
"Share" ten complete soup preparations

author:Speedy movie editing

Ten complete soup

"Share" ten complete soup preparations

【Ingredients】 10 grams of ginseng, 10 grams of scorched astragalus, 3 grams of cinnamon, 15 grams of cooked ground yellow, 10 grams of stir-fried white art

, 6 grams of stir-fried Sichuan root, 15 grams of angelica, 10 grams of wine white peony, 10 grams of poria, 6 grams of hot licorice, 50 cuttlefish

g, pork 500 g, pork belly 50 g, ginger 30 g, pork offal ribs, green onions, cooking wine, salt, peppercorns,

Appropriate amount of MSG.

【Production process】 Put the above Chinese medicine into a clean gauze bag, tie the mouth and set aside. Pork, cuttlefish, pork belly wash

Clean, pork offal bones washed and beaten, ginger patted and put into an aluminum pot together with a chinese medicine bag, add an appropriate amount of water, put in the peppercorns

, cooking wine, salt, put on the fire to boil, then use the simmer to simmer, when the pork is cooked, pick up the cut strips, and then put it into the soup. Fish out the medicine bag and do not use it.

【How to serve】 Eat meat and drink soup, take 1 time in the morning and once in the evening.

【Efficacy】 Double tonify qi and blood.

【Application】 Qi and blood deficiency or long-term illness and weakness, yellowish complexion, mental fatigue, waist and knee weakness, etc.

【Precautions】 After all the taking, you should eat again at intervals of 5 days. People with colds and colds are fasted.

"Share" ten complete soup preparations

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