
He was a loyal and virtuous vassal of the Northern Wei Dynasty: how legendary was Li Daoyuan's life?

author:A compendium of Chinese history

Li Daoyuan (郦道元), a famous geographer and literary scholar of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was the founder of Travelogue literature in China. Born into a family of official eunuchs, his father Li Fan was the Qingzhou Assassin. Throughout his life, he traveled everywhere, and his fate was uncertain and his career was bumpy. A water is injected, which has been preserved for thousands of years, and is loyal and upright for officials, and his life is finally lost in Huangquan. This Northern Wei zhongliang sage who had a great influence on geography and literature summed up his life in four sentences and two crosses. Interesting history small editor brings you relevant content, interested partners take a look at it.

  First, political career experience

  Because he was born into a family of official eunuchs and his father was also murong Baiyao, a general who assisted the Northern Wei General in attacking the Southern Song Dynasty and successfully taking the Qingzhou Assassin History in Shandong, Li Daoyuan did not rely on the Clan to enter the official arena by his recommendation, as the Hanmen students did. Instead, after the death of his father Li Fan, he inherited the title of Marquis of Yongning and thus entered the career path. Although it is customary to demote the knighthood to an uncle, there is still a knighthood to be added.

  In the autumn of the seventeenth year of Taihe (493), Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei moved the capital to Luoyang, and Li Daoyuan was appointed Shangshulang to accompany the emperor in handling administrative affairs. In the eighteenth year of Taihe (494), Li Daoyuan went out with Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei to tour the north, and was deeply appreciated by the imperial lieutenant Li Biao for his strict law enforcement and clean officials. Subsequently, Li Biao recommended Li Daoyuan to the imperial court, and Li Daoyuan was therefore promoted by Taifu to serve the imperial history. However, the good times were short-lived.

  Li Biao, who served as a lieutenant in the imperial history, was not tolerated by the powerful people in the capital because of his strict performance of his duties as a procurator, his indomitable dignitaries, and his strict law enforcement. In the 22nd year of Taihe (498), when Emperor Xiaowen led an army to personally attack the Southern Dynasty, the Han nobles who remained in Luoyang, mainly the servants Li Chong, joined forces with the Xianbei nobles to launch a cleansing campaign against the newly restored Yushitai, and Li Biao was also arrested and impeached by Li Chong and removed from his official post. Li Daoyuan, who had just been serving as a zhishu attendant for four years, was also dismissed from his post.

He was a loyal and virtuous vassal of the Northern Wei Dynasty: how legendary was Li Daoyuan's life?

  During the reign of Emperor Xuanwu (500-503), Li Daoyuan was sent to Jizhou to serve as the governor of Jizhou. After serving as an official for three years, Li Daoyuan was a clear and honest government, and the law enforcement must be strict, and harsh measures were adopted to punish the traitors and thieves, so that the traitors and thieves fled one after another. In the land under his control, the people lived in peace and were not disturbed by traitors, and Li Daoyuan also spread his prestige, which made the people of Jizhou respected and the bandits and thieves feared. Later, in the first year of the first year of the reign (504), he was transferred to the post of Taishou of Yingchuan.

  In the first year of Yongping (508), Li Daoyuan was transferred to the post of Taishou of Luyang Commandery. Because Luyang was a southern border area, no school had ever been set up, and Li Daoyuan advocated education in order to educate the villagers, and went to the imperial court to establish schools to improve the cultural upbringing of the people in Luyang area. It has made a certain contribution to the development of culture in the border areas.

  During the Yanchang period (512-515), Li Daoyuan served as the Assassin of Eastern Jingzhou, during which time he was a powerful and harsh government, such as in Jizhou. Therefore, he was greatly dissatisfied by the local Manchus, and complained to Emperor Xuanwu, asking his predecessor Shi Kou Zuli to return to Dongjing to resume his post. Later, on the way back to Beijing, he was dismissed for committing a crime. It was not until the fifth year (524) of the Xiaoming Emperor Zhengguang that he was able to rise up and serve as the yin of Henan, governing the capital Luoyang.

  In the same year, the northern Xianbei nobles and pawns launched the Six Towns Rebellion due to the decline in treatment. The Northern Wei Dynasty repeatedly sent troops to suppress it, but it still stood out. The reigning Emperor Xiaoming decided to adopt a policy of Huairou, and ordered li Daoyuan, who had just been restored, to be the head of the festival and the yellow gate attendant, and rushed to the northern towns to march to the border. For his suppression of the frontier rebellion, he was promoted to lieutenant of imperial history.

  From lieutenant Ren Yushi to being delegated to the governor of Ji Prefecture, to being transferred to Luyang Commandery Taishou and Eastern Jingzhou Assassin History, and later reinstating as Henan Yin, marching biansai, and being promoted to Lieutenant Yushi, Li Daoyuan's career can be regarded as bumpy, but he left a different kind of brilliance exclusive to him in this bumpy career.

  Second, travel the world

  In his youth, Li Daoyuan traveled around with his father Li Fan, and under the influence and leadership of his father, Li Daoyuan developed a strong interest in physical geography. When he was a teenager, Li Daoyuan traveled with his father to Shandong, often traveling with friends to visit the nature with mountains and rivers and investigate rivers. During the investigation, the rushing river stirred up flowers, and the sonorous and powerful sound of the water reverberated in the valley, and the beautiful and beautiful river made Li Daoyuan intoxicated. Interest in geography also grew.

  During his travels, books often accompanied Li Daoyuan and became an important part of him that he could not abandon. He was diligent and studious, and had read many strange books, almost all of which were written about geography. He is also extremely serious about reading. Every question strives to be clear and thorough, but the same problem in different books is described differently, and Li Daoyuan is even more responsible for its cause and probe its roots. With the accumulation of time, the quantitative change reached the qualitative change, and the large and qualitative reading made Li Daoyuan have profound knowledge and became a famous scholar at that time.

  However, the ancient geography books at that time were either too complicated or not well described, although they specifically described rivers, they did not have other geographical knowledge other than rivers, and with the passage of time, the geographical situation also changed. Tribes will migrate, place names will change, rivers will change, towns and villages will rise and fall, and the books on geography handed down in ancient times can no longer meet people's needs. Based on his needs and keen interest in geography, Li Daoyuan, during his resignation, began his path of writing books.

  In order to obtain real geographical information, li Daoyuan wrote "Notes on the Water Classics", Li Daoyuan has long conducted field investigations and searched for historical monuments, and his traces have spread all over Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu and other places, and everywhere he goes, Li Daoyuan pays attention to observing the local water flow and terrain, visiting local products and folklore, customs and customs, historical rises and falls, historical monuments and myths and legends. And carefully study and analyze, a large number of historical documents. After a lifetime of hard work, the Notes on the Water Classics came into existence.

  Third, geography has been passed down

  In terms of geography, this is known as the most systematic and comprehensive comprehensive geographical work in ancient China, which not only details the historical relics, character allusions, myths and legends of more than a thousand rivers of all sizes, but also extensively involves other natural phenomena such as geological landforms, natural climate, customs and customs, historical rise and fall of each river basin. It also includes many folk songs and proverb dialects, which have important reference value for the study of China's ancient history and geography.

  In the process of writing the "Notes on the Water Classics", Li Daoyuan recorded some of the stone inscriptions seen during the field investigation, and introduced a large number of historical documents and materials, most of which have been lost in the long river of history and with the passage of time, and the "Notes on the Water Classics" has also become an extremely valuable material for studying the history of the development of Chinese civilization.

He was a loyal and virtuous vassal of the Northern Wei Dynasty: how legendary was Li Daoyuan's life?

  In terms of literature, the use of language in the Notes on the Water Classics is also extremely outstanding. The words and sentences used in the text are extremely vivid and vivid, novel and changeable. For example, in the "Notes on the Water Classic", Li Daoyuan never uses clichés to describe and describe the waterfall, but gives full play to his rich imagination and uses the profound knowledge accumulated by reading books to describe it according to the different forms of the waterfall and in vivid and novel literary language. Such as "Hong", "Hanging Spring", "Hanging Turbulence", "Flying Wave", "Flying Spring", "Flying Turbulence", etc., in addition to the vivid image, it brings readers a refreshing feeling.

  Moreover, from different angles and aspects, he has created a different description language from others. In the "Notes on Water Classics and Clear Water Notes", Li Daoyuan's clarity of water is no longer the "clear water of the river" written by most people, directly describing the clarity of the water, but from the perspective of the fish, he wrote "looking down at the swimming fish, like taking the air." " different statements. It not only allows the reader to intuitively feel the clarity of the water, but also different.

  The fishing songs and folk songs and proverb dialects recorded in them, as the classic mass language handed down from generation to generation in various places, are also brilliant and gorgeous, and the language is fresh and beautiful. In the "Water Jing Zhu Xiang Shui Zhu", Li Daoyuan collects local fishing songs and writes the thousand-curved river road in a beautiful portrait, like a beautiful landscape picture, which complements the vivid image, novel and changeable language written by Li Daoyuan.

  With his love for natural landscapes, profound knowledge, and his extremely wonderful writing language, Li Daoyuan vividly and vividly described the magnificence of the motherland's great rivers and mountains, and created the classic work "Notes on the Water Classics". Presenting the mountains, rivers, humanities, customs, etc. of the motherland in front of people in the form of words, it stimulates people's love for the rivers and mountains of the motherland, and flashes its own great value in history, geography, literature, and patriotic feelings.

  However, this Li Daoyuan, who had great achievements in geography and literature and had a far-reaching influence on future generations, the final outcome was lamentable.

  Fourth, the final outcome

  In the second year of Xiaochang (526), Li Daoyuan was appointed as the general of Annam and the lieutenant of Yushi. In the imperial power struggle between Yuan Hui and Yuan Yuan, Yuan Hui framed Yuan Yuan, and Li Daoyuan, knowing the truth, tried to reveal the facts and collect evidence, and overturned the case for Yuan Yuan, thus offending Yuan Hui. Later, he offended Qiu Nian, the favorite minister of King Yuanyue of Runan, by executing Himonian. He ruled strictly, did not shy away from the powerful and the imperial family, and constantly violated the interests of the powerful and powerful nobles during his official period, damaged their prestige, and was hated by the powerful and even wanted to put him to death.

  In the third year of The Northern Wei Dynasty (527 AD), the Southern Qi imperial family and the Northern Wei Yongzhou assassin Shi Xiao Baoyu launched a rebellion in Chang'an, and in order to discover the falsehood of Xiao Baozhang's rebellion, Emperor Xiaoming consulted with the ministers to send a minister to Yongzhou. Because Li Daoyuan was hated by Yuan Hui, Yuan Yue and other powerful people, they tried their best to encourage Empress Hu to appoint Li Daoyuan as guan right ambassador, hoping to get rid of Li Daoyuan by Xiao Baoyuan's hand.

  In order to successfully get rid of Li Daoyuan, the King of Runan, one step ahead of time, sent people to Yongzhou to spread the rumor that Li Daoyuan was here to dispose of Xiao Baoyuan, and the treacherous plan succeeded. Xiao Baoyuan sent his men to attack Li Daoyuan halfway through and trapped him on the hill of the Yinpan Pavilion. Due to the lack of water, Li Daoyuan and his men were unable to resist and were eventually killed by Xiao Baobao's subordinates. Li Daoyuan, who was an impartial official and strict in enforcing the law, eventually died at the age of fifty-nine.


  This famous geographer, with his talents and knowledge, influenced the development of geography and literature in later generations, and used his strict law enforcement and fearlessness to inspire the admiration of future generations. He was a loyal and virtuous man, and even more a great geographicalr. There are hardships in the career and the sadness of dying, which makes future generations sigh; There are also "Notes on the Water Classics" and the joy of the world, which is passed down through the ages for future generations to learn. Joy or sorrow will eventually continue to rush away with the long river of history.

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