
Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review

author:Big brother who loves to eat and play

Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Evaluation ||| Original milk candy

The strong taste of milk, sweet and sweet, classic taste, should not be uneaten by anyone.

Mustard flavored milk candy

Mustard plus milk, there is a spicy taste of mustard, but it is not choking, there is no sense of violation. It wouldn't be very sweet either. As a person who loves mustard, I think the taste is novel and delicious.

Yogurt flavored milk candy

The taste of yogurt, but the acidity is very low.

Chocolate flavored milk candy

A faint chocolate flavor, an impure chocolate taste, only a sweet taste, without a little bitter taste of chocolate, not delicious!

Corn flavored milk candy

The taste of corn fudge eaten as a child.

Red soy milk candy

Super rich red bean flavor, like red bean ice cream.

Mango flavored milk candy

The mango flavor is quite strong, and the mango and milk are well integrated and delicious.

Durian flavored milk candy

It's the taste of ordinary durian candy. I love to eat durian, but this one I really can't love, that is, the taste of durian essence, not the taste of durian flesh, not delicious, completely disliked.

Banana flavored milk candy

The taste of Mr. Banana Ice Cream that I ate as a child was delicious, the taste of childhood.

Coconut milk flavored milk candy

Coconut with milk, fragrant and pure, super perfect combination!

☕️ Coffee milk candy

The non-sweet, bitter coffee taste is very pure, like a cup of mellow solid latte, after eating it will be fragrant. Really super.

Cool milk candy

It is the taste of the cool milk candy I ate as a child, and the combination of mint and milk is very harmonious, very delicious, and it is also the taste of childhood!

I recommend the taste the most

Mango flavor, original, mustard flavor, coconut milk flavor, ☕️ coffee milk candy, cool milk candy

Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review
Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review
Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review
Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review
Shanghai GuanshengYuan Great White Rabbit Milk Candy Review

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