
The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

author:Yu P big week
The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

Ingredients: corn cob 150 g, ribs 250 g, carrot 50 g, ginger, a little red dates.


1: Peel the corn on the cob, cut into sections, cut the carrots into pieces, cut the ribs into pieces, cut the ginger into pieces, wash the dates and set aside. The ribs are soaked with blood.

2, pour water into the pot (the amount of water to see by yourself, more), after the water boiled, add ginger slices, corn cobs, rib pieces, boil on high heat, change to medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes

Bean sprout mushroom soup

The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

Ingredients: bean sprouts, mushrooms, mushrooms (measure yourself to see oh) ginger peeled and sliced.


1: Boil ginger slices in water, add mushrooms after water is hot, cover with lid.

2: Add the mushrooms to the boil, cook slightly and add the bean sprouts.

3, after the water is boiled again, add an appropriate amount of salad oil, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, adjust the taste and turn off the heat


1, bean seedlings are easy to cook, do not cover the lid after putting in the bean seedlings, otherwise the color of the burned out will be yellow.

2, if there is ready-made chicken soup, you can add some, the taste is not too good.

Winter melon ball soup

The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

Soup ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, 250 grams of pork belly, 10 grams of green onion, a little corn starch, salt, msg.

1. Peel and wash the winter melon, cut into small cubes and set aside.

2. Add the minced pork belly, add salt and corn starch and knead into meatballs. (If you don't like to eat fat, just use pure lean meat)

3. Place the meatballs in a pot first and add an appropriate amount of clean water and simmer over low heat.

4.20 minutes after the winter melon, simmer for 15 minutes, add spices, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

Point: When kneading meatballs, be sure not to forget to add a small amount of corn starch, which can enhance the firmness of the meatballs. Keep their shape so that the meatballs are less likely to be boiled. If you are in trouble, you can also go directly to the meatballs in the supermarket.

Pork ribs kelp soup

The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

Ingredients: pork ribs, kelp knots, ginger slices, refined salt, rice wine.

1, wash and blanch the ribs, put them into a pot of boiling water, put in ginger pieces, put in rice wine, and simmer for 20 minutes on medium heat.

2: Add kelp knots (occasionally add one or two slices of dried red pepper) and continue to simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Add salt, MONOS, etc. to taste, drizzle with sesame oil and serve.

Points: 1, generally for the ribs first, cooked and then add other main ingredients, such as bitter melon, golden needles, winter melon and the like, and then continue to cook

2, accessories in terms of ginger and rice wine is essential.

3, the heat of the soup should also be grasped, do not use the high heat to cook all the time, after the high heat should be boiled slowly with medium heat or low heat to have the taste.

Golden needle chicken soup

The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

Ingredients: 1/2 chicken, 3 enoki mushrooms, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp monosodium glutamate, 2 tsp wine, a little ginger and sesame oil.

(1) Cut the chicken into pieces, wash the blood stains, put it in boiling water and blanch it, and then put it aside for later.

(2) Wash the golden needle and put it aside after soaking soft (of course, you can also use fresh enoki mushrooms), wash and cut the green onion into sections.

(3) After boiling water in the pot, then put the chicken nuggets, wine and ginger slices to boil until boiling, then use medium heat to cook for 10 minutes.

(4) Add the golden needle and roll it slightly, add salt to taste, drain the sesame oil and serve.

Bamboo shoot mushroom soup

The collection of winter ten complete soup at the bottom of the pressure box is a mouthful of moisturizing field!

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