
Yandu Street, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, has stepped out of the new path of deliberation and politics", and the "12345+N" work law is well-deliberated

author:China Jiangsu Net

New Jiangsu · China Jiangsu Network News "The upgrading of the road in the village is a great thing, we did not say it to the farmers along the line, every household took the initiative to widen the road and provide support, so that a potholed road has become the current spacious asphalt road, and everyone clapped their hands and applauded." The fly in the ointment is that the road has been built, the bus line has not been restored, and the villagers along the line have a lot of opinions. On May 18, Liu Zhongren, a 76-year-old villager in the Minsheng Community of Yandu Street, Yancheng High-tech Zone, Jiangsu Province, rushed to the reception day of the Liaison Station of the Deputies to reflect his opinions.

Yandu Street, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, has stepped out of the new path of deliberation and politics", and the "12345+N" work law is well-deliberated

Receiving the masses at the people's congress deputies' Minsheng Liaison Station on the same day were Liu Hanjian, Cai Zhongjun, Ding Yanren, and Huang Xiaomei. "Old Liu, what are the opinions despite the mention." Liu Hanjian, the deputy of the parliament, poured a cup of tea to Liu Zhongren and beckoned him to sit down and speak slowly. "The K401 bus line on Wuqi Road has been running for more than half a year after the construction of the road was rerouted, but the bus has not yet restored the original route, which has brought serious inconvenience to the villagers along the route." Liu Zhongren told the deputies.

"Your advice is very good, what else do the villagers want?" Huang Xiaomei recorded in the small book while detailing the situation, "What you said, we will promptly inform the street people's congress office and hand it over to the relevant departments." ”

The deputies put forward the opinions and suggestions of the masses to the people in the street, and handed them over to the transportation department for coordination. Three days later, Liu Zhongren received a reply, the Wupi Road Machang section is still being improved, and the setting of bus stops and the resumption of traffic were completed in October. In this regard, Liu Zhongren expressed satisfaction.

In September last year, Yandu Street was identified as a pilot unit for the work and construction of the Yancheng People's Congress. 86 deputies from the neighborhood, including deputies to the people's congresses at all levels and residents of communities (village residences), attended the meeting of deliberative deputies, listened to briefings on the arrangements and implementation of the economic and social development, fiscal revenue and expenditure, and practical projects for people's livelihood in the sub-district offices, and discussed and put forward opinions and suggestions. This is the first deliberative congress in Yancheng organized by the street people's congress working committee, which provides experience for the improvement and development of the grass-roots deliberative representative system.

Looking at the whole process of innovation work of the People's Congress Working Committee of Yandu Street, it is mainly manifested in the distinctive "12345 + N" working method, that is, "1", a team, through the "two up and two down" way, to elect the deputies of the council. "2", a congress of deliberations and governments will be held in the middle of the year and at the end of the year. "3", three positions, "1 center, 2 halls, 15 stations". A deliberative representative center, the first parliamentary hall and the second parliamentary office, and 15 community (village) liaison stations serve as the first position for the deliberative representative groups to understand the social situation and public opinion, coordinate the forces of all parties, and do a good job in service during the intersessional period. "4", four systems, the study system of deliberative deputies, the system of deliberative deputies' special topics, the system of deliberative deputies' activities, and the system of proposing and handling the opinions and suggestions of deliberative deputies. "5", 5-step process, "collection, discussion, decision, supervision, evaluation", ask the people, ask the people, ask the people. Collect opinions and needs, and collect opinions and suggestions by the deliberative group and the special group in different areas and lines; discuss, sort out the topics, sort out and summarize the opinions and needs collected; decide, vote and decide, and report to the street party committee for study; supervise, supervise and supervise the advancement of the work; evaluate, and summarize and evaluate the satisfaction of the masses. "N", N content, covering the promotion, improvement and improvement of the community environment, property management, ecological environment, living facilities, culture and entertainment, public health, renovation of dangerous old houses, home care and other work.

Yandu Street, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, has stepped out of the new path of deliberation and politics", and the "12345+N" work law is well-deliberated

Up to now, the representative groups of the various deliberators and representatives in the street have carried out a total of 93 activities to collect practical matters and opinions and suggestions on people's livelihood; organized deliberative deputies to study intensively 2 times and carried out 15 self-study; visited the masses and representatives 160 times, distributed 320 collection forms, and collected 62 opinions and suggestions.

"I hope that through the '12345 +N' working method, we can find problems and resolve problems." Zhu Haixia, director of the Yandu Street People's Congress Working Committee, said: "The establishment of the street council is a practice to ensure that the people fully enjoy their democratic rights and a measure to deepen governance according to law. (Yin Zhihui, Chen Dong, Liu Conghua)

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