers smuggled in Hong Kong, equivalent to 55,000 yuan, and saved up fifteen years of savings. Although the price is so great, if Mr. Lu can exchange it for a reunion with his lover, it is worth it; unfortunately, fate is always playing tricks, bringing him money and wealth.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

Then there's, "I," the lady who owns the rice noodle shop. Ben was the battalion commander's wife, but the whereabouts of the husband were unknown in the battle of northern Jiangsu, waiting for more than ten or twenty years, and did not see anyone return, but in the dream he was often bloody, afraid that he was already dead.

And "I", a woman who has been living in Taipei, in such a lonely and lonely life, in addition to waiting for her husband's return in hopelessness, is endlessly nostalgic for the land where she was born. In particular, the flower bridge that My grandfather opened that year, its past grandeur and glory, almost all my nostalgia.

Then there is Mr. "I"'s niece Xiuhua. Men are also soldiers, as platoon leaders. Like Mr. "I", there is no news on the mainland. Fortunately, "I" persuaded Xiuhua to marry another relative with his own experience, and failed to end up with the same lonely old age as "I".

In the short space of "The Tale of Hanabashi", too many people die. The man of "me", the man of Xiuhua, Mr. Lu, and the compatriots who came to "me" to make rice. An old man Li, who used to do a big business in wood in Liuzhou, just after his seventieth birthday, fell on a dead tree in a small park at the mouth of the alley, but was left with a wreck; one was Qin Yizi, who had previously been a county magistrate in Rong County, Guangxi, and had done a good job in the municipal government after coming to Taipei, but was expelled for misconduct, and then repeatedly flirted with women and was beaten. Later, he was fished out of the bottom of the ditch by the police, and no one knew when he fell into it.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

In this seemingly understated narrative, it actually contains too many helplessness and sadness, helplessness and wandering in a life that is difficult to say.

The sudden change in their life circumstances has forced them to wander, and these "Taipei people" in different senses are people who cannot stop wandering for the rest of their lives.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" >3, the separation of reality from the past, the distance between spirit and flesh</h1>

In "The Tale of Huaqiao Rongji", it seems to mainly tell the story of Mr. Lu, who is ill-fated and dead, but in fact, it is through Mr. Lu's encounters that the theme is strengthened, bringing the reader's vision to a wider area.

Naturally, in Taipei at that time, there were many people like Mr. Lu. Homesick, homesick, haunted by dreams and finally unable to achieve their wishes. The separation of reality from the past, the insurmountable distance between spirit and flesh, the countless ups and downs of those lives, all bloom in a small and broad mind.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

In fact, when the author tells Mr. Lu's story through "I", he also understates the story of "I".

——Mention our Hanabashi Rongji, that sign is resounding. Of course, I mean the rice noodle shop opened by our grandfather in the former Guilin Shuidongmen Flower Bridge. Huang Tianrong's rice noodles, Guilin City, who does not know, which does not know? ...... The Flower Bridge Rongji I opened myself doesn't have those scenery. I never dreamed of running to Taipei to open a restaurant again.

——I said to the old light poles: You must not misread me as a spring dreamer, when I was in Guilin, I was still a famous beauty outside the Shuidong Gate! ...... It is no wonder that there are green mountains everywhere, green water, people's eyes are also bright, and the skin is washed white. When have you ever seen a place like Taipei? This year's typhoon, next year's earthquake, even if you are a big beauty fetus, you can't withstand the torture of these winds and rains!

My husband is not a businessman, he is from the mainland, and I have been the wife of a battalion commander for several years. Who knew that the battle in northern Jiangsu beat my husband to the point whereabouts were unknown, and in a panic, our family members withdrew to Taiwan.

There are many more sentences like this that compare the past and the present. In it, we see the separation of the past from the present, while the mind remains in the past for those who are in the present.

Bai Xianyong's "Huaqiao Rongji" ‖ a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 1, a bowl of Guilin rice noodles, carrying a strong nostalgia 2, we are all wanderers 3, the separation of reality and the past, the distance between the spirit and the flesh

Undoubtedly, the whole story takes place on Changchun Road in Taipei, but "my" thoughts and love are in the distant Guilin, and Mr. Lu is the same, his love and expectation are also in the mountains and rivers of the soul. The difference is that Mr. Lu has been devastated by successive blows, while "I" have not been overwhelmed by fate and live strongly in a strange land.

This silent contrast, implicit in the text, allows us to see the meaning of fighting for the individual in the illusion of life and the impermanence of fate. These generations, which have lost their roots in the change of history, can only resist the miserable situation and the nostalgia that cannot be shaken off in their hearts through their own tenacious willpower, otherwise they can only lead to self-destruction.

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