
The plot of "Ocean's Edge" is single and does not hide the creative light

author:Xinhuanet client

"Frozen" and "Zootopia" created by the original team of Disney's year-end finale "Ocean's Edge" is menacing, and we absolutely believe that it is the original team, because its story routine is "Frozen" and the technical special effects are "Crazy Animal City".

The plot of "Ocean's Edge" is single and does not hide the creative light

"Ocean's Edge" is too similar to "Frozen", and it is also about a girl's growth process, which includes the story of finding a lost self and redeeming others. In order to save her people and the island being swallowed up by darkness, moana, the protagonist of the play, finds Maui who stole the Heart of the Ocean alone and takes him through the sea to return the Heart of the Sea with him through the sea. In the process of returning the Heart of the Ocean, although he was confused and self-defeating due to failure, he finally became stronger under the guidance of the "Spiritual Teacher" and defeated his heart. The plot of the film is very simple, and if you go into the theater for the sake of the movie plot, you may be disappointed, but the charm of animated movies is far more than the movie story.

Animation film is different from real film is its imagination and creativity, there will be no real film for many ideas can not be realized constraints, this is also the charm of animation movies, see the scene can not be seen in reality, experience the story that can not be experienced in real life, creativity becomes the key, it can be said that animation film is to let you really out of reality to enjoy the experience of a new world.

Disney's animated films have been criticized by many people for their old-fashioned plots and themes that cannot be broken, and "Ocean's Edge" has also blackened the "princess", for which Disney has also made a gratifying attempt, "Invincible Destruction King", "Super Marines" and especially "Zootopia" have made people see Disney's determination to break through, but these films in addition to the more diverse themes, the most attractive is the creativity of the story.

The plot of "Ocean's Edge" is single and does not hide the creative light

In Hollywood, screenwriters who can write a complete story structure, smooth plot development, and reasonable character settings are everywhere, but to write a story full of creativity, not everyone can, although because the film's storyline setting is relatively single, the creativity carried on the story does not bring greater surprises like "Zootopia", but "Ocean Strange" still gives sincerity. Inspired by the historical stories passed down by the inhabitants of Oceania, the film presents the customs and customs of the Oceania region, which is an exotic culture with its own curiosity and ornamental landscape. In addition, the anthropomorphic setting of the sea water is amazing under the realistic special effects, and the night view of the ocean is comparable to the night ocean in "Young Pi", which is beautiful; the setting of the tattoo elements on Maui's body is also refreshing; the setting of the stupid chicken also brings unexpected laughter. At the same time, the exotic music in the play is properly integrated with the film, and the effect of 1+1>2 is also achieved for the creativity.

The plot of "Ocean's Edge" is single and does not hide the creative light

The special effects of the film follow the realism of "Crazy Animal City", Moana's realistic hair, the fine details of the character's costumes, the different colors of the sea, and the shapes of different states have the effect of fake and real, and the special effects escort can be said to provide the best coat for creativity. If "Ocean's Edge" will let the audience leave because of the old-fashioned story and simple plot, then creativity will be the straw to retain the audience.

The acceptance of film audiences for animated films is limited, and it is easy to be snubbed by the audience if they cannot come up with ideas, which is also one of the important reasons why domestic animation films have not been welcomed by the audience. The profound meaning that animated films can carry is limited, especially for animated films for children, and the universal and upward values are not afraid of being superficial, afraid of not having creativity to wrap. Looking at domestic animation films, there are very few who can be creative and attract adults and children at the same time, only "Big Fish and Begonias" is still remarkable, but it is caught in the misunderstanding of complex stories and unclear plot lines. But even so, "Big Fish and Begonias" still made valuable attempts in creativity and achieved great success, and domestic animation films need this kind of creativity.

Fairy tales endure because we yearn for the world in which they are told, and animated films are the ladder to a creative world. (Wen Yang Yingying)

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