
We must have the ambition to make the pattern bigger

author:363 productions

Why can the career of the rich be bigger and bigger, but the poor have difficulty in doing great things, and only stay where they are for a lifetime? Could it really be that their lives are different? Of course not! The reason why the poor have been struggling on the old level and not being able to achieve as much as the rich is that they do not have great ambitions and ambitions. Inoue is the founder of Japan's Sanyo Electric and a self-made rich man. One day, his family's garden designer asked him, "Mr. President, I really envy you." Your career is getting bigger and bigger, and the garden in your home alone is several times larger than the average family's house. You are like a big tree, and I am like a cicada on a tree, sitting on the trunk of a tree all my life. Can you teach me a little bit of the secrets of entrepreneurship? Inoue nodded and said, "Okay! I see that you are very talented in gardening and are more suitable for gardening work. Well, there are 20,000 tsubo of open space next to my factory, let's cooperate in planting saplings! Do you know how much a sapling costs right now?" About 40 yen. The horticulturist replied. Jing Zhi looked down and calculated, "If you count 2 saplings per ping, after deducting the road land, 20,000 pyeong can plant about 25,000 saplings, then the cost is just 1 million yen." After 3 years, the sapling should grow about the same height as a person, how much can a tree sell for?" About 300 yen. The cost of 1 million yen for the saplings and fertilizer is paid by me, and you are responsible for weeding and fertilizing." After three years, we can collect more than 6 million yen in profits. By then we'll be half of each. Inoue said seriously. Hearing this, the garden designer shook his head repeatedly. Inoue asked, "Isn't it enough to get half of the profits?" The horticulturist quickly explained: "No, no, no, I have never done such a big business! 6 million, I don't dare to think about it, I think it is still ok!" In the end, the garden designer still tidys up the garden every day at the Jingzhi family, and receives a monthly salary that is still "rich" for him. In reality, there are many people who are short-sighted and have no ambitions, they may have the desire to get rich, they may have achieved a little, but they do not have stronger ambitions, so when faced with really big causes, they will be afraid and stop moving forward. The ambition is not big enough, even if they are really pushed to the throne, they do not dare to call the emperor, which is why they are always just "little people". "One acre of land and one cow, wife and children hot kiln head." This is probably the common desire of many people. People are easily satisfied, as long as they achieve the goal of drought and flood protection, food and drink, and a slight surplus, they will not think of making progress, and begin to think about how to enjoy, but do not know how to invest the balance into the expansion of reproduction. We often hear people say, "You've made a lot of money, so enjoy the blessings." "Finally have my own shop, this life is enough!" There are often such reports in the newspapers: a farmer in a mountain village with hard work, set up his own farm, built his own two-story small, but he did not have the idea of becoming bigger and stronger, life began to mix up as soon as there was a little improvement, the result was that the farm closed, the red hot days lasted for a few years, and then faded again. His vision is on this acre and three points of land, so life can never jump out of this narrow circle, even if there is a good opportunity to get rich, it will be wasted. The conservative idea of "small wealth is security" makes people think of making progress, and this kind of thinking is even more fatal to an enterprise. The market environment is complex and changeable, and a careless move will cause enterprises to disappear. The business world has never been a business once and for all, only eternal competition and conquest, you do not make yourself bigger and stronger, others will replace you in the blink of an eye. There was a businessman who had been working since the 1980s and opened a color printing company in Guangzhou. At that time, the economy of this hot land in Guangdong was developing rapidly, and this enterprise could be said to have taken advantage of the time and place. Later, the businessman imported two second-hand three-color printing machines from Hong Kong, which were very advanced equipment at the time. With the operation of the three-color printing machine, the orders and profits of the color printing company also began to increase rapidly. After a few years, when the annual output value of the enterprise was close to 60 million, production reached a saturated state. At this time, some employees and customers of the company asked the boss to buy better equipment and expand the scale of production. But the current results have already satisfied the businessman, and it costs millions to buy a new machine, so he hesitates again and again, and finally does not update the equipment or expand the company. Within a year, color printing machinery with good printing effect, efficiency and higher output value has been passed away. Various color printing companies also mushroomed, and his business slowly shrank in less than 5 years, and finally went bankrupt. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao has this sentence: "If people have no great ambitions, they will be subject to people in the future." It also applies in a modern society where competition is so fierce, if you do not have big ambitions, but stick to your own small achievements, then you will soon be eliminated. Some people are afraid of becoming the target of public criticism after they become bigger, and they do not want to pay more effort and effort. So they try to suppress their desires and ambitions, to wear down their will. Those who are always pursuing wealth are eager to break through themselves and are willing to accept various challenges. They are not satisfied with the "small rich", but broaden their horizons, seek their own shortcomings, and then strive to make the pattern of the enterprise bigger. Li Ka-shing's fortune was based on his investment in the plastics industry. At that time, his Cheung Kong Industrial pioneered and innovated, becoming the leading boss of Hong Kong's plastic industry. In the eyes of ordinary people, Li Ka-shing has achieved remarkable results, and he is familiar with the plastic industry, if he continues to operate in this field safely and steadily, Presumably no one can shake his position. However, Li Ka-shing soberly realized that everything in the world has the law of prosperity and decline, and only by seeing the development trend of the world's big market and opening up its own field can we truly stand in an invincible position. One day, Li Ka-shing drove to visit a friend and happened to see some construction workers in the field busy building houses. He couldn't help but suddenly realize that real estate is a promising industry. After he returned to the company, he conducted in-depth research and found that Hong Kong has been in a long-term housing shortage, and the increase in housing has always been unable to keep up with demand. On the one hand, due to the substantial growth of Hong Kong's population, the demand for housing has increased significantly; On the other hand, due to the rapid economic development of Hong Kong, there is an urgent need for a large number of writing models, commercial shops and factories. So after a long period of preparation, Li Ka-shing decided to advance into the real estate industry. In 1958, Li Ka-shing purchased land in the bustling industrial area of North Point and built a 12-storey industrial building; In 1960, he built an industrial building in the new industrial zone of Chai Wan... Since then, Li Ka-shing has been out of control in the real estate industry. Through this series of investments, Li Ka-shing's career quickly moved to glory, and today Cheung Kong Industrial has been involved in real estate agency and management, port and related services, telecommunications, retail, energy, e-commerce, media and life science and technology. The eyes are only fixed on their own small pockets are small traders and hawkers, and the light of clothing is placed in the world's big market is a big entrepreneur. There is a saying that goes: "Wealth comes from dreams, ambition creates miracles." The rich are getting richer because they have great ambitions. Ambition allows them not to settle for small fights, but to persevere towards larger ideals. In a sense, ambition is the spark of miracles, the driving force behind a brilliant life. Beauty is in the eyes of the rich, there are only things in the world that dare not be thought of, and there is nothing that cannot be done. As long as you have the heart to make the pattern bigger and put it into action, you can transform from a mediocre ordinary person into a successful British press figure in the British press, Lord North Rock (Lord North Rock), working in a newspaper at the age of 15. At that time, he had the favor that everyone envied, but he himself had always been dissatisfied with his current situation, but had a greater pursuit. Driven by strong ambitions, he worked hard and finally succeeded in running the Daily Mail in 1896, of course, his goal was not only that, he hoped to become the leader of the press, and in 1908, this dream was finally realized. He gained control of the Tymings and later established Britain's earliest newspaper regiment, the 1st North Rock Newspaper Regiment. Lord Northcliffe has always looked down on people without peach hearts, he once told an assistant editor who had just completed 3 months of work; "What do you think of a salary of £50 a week?" Are you satisfied with your current position?" The editor had a very contented look: "I'm very satisfied with my current situation." Noskerry immediately fired him after hearing this, and said disappointedly, "I don't want my men to be satisfied with such a small salary." He should be a person with a strong sense of enterprise and can make his career continue to grow. "Yang is satisfied with the status quo and is a negative attitude towards life. If you mistakenly believe that what you have now will be in the future, and that the present good future will remain as it always is, then your steps toward success will stop, and you will never become rich. Napoleon said, "Native soldiers who are not quite generals are not good soldiers." Only by setting more lofty goals, making the cause bigger and bigger, and striving to surpass ourselves at all times can we create a better future.

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