
Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

author:China Daily

Winter is getting colder and colder, the body is weak when easy to get sick, everyone is dressed like rice dumplings, where do not want to go, that winter can eat some cold-resistant food, so that everyone is not afraid of the cold, then what food to eat in winter health? Which foods have cold resistance?

Nuts are very rich in vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients, if you can use more nuts in winter to help us produce heat energy, promote blood circulation, so as to resist the cold. So what nuts are good to eat in winter.

1. Pistachios: control blood pressure

Two handfuls of shelled pistachios contain more potassium than a banana. Potassium is essential for regulating blood pressure and balancing the negative effects of too much table salt. Potassium enters the body to combat the increase in pressure and vascular damage caused by sodium, so moderate intake of potassium is very beneficial for controlling blood pressure. The fat component in pistachios is unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, which have the effect of softening blood vessels, and the vitamin E contained in it can anti-aging and enhance physical fitness.

To keep pistachios fresh, it's also important to store them when they're bought home. First of all, put the pistachios in a frozen, sealed container, or put them in the refrigerator for long-term preservation; To remain crisp after hulling, the pistachios should be baked for 10 to 15 minutes. All pistachios in large containers should be shaken regularly to ensure freshness.

2, walnuts: anti-Alzheimer's disease

The American Dietetic Association recommends that it is best to eat walnuts two or three times a week, especially middle-aged and elderly people and menopausal women, because the arginine, oleic acid, antioxidant substances, etc. contained in walnuts can play a role in protecting the cardiovascular system, and can also effectively prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and so on. In addition, walnuts can also prevent dry and cracked skin in winter. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, help prevent dryness from the inside out, and this fatty acid keeps skin healthy.

In general, the weight of walnut kernels taken per day should be around 20-40 grams, which is about the equivalent of 4-5 walnuts. At the same time, other fat intake should be appropriately reduced to avoid excessive caloric intake. Some people like to peel off the thin brown skin on the surface of the walnut kernel, which will lose some nutrients, so do not peel off this thin skin. Walnuts are hot and faty, and eating too much will make people on fire and nausea, and people who are on fire and diarrhea should not eat.

3. Pine nuts: anti-aging, emollient and beauty

Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

Winter Wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold

You would never have imagined that pine nuts are extremely rich in vitamin E and can be said to be the champion of all nuts. The main effects of vitamin E are beauty and beauty, anti-aging and other effects, and it is the closest friend of the majority of women. Pine nuts also contain a large number of minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which can provide the body with rich nutrients, strengthen muscles and bones, and eliminate fatigue.

The unsaturated fatty acids contained in pine nuts have the effect of enhancing brain cell metabolism, maintaining brain cell and nerve function, and are good brain products for brain workers. The daily dosage is 20-30 grams.

4, peanuts: blood replenishment and heart protection

Peanuts are rich in nutrients, and each 100 grams of peanuts provides more than half of the daily protein the body needs. If you regularly eat peanuts can replenish blood, but also tonify the spleen and lungs, moisturize the skin The journal "Nutrition" pointed out that people who regularly eat peanuts can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 300,000%. Researchers believe that the fatty acid composition in peanuts, combined with the action of other components, can reduce the content of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and make the heart healthier.

Fresh peanuts are best eaten with shells, and cooked peanuts are not only easy to digest and absorb, but also make full use of the health care effects of peanut shells and inner red coats. Eat it with red jujube boiled porridge, which can replenish the spleen and blood, stop bleeding. It has a certain effect on spleen deficiency and blood deficiency and anemia, and is especially beneficial to women's health.

5, pecan fruit: brain tonic, blood lipids

Pecans are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, have high nutritional value, and have the effect of tonifying the brain and reducing blood lipids. People with neurasthenia and insomnia can eat several longevity fruits every morning and evening, which can receive tonic treatment. The trace elements zinc and manganese contained in pecans are important components of the pituitary gland, and regular food is beneficial to the nutritional supplement of the brain, and has a brain nootropic effect. The amount of consumption per day should not exceed 5, and more will make you fat, and it will also affect blood lipids.

You can crush the nuts and put them in to make pastries, or add them to milk, yogurt, ice cream to make nut milk, nut milk, etc. In addition, you can also use the crumbs of nuts as a seasoning, when cooking, boiling soup, cooking porridge, sprinkle some, which can increase the aroma of the dish, make people appetite, but also eat nuts, supplement nutrition, can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

6, almonds: moisturize the lungs, clear the accumulation of food

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" lists the three major effects of almonds: moisturizing the lungs, clearing the accumulation of food, and scattering. Almonds are rich in protein, trace elements and vitamins. It has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, suppressing cough, slippery intestine, etc., and has a certain alleviating effect on dry cough without sputum, lung deficiency and cough for a long time. Almonds, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, protect both the human heart and skin cells and nourish the skin. In addition, antioxidants such as vitamin E and flavonoids in almonds have a significantly improving effect on skin roughness and aging.

Eating almonds with yogurt and cereal works best, and it's also a good choice to make salads or pair them with rice. For lunch or dinner, you can add almonds to a leafy dish to make the dish richer.

7, cashew nuts: eliminate fatigue

Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

Cashews contain twice as much iron as beef. Iron helps oxygenate the whole body, and iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and loss of concentration. Cashew nuts are rich in oil, which not only moisturizes the intestines and laxatives, but also helps to moisturize and beautify the skin. The content of vitamin B1 in cashew nuts is second only to sesame seeds and peanuts, which has the effect of replenishing physical strength and eliminating fatigue.

For people with allergies, it is recommended not to eat cashew nuts, patients with allergic constitutions, after eating cashew nuts will immediately appear allergic shock reaction, such as timely rescue, the consequences are unimaginable. People who do not understand their own constitution, when eating cashew nuts for the first time, can first eat one or two capsules, and after ten minutes, if there is no allergy, they can continue to eat.

8, hazelnuts: lower blood pressure and lower fat

Among the "four major nuts in the world", hazelnuts not only have the longest history of being eaten by people, but also have the highest nutritional value, with the title of "king of nuts". Hazelnuts are very rich in unsaturated fatty acids and proteins, and the content of carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients is also very impressive, which are dominant in the four major nuts.

Each time you eat hazelnuts should not exceed 30 grams, you can fry them directly as a snack, you can also add a handful when cooking porridge and soup. If you don't want to eat hazelnuts alone, you can crush them and mix them in ice cream or eat them together in cereal.

The above introduces the 8 major nuts of winter health for everyone, different nuts have different health benefits, but they can help you resist the cold, if you are afraid of cold in winter, eat more nuts.

Take stock of winter cold-resistant foods with medicinal properties

Iodine-containing foods: kelp, seaweed

Kelp and seaweed can promote the secretion of thyroxine and generate heat. Among the thyroid secretions of the human body, there is a kind called thyroxine, which can accelerate the oxidation of many tissue cells in the body, increase the body's thermogenic capacity, enhance the basal metabolic rate, accelerate skin blood circulation, resist cold and cold, and iodine-containing foods can promote thyroxine secretion. Foods rich in iodine are: kelp, seaweed, spinach, Chinese cabbage, corn, etc.

Foods that contain more methionine: sesame seeds, sunflower seeds

Sesame seeds and sunflower seeds can provide the necessary elements for the human body to be hardy. Cold weather increases the body's need for methionine. Methionine can provide a range of methyl groups necessary to adapt to cold through metastatic action. Therefore, in winter, you should consume more foods containing more methionine. Such as sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dairy products, leafy vegetables and so on.

Animal liver, carrots, etc

Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

Animal liver and carrots can increase cold resistance. Cold climate, so that the body's vitamin metabolism has undergone obvious changes. Increasing the intake of vitamin A and vitamin C can enhance cold tolerance and adaptability, and has a good protective effect on blood vessels. Vitamin A is mainly from animal liver, carrots, dark green vegetables, etc., and vitamin C is mainly from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Spicy foods such as chili peppers and peppers

Peppers contain capsaicin, ginger contains aromatic volatile oils, and pepper contains piperine. They are all spicy foods, eat more in winter, not only can enhance appetite, but also promote blood circulation, improve cold resistance. But do not eat too much to avoid catching fire.

Foods containing calcium and iron

Cold intolerance is associated with a lack of calcium and iron. People's fear of cold is related to the body's intake of certain minerals. For example, the amount of calcium in the human body can directly affect the elasticity and excitability of the heart muscle, blood vessels and muscles, and iron deficiency in the blood is an important cause of iron deficiency anemia, which is often manifested as less calorie production and low body temperature. Therefore, supplementing foods rich in calcium and iron can improve the body's ability to withstand cold. Foods containing calcium mainly include milk, soy products, kelp, seaweed, shells, shrimp, etc., and foods containing iron mainly include animal blood, egg yolk, pork liver, soybeans, sesame seeds, black fungus and red dates.

Eat seafood in winter to resist cold and keep warm and slow insomnia

In the cold winter, the body should be mainly harvested. At this time, eating seafood is very good. The seafood meat that enters the dormant period in winter is fat and delicious, and it can withstand the cold when eaten. So what kind of seafood to eat in winter? Xiaobian introduces several seafood suitable for eating in winter, so that you can satisfy your taste buds.

It's time to eat seafood in winter

People generally like to eat seafood in summer, but in fact, the delicious season of seafood is still in autumn and winter. Because seafood such as shellfish enter the dormant period in autumn and winter, the consumption of nutrients in the body is small, and the meat is tender and delicious. In the spring and summer, shellfish enter the breeding period, and the meat becomes very fragile, and it will lose its original delicious taste.

Winter seafood supplement

Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

Eating some seafood such as shellfish in winter can resist cold and keep warm, and middle-aged and elderly people, especially women who are afraid of cold, should eat more seafood. In addition to being rich in protein and calcium, seafood also contains iodine, iron, copper, iodine, selenium, sulfur, zinc and many other trace minerals. Among them, the unsaturated fatty acids in seafood can reduce low-density cholesterol in the blood and also resist blood clotting, thereby reducing the chances of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke in the elderly.

The cold winter will accelerate the consumption of iodine and iron by the human body, resulting in a relative shortage of iodine, iron and other elements, slowing down blood circulation, and then making people more afraid of cold. The iodine and iron content in seafood such as shellfish is much higher than that of ordinary foods, and eating seafood is the best way to supplement iodine and iron. In addition, eating oysters, scallops, shrimp, conch and other seafood has a hypnotic effect, and people with sleep disorders can eat more seafood to alleviate insomnia symptoms.

What seafood to eat in winter

1. Marine fish

Delicious marine fish are nothing more than striped fish, yellow croaker, pomfret (flat fish), squid, sardines, cod, tuna, salmon More common dishes: fried striped fish, fried flat fish, hot squid...

2. Shellfish

1. Wen clams

Commonly known as car snails, flower clams, yellow clams, sea clams, noble concubine mussels, its meat is tender and fresh, rich in nutrition, for clams, known as "the world's first fresh", there is a high therapeutic and medicinal value. Its soft part contains a large number of amino acids, proteins and rich vitamins, especially histidine and arginine content is high.

2. Scallops

Also known as sea fan, one of the precious varieties of dried shellfish clams from seafood, it is internationally recognized as a high-grade aquatic product; Dried scallops called "dried scallops", is a precious sea treasure, the average contains 5.43% of liver sugar, but also contains hematine, succinic acid, for the "world's best products".

3. Crabs

In the cold winter, a lot of seafood is already bad. Even many fish and shrimp have entered the growth period. But the winter crab is different from others, and the winter crab at this time is still very fat. The paste is very thick and sweet.

Winter crab must be steamed, and no other method will reflect the sweetness of crab.

Fourth, shrimp

Winter wellness What kind of food to eat in winter can resist the cold!

Shrimp and shrimp meat with elastic teeth, with pepper, cheese, fragrant frying, spray incense to wake up the stomach. The giant tiger shrimp is famous for its large size, firm flesh and a faint salty taste of seawater.

In season, eat shrimp first and then eat crabs, as the crabs are full of yellow fat, the meat quality of shrimp will gradually decline, so diners who love shrimp can catch up with this last opportunity.

Buying seafood requires three moves

(1) Eye movement. Looking at the fish eye, the eye is transparent and cloudy, indicating a high degree of novelty. Look at whether the gills are tight and whether the surface of the fish is shiny. The shrimp shell should be perfect, elastic and shiny, and the shell color should be bright. The shells of crabs and shellfish should be shiny and the limbs hard and elastic. Squid, octopus, etc. should have smooth skin, curved claws, and clear markings.

(2) Hands-on. Pressing the seafood meat by hand, if the endoplasm is solid and elastic, it will not sink deeply, which means novelty. Look at whether there is mucus on the surface of the meat, and no mucus indicates a high degree of novelty.

(3) Nose movement. Smell it with your nose, and if it is the umami taste peculiar to general seafood, it means novelty. Conversely, if there is a smell of fishy and corrupt, you should be spared from purchasing.

Summary: If you want to spend the cold winter beautifully, then eat more cold-resistant foods, which are good for the health of the body and will make this winter not too cold.

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