
In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

author:Historical micro-guides

In 1965, after more than ten years of peaceful development, China's various undertakings flourished.

At this time, Vietnam was still mired in war. The war has lasted for twenty years since the end of World War II. And america's direct involvement in the war seems to have left peace in Vietnam a distant future.

At this time, Ho Chi Minh was overwhelmed by the Americans. He made secret visits to China and met mao zedong in Changsha, Hunan Province, who was on a field trip.

After the meeting, he explained the three purposes of the trip, and after listening to it, Mao Zedong hurriedly waved his hand and said: I accept the first and third points, but the second point does not accept.

So, what are the three purposes of ho Chi Minh's proposed trip? Why did Mao Zedong disagree with the second point?

To answer this question, we must start with the deep revolutionary friendship between Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" >, like-minded friendship</h1>

In the spring of 1924, due to the brutal repression of the French colonists, a cloud of white terror hung over Vietnam.

To escape the disaster, many Vietnamese expatriates fled to Guangzhou, China. Many of these young people also participated in revolutionary activities in Vietnam.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Ho Chi Minh in his youth)

At this time Ho Chi Minh was working in the Eastern Department of the Comintern. When he heard the news, he immediately requested to go to Guangzhou to carry out revolutionary activities among the Vietnamese diaspora.

With the permission of the Comintern, Ho Chi Minh arrived in Canton by boat via the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok on November 11 of that year as a commissioner.

In order to conceal his identity, Ho Chi Minh assumed the pseudonym Li Rui, and his public identity was translated by Soviet adviser Borodin.

At this time, Guangzhou was known as the "Moscow of the East" and was the center of the Chinese revolution at that time.

As a representative of Farmers International, Ho Chi Minh's main responsibility for this trip was to examine the current peasant movement in Southeast Asia.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Former site of guangzhou peasant movement training institute)

In order to cultivate revolutionary backbones among young expatriates, with the help of the Guangzhou Revolutionary Government and the Guangzhou District Committee of the CPC, several political training courses for Vietnamese youth were held, and the leaders of the CPC at that time were invited to give lectures and give lectures on the "peasant movement."

In addition, under the recommendation of the Cpc Guangzhou District Committee, Ho Chi Minh selected some outstanding students from many students to study at the Guangzhou Peasant Movement Training Institute.

Mao Zedong solemnly raised the question of peasants at the three major congresses of the Communist Party of China, holding that the peasants, who occupied the majority of the Chinese at that time, were the most important issues.

During the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the peasant movement training center chaired by Peng Peng and Mao Zedong was officially opened in Guangzhou. Young Vietnamese expatriates recommended by Ho Chi Minh became students of the workshop. At this point, because of his work contacts, Ho Chi Minh became acquainted with Mao Zedong, who was also concerned about peasant issues.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Mao Zedong in Guangzhou, 1925)

After the Kuomintang launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, the Chinese Communists were shrouded in white terror, and Ho Chi Minh left Guangzhou to work in the Soviet Union.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the two parties formed an anti-Japanese united front. After several years of painstaking management, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army has gained a firm foothold in Yan'an, northern Shaanxi.

In the winter of 1938, Ho Chi Minh traveled a long way from the Soviet Union to Yan'an, the seat of the Cpc Central Committee.

He was arranged to live in Zaoyuan and was cordially received by Comrade Wang Jiaxiang, then secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.

After this period of day and night and frequent exchanges, the friendship between Ho Chi Minh and Chairman Mao was further deepened.

After spending a short time in Yan'an, Ho Chi Minh assumed the pseudonym Hu Guang and went south to Guilin, Guangxi, with Ye Jianying as the Eighth Route Army.

In the following years, Ho Chi Minh was mainly involved in anti-Japanese activities in southern and southwestErn China.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Former site of Yan'an Jujube Garden, Shaanxi)

Especially in those days in Chongqing, because of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Zhou Enlai was in charge of united front work here. As a result, Ho Chi Minh, as an international friendly person, often contacted Zhou Enlai.

On the one hand, it actively campaigned and lobbied for China's anti-Japanese struggle so that our party could unite the anti-Japanese forces in all fields and better carry out anti-Japanese activities; on the other hand, it was to learn from China's experience in the fight against Japan and guide the struggle against japanese aggressors in Vietnam.

World War II had just begun, and Germany, as an Axis power, was on the battlefield in Europe. And the seemingly powerful France was vulnerable, directly captured by the German army and destroyed the country, the French de Gaulle government went into exile in other countries, and the French army that ruled Indochina at this time was leaderless for a while.

In order to cut off the international community's strategic materials provided by China's southwestern border and other places, the Japanese aggressors seized the opportunity to invade and occupy Vietnam, Burma, and other places.

At this point, the Vietnamese people lived under the dual rule of French and Japanese imperialism.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

With the help of the CCP, Ho Chi Minh came to Kunming, Yunnan province in 1940. Here he reached out to some progressive members of the Viet Cong.

Together, they went to Guilin, Guangxi, gathered the progressive Vietnamese youth who had taken refuge there, and decided to return to the country to carry out a vigorous revolutionary movement.

The following spring, Ho Chi Minh led these progressive youths through Guangxi into Vietnam, his first return to his homeland after a two-decade absence.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > second, see the truth in danger</h1>

Faced with a grim domestic situation, in May of that year the Viet Cong put forward the policy of opposing imperialism through struggle and striving for national liberation.

Since the major cities of Vietnam at that time were under the rule of France and Japan, the Viet Cong could only carry out armed struggle in the mountainous areas located on the Sino-Vietnamese border.

At this time, the Viet Cong's strength was limited, and if it wanted to drive out the French colonists and Japanese invaders to achieve national liberation, it was necessary to enlist more international assistance.

Therefore, he thought of his good friend Zhou Enlai, who was in Chongqing, the seat of the Nationalist government, leading the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China to carry out united front work.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

In late August 1942, Ho Chi Minh entered the territory of Jingxi County, Guangxi, China from northern Vietnam. Because of the many trips between the two places, the operation was very smooth.

But just as they entered Debao County, the local Kuomintang police demanded to see the documents of the group, and Ho Chi Minh took the prepared certificates out of his jacket pocket.

It reads: Zi Te sent Ho Chi Minh to the Chinese government, gave assistance along the way, and was not allowed to stay in trouble. And the receipt of this certificate reads: Vietnam Branch of the International Anti-Aggression Association.

The police officer in charge of the inspection saw the certificate and thought that the person must be an identity person. But after repeated searches, he found that he did not have anything of value on him, so he suspected that the person in front of him might be a high-ranking communist official.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Sun Ke)

Because of their dedication, the police detained Ho Chi Minh and immediately decided to escort him to the Guilin General Office of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government for examination.

This is the highest military institution in Guangxi Province.

From Debao on the Sino-Vietnamese border to Guilin, the capital of Guangxi at the time, the entire escort process lasted more than three months.

After learning of Ho Chi Minh's arrest, the then Central Committee of the Indochina Communist Party immediately called the Kuomintang authorities in Chongqing in the name of the "Vietnam Branch of the International Anti-Aggression Association" and demanded the immediate release of Comrade Ho Chi Minh.

However, after receiving the telegram, the "prince grandfather" who was then the chief legislative officer of the Kuomintang did not take it seriously.

The anxious Viet Cong had no choice but to ask the CCP for help and use all means to find a way to let the CCP know about this.

When Zhou Enlai learned that Ho Chi Minh had been arrested by the Kuomintang authorities, he was very angry and immediately approached Sun Ke and demanded that Ho Beng be released immediately and unconditionally.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Zhang Fakui)

At this time, Sun Kecai attracted attention. He immediately demanded that Wu Tiecheng immediately send a telegram to the Guangxi provincial government and strictly order "find out the release", but by this time Ho Chi Minh had already been escorted to Liuzhou, Guangxi, where Zhang Fakui was located.

Although Wu Tiecheng repeatedly sent telegrams asking Zhang Fakui to release him, he did not pay attention.

When Zhou Enlai learned that Ho Chi Minh had not yet been released, he immediately suggested that the INDCR: In the name of the Vietnam Branch of the International Anti-Aggression Association, send a telegram to the Soviet Tass Agency in Chongqing in order to win international public opinion.

The Soviet TASS in Chongqing received the telegram and, as suggested, broadcast the message to the whole world.

The telegram immediately aroused strong repercussions in the international community, and the British representative in Chongqing, Nigufen, angrily called and asked Chiang Kai-shek: Why arrest the anti-war coalition?

Chiang Kai-shek said he would immediately investigate the matter.

However, when he learned that Ho Chi Minh was a good friend of the CCP and had close relations with Zhou Enlai and other CCP leaders, he deliberately delayed the matter.

However, in the face of external public opinion, we cannot propose not to release people in public. He secretly called Li Zongren and asked that Ho Chi Minh be released for the time being.

Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek had no intention of releasing him, zhou Enlai, who was impatient, found The Head of the Soviet Advisory Group, Noruga, and told him the whole story, hoping that he would help.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(International Friends in the War of Resistance)

In order to gain the support of the Soviet Union, Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to be indifferent to the representatives of the Soviet side, and when he saw Noruga coming, he immediately got up to greet him. At this time, Noruga extended his hands to Chiang Kai-shek and said, "Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, you handcuff me!" ”

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek looked puzzled: "Commander Noruga, what are you kidding?" "Since you didn't arrest me, why arrest Ho Chi Minh, who is an international friend who fought with us?" Chiang Kai-shek knew that he was in a wrong, and for a moment he could not speak, and said a few perfunctory words to prevaricate.

However, after more than a month, Ho Chi Minh had not yet been released, and Noruga called Chiang Kai-shek to inquire about the matter, and the other party only said that it was being investigated and that the matter would soon be clarified.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Famous patriotic general Feng Yuxiang)

Zhou Enlai, on the other hand, has been running around over this matter.

He went to the home of the famous patriotic general Feng Yuxiang and gave a detailed account of Ho Chi Minh's purpose of coming to China and the attitude of the Kuomintang authorities on this matter, hoping that General Feng would mediate between them.

Feng Yuxiang rushed to Guangxi overnight by special plane to meet Li Zongren, and as soon as he saw him, he took Li Zongren's hand and said, "Go, let's go and see Chairman Jiang together!" ”

Li Zongren didn't know what he meant: "You always have to make things clear before I can go with you!" ”

Feng Yuxiang said indignantly: "Comrade Ho Chi Minh, an international friend, has been imprisoned by you for almost two years, so why have you not released anyone?" Even if he is a Communist Party, it is still the Communist Party of Vietnam, so is our Kuomintang still in charge of the affairs of the Communist Parties of other countries? What right do we have to arrest a Vietnamese Communist Party? ”

Feng Yuxiang continued: "You know, at present, Vietnam is supporting our Chinese War of Resistance, and if we arrest the international friends who supported the War of Resistance, it is equivalent to declaring to the whole world that our War of Resistance is false. ”

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Li Zongren)

In Feng Yuxiang's words, Li Zongren at this time realized the seriousness of the situation: Ho Chi Minh was arrested in Guangxi, and at this time he was also imprisoned in Guangxi. Li Zongren immediately dialed Chairman Jiang's phone: "Chairman Jiang, I request my resignation. ”

Chiang Kai-shek on the other end of the phone was greatly puzzled: "Brother Deling, why do you say this?" "Ho Chi Minh is currently imprisoned in Guangxi, he is an international friend who supported the War of Resistance, and the Chinese people and the international side are cursing me for pretending to resist the War!"

After hearing this, Chiang Kai-shek immediately expressed his position: "The matter has been clearly investigated, Ho Chi Minh supported our Chinese War of Resistance, and I was about to ask you to release him, so let him go." At this point, after being imprisoned for nearly two years, Ho Chi Minh was able to regain his freedom through many rescues, especially the efforts of the CCP.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Ho Chi Minh)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" >3, frequent visits to China to express sincerity</h1>

In the early summer of 1965, Ho Chi Minh visited China and learned that Chairman Mao was conducting a field investigation in Changsha, Hunan Province, and went directly to Changsha to meet Chairman Mao.

After the meeting, Ho Chi Minh said to Chairman Mao:

My visit to China has three main purposes:

The first is to extend greetings to you and other comrades of the CCP;

Second, on behalf of the Vietnamese people, I would like to express my gratitude to all the Chinese people for your selfless assistance in Vietnam's struggle against the United States;

The third is to congratulate China on the successful detonation of the second atomic bomb.

Hearing this, Chairman Mao hurriedly waved his hand and said: I agree with the first and third points you said, but I do not accept the second point. Because people all over the world should thank you for fighting america.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Chairman Mao inspected Hunan after the founding of the People's Republic of China)

Ho Chi Minh firmly stated that he should thank China, and he said that this was the common view of all the Vietnamese people.

Subsequently, the leaders of the two countries analyzed the current situation facing Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh was full of confidence: "The Vietnamese people know that we will never live a good life without defeating the United States." We're going to play for 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. ”

"The United States can't fight for 20 years!" I have long said that US imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers, that the United States will be the loser, and that you will win the final victory. China is your strong rear. Mao Zedong domineeringly gave Ho Chi Minh support.

At noon, the two leaders had lunch together.

During the banquet, Chairman Mao suddenly expressed to Ho Chi Minh his thoughts of wanting to go to Vietnam to see.

Listening to the chairman's words, Ho Chi Minh was stunned. Because he did not expect that Chairman Mao would propose to go to Vietnam at this time, he thought that Chairman Mao was joking.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(U.S. warplanes bomb North Vietnam)

Ho Chi Minh replied: The Vietnamese people are very welcome to go, but now the situation in Vietnam is relatively chaotic, and you are often bombed by American aircraft.

Chairman Mao, on the other hand, did not mean to joke at all: he wanted to go to see the places bombed by the enemy, and I would not go when the situation improved. I just want to go now. In the past, I was bombed dozens or hundreds of times by Kuomintang, Japanese, and American planes, but I just didn't up. Now, I want to see you, even if you go to a place close, you can go in secret.

Seeing that Chairman Mao was not joking, Ho Chi Minh also became serious: When our domestic situation is better, we will definitely ask you to come over.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Ho Chi Minh meets Mao Zedong)

Eventually, for various reasons, until Chairman Mao's death, his trip to Vietnam did not take place.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" >4. Resist us and aid the Viet Cong</h1>

In fact, China's leaders are very concerned about China's neighbors in southwest China. Especially after the partition of north and south vietnam, in the face of the complex international and domestic environment, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others always paid close attention to Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary trends in Vietnam.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Propaganda poster for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam)

Because at that time, the United States and its puppet regime, South Vietnam, had been imposing a tight blockade on Vietnam, resulting in limited information held by our leaders and not very clear about the situation in Vietnam at this time.

In mid-August 1963, before Ho Chi Minh famously expelled American forces, he sent Nguyen Van Linh, secretary of the Southern Bureau of the CPV Central Committee, who had long been working in southern Vietnam, on a secret visit to China.

The main purpose of his visit was to provide the Chinese leaders with a detailed account of the current situation of struggle in southern Vietnam.

Having grasped these basic facts, Mao Zedong made a detailed analysis of the current situation facing Vietnam, especially North Vietnam, in the fight against US imperialism. He believed that the Vietnamese people were capable of defeating the American aggressors and achieving the ultimate victory.

After that, the situation in Vietnam became more and more complicated, and a major war was on the verge of breaking out. In July 1964, U.S. Naval warships launched a blatant maritime attack on northern Vietnam; in August, the United States claimed that its navy had been provoked, brazenly invaded North Vietnamese territorial waters, and exchanged fire with the Vietnamese navy.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

This "Beibu Gulf Incident," which was orchestrated by the Americans, actually provided a pretext for them to carry out an all-out war of aggression against Vietnam.

Then U.S. President Johnson sent the U.S. Navy's Ocean Fleet, the Seventh Fleet, to launch a full-scale offensive against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in February 1965.

In the face of such a vicious act of US imperialism, the Chinese capital Beijing held a parade with the participation of 1.5 million people.

Mao Zedong and other party and state leaders, together with the Chinese people, angrily denounced the US aggression and said: They will resolutely support the Vietnamese people in uniting against the aggression of US imperialism!

Crowds of demonstrators hung propaganda slogans in front of the Tiananmen Tower. The banner is tens of meters long and reads:

Oppose the invasion of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam by US imperialism! U.S. imperialism gets out of South Vietnam! Get out of Indochina! Get out of Asia! Get out of Africa! Get out of Latin America! Get out of everything it encroaches upon!

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Chairman Mao at tiananmen Tower)

Mao Zedong stood on the top of Tiananmen Square and shook hands with the demonstrators. At this time, he did not have a sad face but a smile, which was the greatest contempt for the Americans.

Because in the past few decades, Mao Zedong repeatedly fought against the Americans, and in the face of the Kuomintang army supported by the United States, our army was not afraid to eventually unify China.

And when the United Nations army led by the United States introduced the flames of war into our territory, in the face of such provocative behavior, China sent troops to North Korea to defeat the Americans.

More than a decade has passed, and the Americans have not given up, and are still fighting wars around the world, destroying the hard-won peace, and this move against the development of the times will surely fail.

When mao zedong saw his old comrades-in-arms who were still emaciated in changsha in the spring of 1965, he said, "President Hu, you are from Vietnam, I am in Hunan, and our family is well!" What are the difficulties? You want people to have people, and you want things to have things, you say. ”

Because Chairman Mao at this time already knew the situation in Vietnam, he very strongly supported Vietnam in giving a resolute counterattack.

In 1965, Ho Chi Minh paid a secret visit to China and said the three purposes of this trip, Chairman Mao: I do not agree with the second one, like-minded unity and friendship two, seeing the truth in a dangerous situation three, frequent visits to China to show sincerity fourth, resisting the United States and aiding the Viet Cong to resist the enemy

(Chinese Railway Troops Aid Vietnam to Resist the United States)

Ho Chi Minh described the current situation in Vietnam to Mao Zedong and then pulled out a schematic map from his pocket to repair 12 roads north of Hanoi, Vietnam.

Due to the current tense war, the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam decided to transfer most of its troops from the rear to the front line in response to the increasing increase in U.S. troops.

He hopes that China will share the road repair project so that Vietnam can send more troops to the front.

Mao Zedong readily agreed to Ho Chi Minh's request and immediately asked Premier Zhou to implement the matter.

With China's help, the North Vietnamese army struck hard at the US imperialist aggressors, shattered their illusions of trying to invade and occupy North Vietnam, and plunged the United States deeply into the quagmire of the Vietnam War.

In his decades of revolutionary career, Ho Chi Minh fought side by side with the leaders of the older generation of our Party and forged a deep friendship.

Ho Chi Minh also suffered the life-saving grace of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others, and was able to regain his freedom before he had the opportunity to lead the Vietnamese people in their struggle for national liberation. And the Vietnamese people's gratitude for China's selfless assistance must be from the heart, and it must be the most sincere.

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