
The left side door is difficult to last: Why did Li Guang, a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, drink? What are white rice and yellow rice?

author:A video of the Dust Realm of Shi YuChun

Author: Shi Yuchun

Looking back on the past, yesterday's history is still vividly remembered.

Let's get to the point.

Here, let's talk about Li Guang, a eunuch during the reign of Emperor Xiaozong (Zhu Youfan), about Li Guang's death, about the hidden words of white rice and yellow rice, and about the various things involved in it.

Things also need to start with Ming Xianzong (Zhu Jianshen), the father of Emperor Mingxiaozong.

According to the Ming Dynasty Shen Defu's "Wan Li Ye Zhi Zhi Zhi

During the Chenghua (1465-1487 CE) period, the Xifan monk Da (also known as 劄 [zhā], Zha) Ba JianShan was called Shangshi, and Emperor Mingxian made him the Great Wisdom Buddha of Ten Thousand Acts of Solemnity, The Most Victorious Of Merit, Wisdom Yuanming, Noh Ren Induction, Xianguo Guangjiao, Hongmiao Dahu (一作悟) Dharma King, and Xitian Supreme Vajrapani Puji Great Wisdom Buddha.

A consultation of volume 53 of the Records of Emperor Xianzong of Daming shows that:

The time of his enthronment by the Emperor was in the summer of the fourth year of Chenghua (1468 AD), on the twentieth day of the fourth lunar month.

Later, Emperor Mingxian died, and Emperor Xiaozong of Ming died.

It is reported that when Emperor Mingxiaozong ascended the throne in the twenty-third year of Chenghua (1487 AD), the title of Dapa Jianshan had been removed.

A brief analysis of relevant historical events:

The practice of Emperor Mingxiaozong at the beginning of his reign seemed to be to distinguish it from his father, Ming Xianzong's partial belief in Buddhism, Taoism, and Alchemy.

However, by the ninth year of emperor Ming's reign (1496 AD), Zhu Seemed to have contracted zhu's old habits again, and in this year, he was enthroned as the Western Heavenly Buddha.

In addition, according to Emperor Ming's will, three others, including Emperor Yingqi of the Daolu Division, were also reinstated to their original positions as True Emperor Gaoshi.

The so-called "Daolu Division" here was first placed in the fifteenth year of The Ming Taizu (Zhu Yuanzhang) Hongwu (1382 AD), which belonged to the Ministry of Rites; it was mainly in charge of the affairs related to The Taoists; its chief officials were called Zhengyin and Vice Seal, and there were left and right Zhengyi and Two, Left and Right Yanfa, Left and Right Zhiling, left and right Xuanyi, etc.; in the provinces, the prefecture set up the Dao Ji Division, the Prefecture Dao Zhengsi, and the County Daohui Division.

In the tenth year of Hongzhi (1497 AD), Zhu Youfan took another step forward, and gave the true seals of Wang Yingqi and Chen Yingxun, and gave them edicts (special documents for the emperor to give officials).

The left side door is difficult to last: Why did Li Guang, a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, drink? What are white rice and yellow rice?

In the face of these incidents of sealing the Buddha's path, looking back at the past, the monk Jixiao during the Chenghua period of Emperor Mingxianzong, the official Li Zi Province, etc. were fortunate to enter with the left side of the door, and by the early days of Emperor Xiaozong of Ming, all of these people were cursed.

Everything is just like it happened yesterday.

Since it is said that the monk Jixiao and the official Li Zi Province, considering their commonality with Li Guang, the main character of this article, it is necessary to introduce them one by one.

For the monk Jixiao, see the Ming History, vol. 37, Liechuan, No. 195, "The Biography of Yu Xing Jixiao".

Ji Xiao, a monk of Jiangxia.

During the reign of Emperor Mingxianzong, Ji Xiao was awarded the title of Sanglu Si Zuo Jueyi (左覺義) and was appointed as the Guangshan Guoshi of the Tongyuan Yi Sect(Tongyuan Yi).

The so-called "Sanglu Division" here is of the same nature as the "Daolu Division" above, which was placed in the fifteenth year of Ming Hongwu (1382 AD) and was subordinate to the Ministry of Rites; in charge of the affairs related to the monks; its chief officials were Zhengyin and Vice-Seal, and there were left and right Shanshi, exposition, preaching, enlightenment, etc.; in the provinces, the government set up the Monastic Gang Division, the Prefecture Placed Monk Zhengsi, and the County Monks' Association Division.

This guoshi followed Xiao xiao and lured the emperor to do Buddhist deeds every day.

During this period, due to the construction of the Great Yongchang Temple in the west city of Jingshi, hundreds of people living in it were forced to migrate, and hundreds of thousands of silver were spent on the national treasury.

Later, Lin Junshang asked the imperial court to behead Liang Fang, Ji Xiao and others to thank the world, and as a result, Lin Jun himself was almost killed by the emperor.

Ji Xiao is also a smart person, and when he sees the impeachment wind, he is worried about suffering. Therefore, he asked Emperor Mingxianzong to return to his hometown to serve his mother and ask the emperor for permission, and at the same time, he also asked the emperor to give him an empty name and five hundred dao. Following Xiao's request, Zhu Jianshen agreed to all of them.

However, Ji Xiao's retreat did not escape punishment in the end.

In the early days of Emperor Xiaozong of Ming, because of the words of Kechen Lin Tingyu, Ji Xiao was arrested and abandoned the city.

The left side door is difficult to last: Why did Li Guang, a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, drink? What are white rice and yellow rice?

After saying Jixiao, look at Lizi Province.

For the province of Lizi, see the History of the Ming Dynasty, vol. 377, Liechuan No. 195, "Biography of Yuxing Lizi Province".

Li Zi Province, a native of Nanchang, was once elected to an official position in Beijing as a political secretary, during which time, due to the occurrence of corruption, he hid in the capital and did not return.

At that time, Ming Xianzong liked fangshu, and Li Zi Province learned the Five Thunder Method.

What is the "Five Thunder Law"?

According to the Ming Dynasty Deng Zhimo's "Record of Mantras and Dates" (also known as "The Record of the Curses and Dates of the True People of the True Path"), the third "Sa Jun Bingxin Cultivation Three Immortals Teach Spells" contains:

Nai taught Sa Jun to use the "Five Thunder Dafa" to teach him to remember the gods in his heart, to breathe in his mouth, to carry out the tricks in his hands, to step on his feet, and to send the thunder god to drive away the thunder, which impressed the five wild thunders. He also taught him: Hai is the gate of heaven, and the fire of heaven is raised on the gate of heaven; Kun is the earth household, and the earth fire is raised on the earth household; the thunder gate is the thunder gate, and the thunder fire is raised on the 卯; the thunderbolt fire is raised on the penzi; and the true fire of the sun is three true fires that rise from the sun at noon and before dawn. The thunder of luck is vigorous and violent, and there is an earth-shaking momentum; the fire is fierce, and there is the power of the fierce mountains. In this way, evil spirits are exorcised and destroyed, and they are intimidated, which is called the "Five Thunders Law".

In addition to practicing the Five Thunders, Li Zi Province also made deep friends with the lieutenants Liang Fang, Qian Yi and others.

In this way, Li Zi Province was later used as a charm.

In the fifteenth year of Chenghua (1479 AD), Li Zi Province was specially awarded the title of Taichang Cheng (正六品), but was impeached for embezzlement and changed to Shanglin Yuan Supervisor (正七品).

Subsequently, Li Zi Province offered adultery to the emperor and made adultery with Liang Fang and others, and gradually began to interfere in political affairs.

In the seventeenth year of Chenghua (1481 AD), Li Zi Province was promoted to right Tongzheng (正四品), and he was still in charge of the affairs of the Shanglin Yuan.

At that time, the monk Jixiao and others were all honored and prominent, and they were in cahoots with Li Zi Province.

Since then, although There have been minor setbacks in Lizi Province, the official roads have been smooth and the power has not declined.

It was not until Emperor Xiaozong of Ming ascended the throne that Li Zi Province was placed on the defensive. Subsequently, he was arrested and sent to prison, where he sat in sin and befriended close attendants, and was beheaded according to the law, and his wife was exiled two thousand miles away. The emperor issued an edict to spare him the death penalty, and he remained on the sidelines. Li Zi was beaten and tortured, and died of illness in prison.

The past events of Jixiao and Li Zi Provinces are still in front of us, and the aftermath similar to them continues to occur.

(End of this article)

The left side door is difficult to last: Why did Li Guang, a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, drink? What are white rice and yellow rice?

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