
Northern Wei "ruthless man", Li Daoyuan

author:Han Zhou reads
Northern Wei "ruthless man", Li Daoyuan

Original Image of Yingdo

Li Daoyuan (郦道元), also spelled Shanchang, was born in the second year of Yanxing of Northern Wei (472 AD) in The Second Year of Yanxing of Northern Wei (472 AD).

Born into a family of official eunuchs, his great-grandfather Li Shao served as the Later Yan Puyang Taishou, his grandfather Li Song served as the Northern Wei Tianshui Taishou, and his father Li Fan was the Northern Wei Qingzhou Assassin.

When Li Daoyuan was a teenager, he read the world's strange books, traveled to the north and south of the Huai River, and most of the areas south of the Great Wall, inspected the customs and customs of the people, collected anecdotes, and created the "Notes on the Water Classics", which was timeless and vivid, and pioneered the prose of travel notes.

Li Daoyuan stepped into his career and experienced ups and downs, successively serving as a lieutenant in the imperial history, a general in the North Zhonglang, a qingzhou assassin, a Luyang Taishou, a Henan Yin and other official positions, and was awarded the title of Yongningbo.

The Book of Wei included Li Daoyuan in the "Biography of Cool Officials", how cruel was he?

Let's first look at an extreme figure in the "Biography of the Cool Officials" in the Book of Wei- The Qinzhou Assassin Shi Yu Luohou.

Wang Longke, a commoner in Qin Prefecture, assassinated Wang Qiangnu and Wang Yu for some reason, and the crime should be beheaded.

Wang Longke should have been punished by beheading and showing publicity, but in order to frighten the people in the prefecture, Yu Luohou actually mutilated Wang Longke to death, which was no less than Ling Chi's torture--plucking Longke's tongue, stabbing his own, and stabbing more than twenty sores in his chest and abdomen. ”

Yu Luohou also cut off Wang Longke's limbs, and when he was dying and still breathing, he "beheaded him, disintegrated the four bodies, and hung the road." ”

When the people saw this tragic situation, they complained bitterly, and even triggered a people's rebellion.

Emperor Xiaowu, in order to appease the anger of the people, put Luohou to death.

Li Daoyuan and Yu Luohou were also included in the "Biography of Cool Officials" is too far-fetched, and their "cool achievements" can be described as "lackluster".

The Book of Wei records that when Li Daoyuan was an official and served as the assassin of Eastern Jingzhou, he enforced the law strictly and was not afraid of the powerful, which caused the jealousy of many powerful and imperial families in the territory.

When Li Daoyuan was serving as the Yin of Henan, he offended Yuanyue, the king of Runan.

Northern Wei "ruthless man", Li Daoyuan

Statue of Li Daoyuan

Wang Yuanyue of Runan has a same-sex friend Qiu Nian, and the two often eat and live together, inseparable.

Yuanyue has an unusual orientation from ordinary people, likes male color, hates women, and beats concubines at every turn, while she is extremely fond of her boyfriend Qiu Nian.

Yuan Yue was serving as the pastor of Si Prefecture (in eastern Luoyang, Henan), and the promotion of officials in the prefecture depended on Qiu Nian.

Li Daoyuan was determined to get rid of this unconventional Qiu Nian, who often hid in Yuan Yue's palace and occasionally returned home, li Daoyuan took advantage of Qiu Nian's return home once, arrested him and put him in prison.

Wang Yuanyue of Runan was greatly dissatisfied and worried that her boyfriend Qiu Nian would be killed, so he asked his mother-in-law Empress Dowager Hu to come forward and pardon Qiu Nian.

Upon learning of the news, Li Daoyuan killed Qiu Nian before the pardon decree was issued, and impeached Wang Yuanyue of Runan, for conniving at his subordinates to sabotage the rule of officials and other illegal acts.

Li Daoyuan thus offended Yuanyue, the king of Runan, and at that time, the Yongzhou assassin Shi Xiao Baoyu had already shown signs of rebellion, and Yuanyue came up with a trick to kill people with a knife.

Therefore, Yuanhui, the King of Chengyang, instigated Empress Dowager Hu to appoint Li Daoyuan as guanyou's ambassador to appease and monitor Xiao Baoyu.

Xiao Baoyu was very jealous of Li Daoyuan's appointment, fearing that his arrival would sabotage his "grand plan".

Yuan Yue also secretly instigated Xiao Baojie and sent Guo Zihui (郭子復) of the Xingtai Lang to besiege the upcoming Li Daoyuan at the Yinpan Pavilion.

The "History of the North" records that Li Daoyuan and his party were in the position of the hill and had no water source, so they ordered their entourage to dig a well in the hill, and there was no water for more than ten meters, and the group lost their physical strength due to lack of water and lost their ability to resist.

Guo Zihui sent his men over the wall, Li Daoyuan "blinded the thief, screamed and died", before being killed, he was stunned and reprimanded the thief Kou, who was only fifty-five years old at the time, and at the same time, li Daoyuan's two younger brothers, Li Daojun and Li Daobo, and two sons, the eldest son, Li Boyou, and the second son, Li Zhongyou.

Xiao Baoyuan sent people to collect Li Daoyuan and others, and transported the coffin to chang'an City East for burial.

In the first year of Wutai (528), the imperial court recaptured Chang'an and posthumously honored Li Daoyuan as the official Shangshu, Jizhou Assassin, and Anding County, and Li Daoyuan's third son, Li Xiaoyou, inherited his father's title.

Li Daoyuan was a clean and honest official, law enforcement was like a mountain, before his death, his righteousness was awe-inspiring, he was martyred, he should have been in the ranks of loyal subjects, why was he included in the "Biography of Cool Officials"?

The Book of Wei makes no mention of Li Daoyuan's martyrdom, while the Northern History is an independent biography of Li Daoyuan and records the details of Li Daoyuan's generous death.

Why did Wei Zhao, the author of the Book of Wei, deliberately conceal the deeds of Li Daoyuan's martyrdom?

Historical records say that Wei Shou was "good at vocal music and good at hu dance", and was a very frivolous person, who was quite arrogant and conceited that he could obtain the qualification to write history, and took the opportunity to complain about his gratitude.

Wei Hui once arrogantly declared, "What kind of thing is your boy?" Dare to shake your face with me Wei, I use my pen to lift you, I can go to heaven, slander you, you can go to hell! ”

Wei Shuo was more than thirty years younger than Li Daoyuan, so why didn't he let Li Daoyuan "go to heaven"?

Northern Wei "ruthless man", Li Daoyuan

Water is injected

Zhao Yiqing, a Scholar of the Qing Dynasty and an expert on the Study of the Water Classics, boldly speculated that perhaps Wei Shuo and Li Dao elements had a vendetta, and Wei Shuo was jealous of Li Daoyuan's talent.

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