
How do you eat seafood in the winter?

author:Knowledge is Power Magazine

(Author: Liu Yadan, chief science communication expert of China Fisheries Society, Yao Guocheng, aquatic expert of Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries, original works, reprint please indicate that knowledge is the power of WeChat public account)

Opening remarks

People say that eating seafood is seasonal, as the saying goes, sorghum red time is the best season to eat seafood, but in the cold winter, people still can't resist the temptation of seafood, don't look at such a cold day, the seafood market is still very lively. So how to visit the seafood market in winter? What varieties can we choose from in winter? How do I eat it to be more delicious? Let's ask an aquatic expert to help us answer the questions!

Don't say no with seafood in winter

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the concept of eating fish health has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is known that aquatic products are rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, which help to reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, which is very beneficial to the body of all kinds of people. The aquatic products are comprehensively nutritious, and the DHA contained in it has a brain function, which can maintain the normal function of the retina and delay memory decline. In addition, the concept that eating fish can live a long life has also been generally recognized by all countries in the world, fish is a variety of nutritionally balanced food, the elderly often eat fish can reduce blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis.

How do you eat seafood in the winter?

However, in the winter, people say that in winter, we should eat less cold food and eat less seafood, which is actually unscientific. Eating seafood in winter is very good, and the seafood meat that enters the dormant period in winter is fat and delicious, and it can withstand the cold when eaten. Winter will accelerate the consumption of iodine and iron by the human body, resulting in a relative shortage of iodine, iron and other elements, slowing down blood circulation, and then making people more afraid of cold. The iodine and iron content in seafood such as shellfish is much higher than that of ordinary foods, and eating seafood is the best way to supplement iodine and iron. In addition, eating oysters, scallops, shrimp, conch and other seafood has a hypnotic effect, and people with sleep disorders can eat more seafood to alleviate insomnia symptoms.

There are also many varieties of seafood in winter

First of all, the seafood on the market in winter is different from several other seasons. Today we will talk about the seafood varieties listed in winter, you no longer have to worry about how to choose the seafood market in winter!

1. Pike crab

How do you eat seafood in the winter?

Although the winter river crab is no longer the season of chrysanthemum crab fat, the pike crab in the sea and the blue crab at the junction of sea and fresh water are the fat season. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, etc.; Crab has the effect of relieving muscles and strengthening qi, rationalizing the stomach and digesting food, passing through the meridians, dissipating heat, and dispersing blood stasis. Crab meat tastes salty and cold, has the function of clearing heat, dispersing stasis and nourishing yin, and can treat bruises, tendon fractures and so on.

2. Marine fish

Marine fish are also delicious in winter. Striped fish, yellow croaker, pomfret (flat fish), squid, sardines, cod, tuna, salmon are high in nutritional value, marine fish unsaturated fatty acids can reduce the low-density cholesterol in the blood, while also resisting blood clotting, thereby reducing the chance of the elderly suffering from coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke in winter.

3. Abalone

How do you eat seafood in the winter?

For ordinary people, abalone, ginseng, wings and belly are not affordable for everyone, but with the development of abalone farming, eating abalone in winter is not a dream. Baoke is a monohull shellfish, the meat is soft and smooth, not other seafood can be compared, it is rich in globulin, nourishing yin, flat liver, solid kidney and supplement not dry, no toothache, nosebleeds and other side effects; its meat contains an ingredient called "baosu", which can destroy the necessary metabolic substances of cancer cells, is an anti-cancer food on the table.

4. Scallops

Scallops are also one of the precious varieties of seafood shellfish and are internationally recognized as high-grade aquatic products. The average content of liver sugar is 5.43%, but also contains hexine, succinic acid, for the "world's best"; scallops also have the effect of nourishing yin, tonifying kidneys, etc., and have a curative effect on physical weakness, loss of appetite, dizziness in both eyes, malnutrition and other diseases.

5. Oysters

Oysters are known as "ocean milk", is a traditional tonic medicinal food, rich in high-quality protein, amino acids, glycogen, taurine, etc., medical and edible value is very high; "Materia Medica": "cure weakness, aphrodisiac, detoxification, tonic male and female qi and blood, so that the skin is delicate, anti-aging"; oyster meat contains trace elements zinc that can promote children's intelligence, so it is also known as "nootropic seafood".

6. Clams

In addition, a variety of clams, such as clams, flower clams and other delicious countless, its tender and fresh meat, rich in nutrition, for clams, known as "the world's first fresh", but also has a high therapeutic and medicinal value. Its soft part contains a large number of amino acids, proteins and rich vitamins, especially histidine and arginine content is high, more food can prevent and treat chronic tracheitis, lymph nodes and other diseases; clam extract has an inhibitory effect on animal transplant tumors, clinical use in lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and so on has a certain effect.

7. Freshwater fish

How do you eat seafood in the winter?

For northerners, the grass carp bighead carp is also a delicacy in winter. Winter under-ice fishing with local characteristics such as major reservoirs and lakes in the northeast region, especially the winter fishing of Chagan Lake in the most famous Jilin Province, is admirable to see big fish jumping around on the ice on TV.

The way to eat is to pay attention to one, two and three

First, it is best not to eat aquatic products with cold food. Aquatic products are cold by nature, and it is best to avoid eating with some cold foods, such as cucumbers and other vegetables. After meals, you should not drink some cold drinks such as soda and ice water and cold drinks such as chrysanthemum tea, and pay attention to eating less or not eating cold fruits such as pears, so as not to cause physical discomfort.

The second is to try not to produce raw aquatic products. Fresh fish, shrimp, shellfish, etc. are delicacies on the table, these aquatic products are delicious and nutritious when heated, but some people like raw or semi-raw food, thinking that this tastes better. Raw aquatic products include sashimi, raw lobster slices, raw snail slices, fresh shellfish, etc., which are only rinsed with water or cold boiled water before consumption and cut into fish fillets, dipped in condiments; semi-raw aquatic products include stir-frying, hot, blanching, shabu-shabu, frying, roasting and other cooking methods, and are eaten when the aquatic products are not cooked thoroughly. These ways of eating are easy to bury hidden dangers for the human body.

How do you eat seafood in the winter?

The third is to eat crabs and other cold aquatic products, so it needs to be accompanied by cold repellents. Eat crab to hot wine and ginger vinegar, hot wine to remove crabs, ginger temperature can drive away cold, vinegar can eliminate appetizers, scatter blood stasis, but also remove fishy smell.

Fourth, eat crustacean aquatic products such as crabs and do not eat with tannic acid-containing fruits. The reason is that crab meat is rich in protein, and persimmons contain a lot of tannic acid, and these two substances will react with each other to form proteins that coagulate into lumps, and our stomachs have a hard time digesting this product. Therefore, if someone eats crab and eats persimmons, it can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomfort.

Seeing this, do you have the urge to go to the seafood market? It turns out that there are many options for eating seafood in winter, and there are many exquisite drops! So, don't think that only summer and autumn have delicious seafood! In winter, we can still enjoy the delicious life brought to us by seafood!

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