
Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24

author:Cat's Eye Movie
Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24

Maoyan Movie News As the last animation introduction blockbuster in 2016, the word of mouth of "Moana", which was released on November 25, has continued to ferment, with super high praise and firm attendance to help the film schedule, the box office has been long-term; the film has also continued to be popular in North America, reaching the top of the North American box office rankings for three consecutive weeks, showing the equally strong appeal of Disney animation in China and the United States. According to the latest domestic news, the film key will be extended for one month and continue to be released until January 24. As of December 22, "Ocean's Edge" has grossed 190 million yuan in the 28 days of mainland release.

Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24
Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24

Disney's most ambitious international authoritative film festival hit "The most beautiful and best animation seen this year!"

Since the release of "Ocean's Edge", this ambitious work created by the original team of "Zootopia", "Super Marines" and "Frozen" has been praised by the media as "a new milestone in Disney animation", conquering the audience with visual and auditory perfection, "not only the character portrayal is distinct, the songs are also beautiful and beautiful, each capital is meaningful, like listening to a magnificent stage play, combined with a beautiful picture is even more difficult for people to help themselves." Since its release, Ocean's Edge has been predicted by domestic and foreign media as a strong contender for next year's Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film. Among the latest international awards, "Ocean's Edge" was nominated for best animated feature film in the 74th Golden Globe Awards, best original song, best animated feature at the 44th Animated Annie Awards, best animated feature at the 22nd American Critics' Choice Awards, and best song, which once again proved the excellent quality of this Disney animation.

Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24

"Innocent and Beautiful" "Ocean's Edge" became the only family movie in December

"Ocean's Edge" continues the beauty and color of previous Disney animated films, and the combination of teenage girl Moana and demigod Maui is even more fresh and exciting, and for most Chinese audiences deep inland, the viewing process is more like a tropical island vacation full of fantasy.

As the only family animation in December, "Ocean Adventure" contributed a new combination of unrelated male and female protagonists, and the funny interaction between the two on the adventure gave birth to a large number of hilarious laughs; the protagonist's pet piggy fat and chicken also added more humor elements to the film, comforting and decompressing. "Ocean's Edge" tells the profound theme of self-exploration with a simple story, and the pursuit of self-growth and self-identity also gives the film a warm temperament, which is not only suitable for children, but also attracts a large number of adult audiences. The positive energy of the story is full of pulse warmth, and it is definitely the most suitable film for the whole family to watch together in this December's Chinese New Year blockbuster.

Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24
Nearly 200 million yuan at the box office, the mainland key of "Ocean's Edge" was extended to January 24

"Ocean's Edge" is currently in major theaters, and the screening has been postponed to January 24, so that more people have the opportunity to go to the theater to experience this warmest and most memorable fantasy adventure, so that the tropical current from the Pacific Ocean can warm more people.