
Li Daoyuan, a native of Zhuozhou, Northern Wei Dynasty, said: "Study geography, fight corruption and promote honesty" are not wrong

author:Guanhai Tea House

Li Daoyuan (c. 470–527), a chinese character. Han Chinese, fanyang Zhuo County (now Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province). Northern Wei Dynasty writer, geographer, and essayist.

In Daoyuan Village, the office of Qingliang Temple in Zhuozhou City, a "Former Residence of Li Daoyuan" was built. The former residence was rebuilt in 1995 and covers an area of 3493.12 square meters.

Entering the gate, at the door is a statue of Li Daoyuan. The plaque on the front door reads: "Good longevity". Next to the door stands a plaque that reads: "China Li Daoyuan Research Institute".

In the former residence, there are five main rooms, which contain a statue of Li Daoyuan who wrote the "Notes on the Water Classics" with a bronze statue, and there are large murals of landscape figures on both sides. There are three rooms in the east and three rooms in the west wing, and the indoor exhibition has poems from the former residence of Yong Li Daoyuan and poems from Yong Li Pavilion.

Li Daoyuan, a native of Zhuozhou, Northern Wei Dynasty, said: "Study geography, fight corruption and promote honesty" are not wrong

A geographical magnum opus

When we were in middle school, I remembered learning a text called "Three Gorges":

From the 700 miles of the Three Gorges, the two sides of the river are connected by mountains, with no gaps; heavy rocks are stacked on top of each other, and the sky is hidden from the sun. Since the midnight equinox of the pavilion, there is no moon...

This text is from Li Daoyuan's "Notes on the Water Classics".

The Water Classics are named after the Water Classics, the first monograph on water systems in China, but only more than 10,000 words and lack of systematicness.

Li Daoyuan, a native of Zhuozhou, Northern Wei Dynasty, said: "Study geography, fight corruption and promote honesty" are not wrong

The "Notes on the Water Classics" seems to be an annotation to the "Water Classics", but in fact, it takes the Water Classics as the guideline, and records in detail more than a thousand large and small rivers and related historical sites, characters, myths and legends, etc., which is the most comprehensive and systematic comprehensive geographical work in ancient China.

Before the Qin Dynasty, there were already many geography books in China, because the productive forces at that time were not developed enough, people's concept of geography was not clear, and most of the works were virtual, such as: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", "The Biography of Mu Tianzi", "Yu Gong" and so on.

Li Daoyuan opposed "fictional geography", and in the preface to the Notes on the Water Classics, he proposed his own research and working methods, that is, to attach importance to field investigation.

Li Daoyuan, a native of Zhuozhou, Northern Wei Dynasty, said: "Study geography, fight corruption and promote honesty" are not wrong

Li Daoyuan was a second-generation official, and his father was the Pingdong general Li Fan.

When Li Daoyuan was a teenager, his father served as the assassin of Qingzhou, and he followed his father to visit the Shandong waterways from an early age, and later he traveled to the Qinling Mountains, north of the Huai River and south of the Great Wall, inspecting the rivers and ditches and collecting relevant information.

For the Purpose of the Commentary on the Water Classic, he "read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles." Not only did it collect a large number of literature and materials, but also recorded about 350 kinds of Han and Wei gold stone inscriptions, but also collected many folk songs, proverb dialects, legends and stories, etc., and personally inspected the field, with a very rigorous attitude.

Li Daoyuan's "Notes on the Water Classic" not only created the history of ancient realism in China, but also occupied an important position in the history of the development of world geography.

Anti-corruption pioneer

Li Daoyuan not only wrote the "Notes on the Water Classic", he was also a good official who opposed corruption and promoted honesty.

In 489 AD, Li Fan died, Li Daoyuan inherited his father's title, entered the official field, and li Daoyuan's style in the official career was strict law enforcement and harsh government.

When he was the governor of JiZhou, even the robbers and thieves were frightened and fled for their lives.

Of course, Li Daoyuan is also not soft on the magnates, and the anti-corruption work is very well done.

In the fourth year (523) of Emperor Xiaoming of Wei, Li Daoyuan served as The Yin of Henan and was responsible for governing the capital Luoyang.

There was a runan king in Luoyang, who liked to raise some beautiful male pets, among whom there was a man named Qiu Nian, who was supported by the king of Runan, arrogant, overbearing, and blatantly selling officials, often looting the people's fat and people's cream, embezzling and accepting bribes, gold, silver and jewelry, and countless others.

Li Daoyuan, a native of Zhuozhou, Northern Wei Dynasty, said: "Study geography, fight corruption and promote honesty" are not wrong

After Li Daoyuan took office, he heard about Qiu Nian's bad behavior, and he was determined to find evidence and bring him to justice.

In order for the people to live a stable life, he worked tirelessly day and night to investigate, and finally found sufficient evidence and arrested Qiu Nian in prison.

When the King of Runan, he quickly asked Empress Dowager Hu to order Qiu Nian's life, and as a result, Li Daoyuan actually killed Qiu Nian before the order was given.

It can be seen from this that Li Daoyuan is really a good official with a strong sense of justice, anti-corruption and clean government.

In his life, Li Daoyuan was a man of integrity and meticulousness, and he was both a historical celebrity in Zhuozhou and a historical celebrity in China.

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