
Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

Literary creation needs to go deep into nature and society, and actively observe and think, and the author must not only have a deep accumulation of life, but also need to read more books and read good books.

The writer Zang Kejia once recalled that when he was studying in Kunming, due to lack of information, he could only read the books that could be borrowed repeatedly, including the poems of Du Fu and Lu You, as well as the poems of the German writer Goethe and the diaries of the Danish thinker Kilkgaard. Such a careful reading made him feel deeply.

So many times, the author may not have the opportunity to experience life firsthand, nor can he travel the world, but he can also get inspiration from books. The following shares Li Daoyuan's famous works, pen and ink condensation, extraordinary skills, Li Bai is also deeply inspired by it.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

Li Daoyuan was a famous geographer and essayist of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He followed his father to explore the waterways since he was a child, and when he grew up, he inspected the ditches in the north alone, and also collected and sorted out various folk tales and ancient legends, and wrote the famous work "Notes on the Water Classics".

This essay records the steep terrain and beautiful scenery of the Three Gorges, and the author uses condensed pen and ink and moving descriptions in a short space to show four landscape paintings, which are unforgettable and immersive.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

The author first depicts the mountain scenery, the majestic Seven Hundred Miles of the Three Gorges, undulating and uninterrupted. Because of the "heavy rocks and mountains, hidden in the sky", the surrounding areas are very bleak, and even sometimes the sun and moon rotation cannot be seen at all, and it is difficult to distinguish various stars. Boats on the river need to be more careful.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

From the two characteristics of "continuous and towering", the author describes the steepness and steepness of the Three Gorges Mountains, and the mountains are surrounded by clear water, so the next step is to write about water.

In the summer, the rain is concentrated and the water is huge, which is very turbulent. From the White Emperor City to Jiangling, although it is thousands of miles away, it can be reached at sunset. The author uses "riding the wind" to compare, even if the galloping horse is not as fast as the boat, which is surprising.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

The poet has fully aroused the reader's interest, but suddenly the pen and ink change, and he writes about the scene of spring and winter. When the water potential weakens, the Three Gorges is another look, only to see the white waves, the deep blue of the river, the swirling of the waves, and the reflection of the green mountains, which looks extremely beautiful and handsome.

The author superimposes landscapes such as "Su Turbulence, Green Pond, Absolute, Strange Cypress, Hanging Spring, Waterfall", which makes people feel dangerous and interesting. The author is worthy of the Northern Wei Dynasty's great talents, "Qing Rong Junmao" and other words, respectively, describing the river, mountain, pine cypress, wild grass, accurate image, not only express the author's comfortable state of mind, but also appear picturesque.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

The last paragraph finally turned to autumn, and the cliffs on both sides of the river took on a different scene. Although the river is still and the grass and trees are withering, there is a feeling of desolation everywhere. Although the mountains and forests are quiet and the water is cool, the mournful song of the apes and the echoes of the empty valley are reminiscent of the fishing songs of Bashu, and if you listen to it yourself, you will wet your clothes with tears.

The author writes the scene of the Three Gorges vividly and vividly, and it seems that the four seasons are distinct. But for some reason, in fact, Li Daoyuan did not conduct a field investigation, but only quoted and imagined according to the content of Yuan Shansong's "Yidu Mountains and Rivers" of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but it made people feel that they were in the limelight, so it can be seen that reading can make people increase their insight and stimulate their thoughts.

Li Daoyuan's famous works, condensed pen and ink, extraordinary skills, Li Bai was also deeply inspired by it

Li Daoyuan's prose is flexible and horizontal, with both real-life depictions and rich imagination. In the summer, the river rushes and flows for thousands of miles, and in the spring and winter, the bixi is clear and the ancient cypress is reflected; in the autumn, the forest is cold and the water is dry, and the mourning apes sing sadly.

The mountains are majestic, the cliffs are steep, the four seasons are distinct, and the nature is harmonious, just like a landscape painting, which makes people wander in the illusion and think. The great poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty read "Chao Fa Bai Emperor, Twilight to Jiangling", which also triggered his own inspiration, and instantly conceived "Early White Emperor City", expressing his excitement and reflecting the infinite charm of the text.

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