
Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

author:The Mirror Man
Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

【Learning Objectives】

1, knowledge and ability: the accumulation of often, word and sentence style; dredge the text, grasp the general idea.

2, process and method: teach to read the text, understand the content; comb the structure, write the scene method.

3, emotional attitudes and values: feel the author's magnificent and poignant scenery of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, and stimulate the love of the motherland's rivers and mountains.

【Learning Content】

Focus: Accumulate words, dredge the text, read the text repeatedly, and grasp the key points and characteristics of the scene in each paragraph.

Difficulty: Experience the magic of the overall layout of the article and grasp the author's thoughts and feelings.

【Core Issues】

In what order and in what way does the author depict the scene of the Three Gorges?

【Lesson Schedule】

Lesson 1: Cultural knowledge, geographical background, first reading perception

Lesson 2: Study the text, unblock the words, and read them well

Lesson 3: Summarize the writing method, compare and read, accumulate and expand


Extracurricular reading: Liu Baiyu's "Three Days of the Yangtze River", Nanfan's "Memory of Sichuan", Lou Zhaoming's "Three Gorges Stone", Yu Qiuyu's "Three Gorges", Lai Rui and "Du Fu's Five Cities into the Three Gorges under Shu"; "Notes on water classics" describe Mengmen Mountain, Juma River, Huangniutan, Xiling Gorge, etc. Watch the TV movie "Talking about the Yangtze River" about the "Three Gorges".

Lesson 1

【Four-Ring Introduction】

1, read aloud before class, memorize and prepare, teachers randomly check and evaluate.

2, the introduction of new lessons: Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes "pairs of pairs", "symmetrical structure", for example, the use of words and phrases is often correct: heaven and earth, men and women, mountains and rivers, up and down, yin and yang; and other example, architectural structure pays attention to axis symmetry and so on. However, there are also jagged cultural psychology that attaches importance to the singular, such as: misfortune is not a single line, blessings are incomparable, and things are not three; there are also three people, three Tibetan masters, no matter does not ascend the three treasure halls, three religions (Confucianism) Nine Streams, Fu Xi painting Gua Sanyao, Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching": "Dao Sheng one, one life two, two birth three, three lives all things"... All such things attach importance to the singular, especially the number "three".

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

3, the introduction of the topic: we study the article, the title also has "three" (teacher board book). Therefore, when the cultural psychology of the literati and inkers overlapped and even merged with the magnificent natural landscape, one beautiful text after another and one poem after another were born.

Q: What does the "Three Gorges" refer to? (Students look for books under the notes)

(Picture and text display, teacher added: The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, also known as the Gorge River or the Great Three Gorges, is located on the main stream of the Yangtze River in the areas of Chongqing, Enshizhou and Yichang in China, from the White Emperor City in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west, through Enshi, to Nanjinguan in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east.)

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is located in the hinterland of China, belonging to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, spanning Chongqing Fengjie, Chongqing Wushan, Hubei Badong, Hubei Zigui, Hubei Yichang. In addition to the famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, there are attractions called the Three Gorges on many rivers across the country. Famous projects include: Three Gorges Dam, Three Gorges Hydropower Station, Three Gorges Reservoir.

After four years of research, the research group "Research on the Development and Environmental Evolution of the Three Gorges Valley of the Yangtze River" led by Yuan Daoxian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Southwest University, has made a major breakthrough, established a complete chronological sequence of the Yangtze River terraces in the Three Gorges region for the first time, and determined that the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River were formed 2 million years ago.

: Alias 虁峡. From the White Emperor City in Fengjie County in the west to the Daxi Town in Wushan County in the east, the total length is 8 kilometers, and the scenery is the most majestic and dangerous. There are Fengjie Ancient City, Eight Arrays, Yufu Pagoda, Ancient Boardwalk, Bellows Gorge, Pink Wall, Mengliang Ladder, Rhino Lookout Moon. The story of Liu Huang's uncle Tuo Lonely stems from this.

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

: From Xiangxikou in the west to Nanjinguan in the east, with a total length of 76 kilometers, it is named after Xiling Mountain in Yichang City. There is a "White Bone Tower" named after the bones of dead shipwrights.

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

: From the mouth of the Daning River in the east of Wushan County, Chongqing City in the west to the Guandu Port in Badong County, Hubei Province in the east, it stretches for 45 kilometers. Famous landscapes include: The Twelve Peaks of the Goddess, the Little Three Gorges, the Little Three Gorges, and the Ancient Town of Dachang. )

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

Q: What does "gorge" mean? (Glyphs, waterways sandwiched between two mountains).

4, the introduction of text: so we can guess that the author must have described the "mountains" and "water" of the Three Gorges. So in what order and structure does the author use to depict the scenery of the Three Gorges landscape?

(First Reading Perception)

1. Students combine Zhuyin annotations and read texts by themselves.

2, the student representative reads, the rest of the students listen to read, put forward the pronunciation, pause, tone and other views.

3, the teacher corrects, demonstrates reading; students read by themselves; read together again.

Lesson 2

(Study and comprehension)

1, read the text together and grasp the general idea.

2. Refer to the annotations, self-study texts.

3. Deciphering sentences, students try (specifying students to translate specified sentences or interpret keyword words)

4, teachers correct, assist in understanding, supplement literary knowledge.

Reference translation: In the seven hundred miles of the Three Gorges, the two sides are connected mountains, and there is no interruption at all. Overlapping rocky mountains, the sky is hidden from the sun, and if it is not in the middle of the noon, the sun and moon cannot be seen.

In the summer, the water floods the mountains, and the upward and downward channels are blocked and isolated. Sometimes the emperor ordered an urgent announcement, and then in the morning (by boat) from the White Emperor City, in the evening to Jiangling, in the middle of which twelve hundred miles, even on a galloping horse and riding the wind, it was not so fast.

In the spring and winter, there are rapids that stir up white waves, turquoise pools, swirling waves, and reflected shadows. Most of the extremely high mountains are full of strange cypress trees, flying down the mountain spring waterfall, rushing between the mountains, the water is clear and the trees are glorious, the mountains are high and grassy, and there is a lot of fun.

Every morning when it is just sunny and frosty, the forest and mountain stream are cold and severe, and there are often apes in the high places to elongate the sound of chirping, continuous, miserable and desolate, spreading echoes in the empty valley, (sound) sadness and elegance, a long time before disappearing. Therefore, the fisherman's song sang: "The Three Gorges of Padang is long, and the apes sing three tears." ”

5, comb the content, brief analysis of the writing method, the formation of the board book (can be combined with the text dredging at the same time, can also be extracted separately)

Write mountains (1): continuous, cover the sky, overlap peaks, majestic and dangerous (total write the whole, omitted)

Writing Water: Summer (2): Unrestrained And Majestic (Side, Contrast, Exaggeration)

Spring and Winter (3): Clear and Wonderful (Combination of Pitching and Static) (Divided into Four Seasons, Detailed)

Autumn (4): Cold and Mournful (Environmental Rendering, Reference Deepening)

Reflection 1: How does the author arrange the details of the content? Why is it written this way? (Slightly mountain detailed water.) The author is annotating the river water, focusing on writing about the water. )

Reflection 2: Why start in the summer?

(1) In terms of content momentum: water is prosperous in summer, so "summer water" is written as the head, and the grandeur of the mountain in front is more consistent in terms of momentum.

(2) In terms of causal logic: the characteristics of the three gorges summer water are determined by the continuous majestic and dangerous characteristics of the mountains. First write that the summer water is closely connected with the first paragraph.

(3) Unrestrained and majestic and cold and mournful, with the help of the transition between spring and winter, so that the emotional changes are natural and smooth without abruptness (bold - graceful).

Lesson 3

Summary: Writing techniques, artistic characteristics

(1) The author conceives the article from the two aspects of "mountain" and "water", and the level is concise and clear. Writing mountain mainly presents the overall image and gives people a shock. Writing water is divided by seasons, and the specific description highlights the characteristics of different seasons. The description of less than two hundred words uses a variety of techniques, which can be described as "although the sparrow is small and complete", it is small and exquisite. (Content Structure Level)

(2) The characteristics of language are obviously revealed in the uniformity and strictness of the sentence pattern and rich in changes.

First: the article is mostly four-word, catchy to read, and the sound is harmonious.

Second: the grammatical structure of the four-character sentence is strict: heavy rock stacking, hidden sky and sun, huiqing reflection (verb + noun, verb phrase); Su Turbulent Green Pond (shape + name, fixed phrase); Lin Hanjian Su (name + shape, subject verb phrase).

Third, on the basis of the four-word sentence, use virtual words or one or two words to connect and foil, so that the ideography is more fluent and complete, the sentence structure, length and length change, and the tone is soothed in the urgency and clarity, making the article more charming to read. (As for the Xia Shui XiangLing, the midnight minutes of the Zifei Pavilion, the green pools of The Plain Turbulence, the first frost of the sun, and the long roar of tall apes.) )

Therefore, from the arrangement of content structure, the choice and writing of scenery, the skill of using words and phrases, etc., it is clear that Li Daoyuan is a good writer. use

(So what is authorship?) Sketch out the key information in the book. Introduction author introduction summary)

(Exhibition Sharing)

(1) Brief introduction of the author's works:

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

, a native of Zhuozhou ,范阳涿州; present-day Zhuozhou, Hebei). Son of the Pingdong general Li Fan.

He also wrote thirteen articles of the Benzhi and the Seven Appointments, but they have all been lost.

A brief account of the waterways of 137 major rivers in the country is given, and the original text is only more than 10,000 words. Li Daoyuan takes the "Water Classic" as the outline, details 1252 large and small rivers and related historical sites, character palms, myths and legends, etc., is the most comprehensive and systematic book in ancient China, and also records many inscriptions and fishing songs and folk songs, with brilliant writing, beautiful language, and has. Because many of the large number of documents cited in the book have been lost, the "Notes on the Water Classics" has preserved many materials and has a lot of reference value for the study of ancient Chinese history and geography.

6, Summary: Northern Wei Li Daoyuan "Water Commentary"

(1) Annotate the Water Classic, supplementing the development. (2) Comprehensive geographical works with literary and cultural value. (3) Remember the northern rivers, consult literature, and conduct field investigations. (4) Record the southern rivers, write about the collection, and choose processing.

(In addition to this article, what other poems are related to the Three Gorges?) The first is what we are familiar with... )

(2) Poetry Comparison Reading: Can you name some connection between this poem and this article?

Early White Emperor City (White Emperor Xiajiangling)

Don Lee Bai

Between the clouds of the White Emperor, a thousand miles of Jiangling returned in one day.

The apes on both sides of the strait could not stop crying, and the light boat had already passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains.

(Tip: You can compare the content and genre; try to find the sentence that corresponds to the poem and the text, and writes the same scenery)

1, "Early White Emperor City" and "Three Gorges" both depict the scenery of the Three Gorges.

2, the former is poetry, the latter is travelogue prose.

3, the second paragraph of the article and the first, second and fourth sentences of the poem confirm, all show that the three gorges water flow speed in the summer is extremely fast; the fourth paragraph of the article corresponds to the third sentence of the poem, which is written with continuous ape sounds; the first paragraph of the article corresponds to the "Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains" in the poem.

Grade 8 (Part 1): Teaching Design of "Three Gorges" by Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty

(3) Extracurricular expansion accumulation

Three Gorges of the Yangtze River (Tang Baijuyi)

Qutang Gorge is low in estrangular smoke, and the white emperor city head west in the first month.

Singing to the throat of the bamboo branches, the cold ape chirped for a while.

Entering the Gorge of Badong (Tang Baijuyi)

Wushan twilight foot wet flower rain, Longshui spring more against the waves of wind.

Two pieces of red flags sounded several drums, so that jun sternss went up to Padang.

Night Rain Sent North (Tang Li Shangyin)

Ask the jun to return to the period is not in date, bashan night rain rise autumn pool.

He Dang cut the candle in the west window together, but said that when it rained at night.

Song of the Three Gorges (Southern Song Dynasty Land Tour)

The Twelve Witch Mountains see the Nine Peaks, and the bow of the ship is full of autumn sky.

Twilight rain in the clouds, one night apes cry in the middle of the moon.

Qu Tang Gorge (Qing Zhang Qing Hai)

The gorge is idle day by day, and the flat boat is rarely painted.

It will be a thousand pipes of exquisite pen, it is difficult to write about the mountains on both sides of the Qu and Tang Dynasties.

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