
The salty and umami flavor of the ten full tonic soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body

author:Little Seven Foodie

Introduction: The salty and umami flavor of the ten complete soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body. Hello snack goods, today Xiaobian brings you a salty and umami soup dish, this food sounds very complementary from the name, everyone guessed what the name of this dish is called? This dish is the ten full big soup, which is a very nutritious food, can nourish the body, for some people with weaker bodies, very useful, and then Xiaobian will share the specific production method of this 10 whole big soup to everyone, interested friends can follow the small editor to learn to make it, when they go home on vacation, they can do it for their parents to eat and supplement their bodies.

The salty and umami flavor of the ten full tonic soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body

Name of the dish: Ten Complete Soup.

raw materials

Appropriate amount of sheep's head meat, appropriate amount of lamb, appropriate amount of lamb loin, appropriate amount of sheep ear, appropriate amount of sheep tongue, appropriate amount of sheep's trotter, appropriate amount of lotus seeds, appropriate amount of walnut kernels, appropriate amount of goji berries, appropriate amount of red dates, appropriate amount of angelica, appropriate amount of appendages, appropriate amount of poria, appropriate amount of astragalus, one small spoon of monosodium glutamate, one small spoon of edible salt, two small spoons of cooking wine, 1/3 small spoon of pepper, appropriate amount of bright oil, four small spoons of vegetable oil, 2 kg of fresh soup.

The salty and umami flavor of the ten full tonic soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body


First: take out the astragalus, angelica, poria and wash it with water, then take out a gauze, put the astragalus, angelica, poria and the appendage piece together, put it into the gauze and wrap it well, and make it into a medicinal package.

Second: put the sheep, the sheep's head meat, the sheep's tongue, the lamb, the sheep's hooves, all cleaned, and then put them all into a pot of water, and then boiled it on this high heat, and then put it into pieces after the blood and water blanched.

Third: Take out the lamb loin, remove the waist, then put it in clean water, wash it and make a thin slice.

The salty and umami flavor of the ten full tonic soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body

Preparation method

Step 1: Wash the lotus seeds with water, then place them in a steamer basket, turn them to high heat, steam the lotus seeds and then take them out.

Step 2: Take out a casserole, set the casserole to the fire, then put the appropriate amount of fresh soup in the pot, then put the prepared medicine package into the pot, adjust it to a high heat for stewing, and then add the appropriate amount of goji berries, dates, walnuts, cook for a while, some foam will appear on the surface, and then skim off the foam.

Step 3: After skimming off the foam, you can add raw materials such as lamb tongue and lamb, then you can adjust to a low heat, slowly simmer over low heat, cook for about 30 minutes, and then take out the medicine package.

The salty and umami flavor of the ten full tonic soup is very nutritious and can also nourish the body

Step 4: After fishing out the medicine package, you can put in the appropriate amount of cooking wine and salt to season, and then put the cooked lotus seeds and lamb loin slices into the pot for stewing, until the waist slices are completely broken, you can add MSG and pepper, and then stir it evenly, and finally drizzle with sesame oil, you can put it out of the pot and put it into the bowl, and this delicious soup is completed.

Conclusion: Ten quan big soup can be made with chicken, can also be made with beef, but Xiaobian today is mainly made of lamb, now into the autumn, the weather is gradually cold, eat more lamb can help us warm up the body, have you learned?

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