
"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

author:Genki Maiden Meow
"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

This is a belated two-dimensional review. Recently, due to the busy work, it has become difficult to catch up with a new movie for a long time, so recently it will bring some two-dimensional movie reviews, and if the next time is no problem, it will bring the second season of "Asian" or "Blow The Bass Horn".

Watching this movie last month, it was completely based on chance, and my girlfriend wanted to book Ang Lee's new work "Bi Greene", but there was no suitable number of scenes for the reason of the number of scenes, so I chose this "Ocean's Edge" that had no background knowledge before.

When we came out of the movie theater, we found ourselves in tears.

Movies are also divided into different genres such as healing and depressing. After watching "Big Greene", it is a deep despair, empathy for repeated inquiries on the most tragic day of life, "Hacksaw Ridge" is the understanding of the cruelty of war after watching it, and "Captain Sully" is a thrilling tribute to the captain and the true restoration of this event.

At this time, "Ocean's Edge" is a real chicken soup, and this chicken soup is definitely not just for children, but also for adults.

The background of the story is locked in an isolated island in the South Pacific, the setting can not be simpler, in a primitive tribe, the chief's daughter Moana wants to go to sea, but was prevented by her father, and finally Moana successfully went to sea, after many hardships, and finally saved the world.

It should also be noted that the film is the 57th animated feature film of the Disney Animation Factory.

"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

Like previous Disney films, Frozen is the story of the Ice Princess, protected and saved by a prince. Zootopia tells the story of the discrimination of vulnerable people who don't look very good, and is eventually protected by her prince. And "Ocean's Edge" is not, this is a film without a princess, and it also laughs at itself fiercely at the end.

See, girls can also succeed on their own, so why rely on the prince?

As the film's creators themselves said, this is also a trend.

She was referring to the independence of women and the fact that the female figure would no longer be merely set up as delicate and saved.

The setting of the story is also well documented, the Polynesians are a people living on a small island in the South Pacific, with their own unique terroir culture, religious art. About three thousand years ago they sailed through the vast South Pacific and discovered many islands in Oceania, but a thousand years later they abruptly stopped sailing, and no one has figured out why. That's where the inspiration for the film begins.

Although the whole story also follows the routine, and some people criticize the whole work as if it is a musical, this does not prevent Disney Animation from telling a good story.

"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

<h1>An animation for adults


Life needs a triple realm, and so does animation.

When I didn't understand anything when I was a child, animation walked into the children's world and told us that the world is beautiful, gentle, and undeterred.

After growing up a little, stepping into the pain of society, as if we had undergone another transformation from the birth canal, we slowly realized that although the world is beautiful, it is more unfriendly, indifferent and deceitful (of course, people in Beijing may also see smog). )

After experiencing deception, indifference and violence, the original children will grow up to become you and us, realize that "the stories in fairy tales are deceitful", and become less obsessed with believing in love and hope.

All people are bad people. Of course, when we grow up, we realize that the definition of "bad guys" in our childhood may be too narrow, and we learn to analyze people more rationally, analyze ourselves, and objectively break people into good parts and bad parts, and there is no absolute bad person.

This is the cognitive change that you have to go through to become an adult, and if you have already gone through this road, you will definitely understand what I am saying.

"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

While tragedy is often more beloved by artists, and artists (who one day wish they could be) tend to expect more lacking beauty, Ang Lee's Billy Lynn is exactly what gives us a glimpse of the military survival under the consumption of curiosity.

But these are artists who teach you how to look at society, or explain how they see society. They often look at a point in the real world, discover what is inside, and adapt it into a depressing story. But in the end, it makes us more suspicious of society.

But Disney's animation always tells us truth, goodness and beauty.

Just like this film:

The story is complete like a perfect ring.

<b>Evil is fire and earth. </b>

<b>Beauty is flowers and trees. </b>

<b>The sea is both a nightmare and a hope. </b>

<b>Losing the heart is crazy, and finding the heart is peaceful. </b>

"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

In my opinion, this film is more allegorical than Zootopia. In the Ocean Wonderland, the world becomes smaller, the sea has elves, the islands have elves, the fish hook staff is a gift from the gods, and the fewer the settings, the more fairy tales and fables, which means that the more energy of this film.

For the people of an isolated island, is the sea a god who shelters them, or does it trap them in a cage?

Probably Moana, guided by The Crazy Lady, walked onto the sealed seafaring ship.

She probed into the cabin and beat the drum, which echoed in the cave for a long time. Then the candle suddenly lit up, the ambition and pride of the first people to go to sea was displayed in front of the audience, and the chorus of the crowd remembered that this was an adventurous song, and from this song I felt the strength, bravery and fighting spirit.

Moana is an independent, brave girl.

She also doubted how far she could go, like she sang "How far I will go."

"Ocean's Edge": Moving is always there, Disney animation and the animation of truth, goodness and beauty for adults to see

Leave every step of the way back

Just to go I desperately

But you can't go to the land of dreams

Look at the horizon where the sea and the sky meet

It calls my name

Although no one knows

How far to go to get there

As I raised my sails and sailed across the endless ocean

One day I will understand:

If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go

If I arrive, I don't need to ask how far the road ahead is.

Thank u, Mo anna.

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