
Ten Sweet Words to Enhance Feelings (which are divided into men and women)

author:Zhou Xiaopeng

Must-have sweet talk

Men chapter

Language is the most powerful weapon in the world. "Nine words", "a good word is warm in three winters, and the evil words hurt people in June", "words are not speculative and half a sentence is too much", the charm of language can be seen to be irresistible. A sweet word that is just right is a catalyst for feelings, and even a few words can be expected to get a person's heart. As long as there is love, even foul language it is beautiful.

❤ Miss you

Reasons must be said: simple and clear, heartwarming.

It's simple, but the effect is extraordinary. The index that makes a woman blush and beat her heart will never lose to the blunt "I love you", which is not deliberately contrived, but also has a gentle and penetrating power. Men do not like to often hang "love" on their lips, but such a simple and concise word that can make women overflow with tenderness will not refuse, and the word is quite convenient, even if there are only these two or three words in a text message or a phone call, the woman's eyes will be instantly soft.

❤ It's fun to be with you

Must say the reason: simple, sincere, endless aftertaste

Sometimes, men with large nerves will foolishly think that good and pleasing words are equivalent to praising women's beauty and good figure, but they don't know that when they are kicked to death by horses, what they want is not perfunctory laughter, even if they prevaricate, some sweet words can be recalled, and the sincerity reflected is much higher than "you are very important to me, without you I will die", "because you, only to know that the world is so beautiful", such words are not up to the intention, the content is empty Abstract sentences.

❤ Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son

Reasons must be said: real, stable, and a sense of belonging

Men always mistakenly think that the more meaty and hemp the more women like, so the mobile phone reserves a lot of unrelated wind and snow sentences, maybe they can't see the white eyes of women when they receive these text messages, they will take meat and hemp as fun for a long time, and upgrade to the experience of men's circle to teach each other. In fact, the occasional flesh and hemp may be fortunate to be exchanged for a woman's smile, but what can make her tears sour at the tip of her eyelashes is those sentences that are not fancy and firm with a sense of commitment. Many women admit that when they receive love words like boyfriends or husbands on their mobile phones, they will be reluctant to delete them.

❤ You are not only beautiful in your heart but also in your heart

Must say the reason: satisfying vanity

Humans usually develop a crush on people who praise themselves, especially the opposite sex. Women's praise for external images is more useful. Any ordinary woman likes to be praised for her good looks, and if you add inner beauty and praise, it will make the lady think that you are not just a flirtatious person who looks at the appearance. Sometimes compliments can make the girl you like more confident.

❤ You are my anchorage

Must say the reason: warm, stable, satisfying her motherhood

Modern women, like men, have their own independent space and economic foundation, but she still likes the person she loves and sometimes relies on her like a child, and hopes that this man will only stop in her arms. Such words are undoubtedly exactly what the woman thinks.

Women's chapter

Like to hear him talk about love? But, have you ever thought that he also needs to listen to the sweet words you say? Men are also auditory animals, and there are some things that must be said to him. But if you are smart, you will definitely adapt to local conditions, guide according to the situation, be reasonable, integrate and understand, and find more sweet words that are more suitable for your men to listen to.

The important thing is not to know what he likes to hear, but to understand what kind of a person the man next to you really is. The point is to make your he loves you more. This is the skill, but also the purpose.

❤ I love your nose (hair, eyes, voice...)

Must say the reason: satisfying vanity, sexual innuendo

Pick the same, there is always one thing worth praising. Men care about appearance as much as women, and targeted praise may be exchanged for his pretentious deep coolness, or perhaps a childish naughty response. Men always sneer at women's lingering "love you and you don't cherish it, but they applaud and welcome all the points directly given to him, especially the looming sexual innuendo hidden in such honey words, which will always make them unconsciously feel apes.

❤ Wow! How do you know everything! (You're so smart and capable, you can do anything)

Reasons must be said: encouragement, encouragement, chivalry

Regardless of whether there is real material, men more or less have a little chivalry, like to show their "absolute learning" in front of women unexpectedly, women are also eager for the men at home to be both computer experts, plumbers, and cross-electrical maintenance, and at this time in their eyes busy with sweaty men, also have a different kind of sexy charm.

In fact, a lot of praise words are nonsense, who doesn't know how many pounds they have? But often such nonsense will become a stimulant for men, and such praise is a motivation and recognition, and no man does not like it.

❤ You're so funny (you're so humorous)

Reasons must be said: the atmosphere is relaxed, ridiculous, focused

Humor is a magic weapon to focus on women's popularity, men with a sense of humor are always very popular in the circle of women, many men are distressed by their lack of sense of humor, and there are many men who practice humor but are slow to enter the door, always use unsmiling jokes, inappropriate ridicule to provoke the cold.

As long as he is not a gossipy or sensational clown, praising him for his sense of humor is definitely more weighty than praising him for being handsome and generous. After being praised for being humorous and funny, a man will try to keep his name, and you will wait to see how he changes his tricks to amuse you.

❤ "You, the man, have thoughts. ”

Reasons must be said: to be worshipped, to be appreciated, to be understood

Notice that this sentence is to be said in two parts, and when it comes to the middle, pause for a moment, as if after a short period of thought, and then say the next half of the sentence.

In fact, a lot of what is inside is subjective. It is difficult to judge whether a person has thoughts or not, but when he makes a personal statement about an event, you can evaluate him in this way. I want to hear words like "you're such a thoughtful person" that men will feel appreciated and understood. In fact, a lot of praise words are nonsense, who doesn't know how many pounds they have? But since all people love to hear, its existence cannot be erased. Praise is a motivator and recognition, and a good reliance to regain or increase self-confidence.

❤ "You are such a generous and generous person"

Must say the reason: security, quality pursuit

In our society, where material life has not yet been completely enriched, generous men are still out of stock. Women like generous men, otherwise what do you do with big money? In fact, it is not that men are not generous, some people do not have the conditions to be generous, and some people have developed a good habit of thrift and thrift since childhood. "You are such a generous and generous person" The phrase sounds like a complaint from your wife's mouth. However, as long as the tone of many words is different, the meaning is completely different.

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