
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

author:Colorful micro-world

On the afternoon of April 20, the principals and office directors in charge of safety in 31 schools directly under the municipal government gathered at Yandu Experimental School to participate in the safety work conference of the municipal schools.

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Visit the school culture and safety work theme board

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Observe security skills practice

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Observe the fifth grade department's "preventing bullying in schools and cherishing a better life" theme education activity

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Visit the school fire control room

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Visit the school wetland cultural center and civil defense hall

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about
31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Visit the school's satellite kitchen

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Vice President Zhang He made a safety work report from five aspects: clarifying responsibilities, emphasizing education, grasping implementation, keeping records, and opening a new chapter.

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

The Middle School of the Development Zone and the Kangju Road Junior High School made exchange speeches on the situation of inter-school safety and mutual inspection.

Guo Junjie, director of the Safety and Law Office, gave detailed feedback on the recent mutual inspection of the safety work of the municipal schools, and put forward clear requirements on the May Day holiday duty, the safety education of students, the order of traffic around the campus, and the education of drowning prevention.

31 schools in the city gathered in Yandu to discuss one of the things that parents are most concerned about

Liu Yangchun, a fourth-level researcher, affirmed the safety work of our school and conveyed the spirit of the meeting of the superiors, and he hoped that all schools must attach great importance to safety work and take effective measures to ensure that safety work is implemented.

Safe work, the responsibility is heavier than Taishan. As an advanced collective in safety work in Yancheng City in 2020, our school will continue to strengthen the implementation of safety responsibilities, continuously improve the level of safety prevention capabilities, weave a dense campus safety protection network, build a solid school safety protection embankment, and provide a solid safety guarantee for the development of the school.

Warm tips: Children are the hope of the family, the future of the motherland, and the sustenance of the nation! In order to implement the policy of "safety first, prevention first, education first", ensure that children grow up safely, healthily and happily, and provide children with safety awareness and self-prevention ability, parents are requested to cooperate with schools to do the following safety education: 1. Epidemic prevention and control safety. Strictly abide by the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, do not relax, reduce going out, do less mobile, less gathering, go out must do a good job of personal protection, wear masks. At the same time, parents are requested to do a good job of preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases such as norovirus infection. 2. Traffic safety. Educate children to consciously abide by traffic rules when going out, not to ride a bicycle under the age of twelve, to pay attention to vehicles when crossing the road, to walk on the sidewalk, to go to the right, and to pay attention to safety. 3. Dietary safety. Educate children to develop good eating habits, diet should be regular and quantitative, taboo overeating, pay attention to dietary hygiene, especially do not buy "three noes" food from unlicensed vendors, in order to prevent food poisoning and endanger children's lives. 4. Fraud prevention and security. Educate and supervise children to stay away from game halls, Internet cafes, back streets and alleys and other places prone to accidents; do not accept soft package drinks given by strangers; keep calm and vigilant against excessive enthusiasm for strangers, strictly prevent pyramid schemes, and strictly prevent fraud. 5. Drowning prevention and safety. The hot summer is approaching, and it has also reached the high incidence of student drowning accidents. In order to prevent problems before they occur, parents and children must keep in mind the common sense of drowning safety, and educate children to achieve the "six no's", that is, they are not allowed to swim in the water without permission; they are not allowed to swim with others without authorization; they are not allowed to swim without the guidance of parents or teachers; they are not allowed to swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel; they are not allowed to swim in unfamiliar waters; and students who are not watery are not allowed to go into the water without authorization to rescue them. 6. Mental health security. Continue to pay attention to children's mental health, pay attention to cultivating children's good interests, and alleviate children's anxiety due to learning and life. Actively communicate with children, create a warm family atmosphere, improve parent-child relationship, and let children experience the joy of home.

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