
He was the only ruler in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, he was the first assistant of the Qianlong Jiaqing Dynasty, and he actually climbed the coffin to let the people go

author:History and culture talk

During the Qing Dynasty, Shaanxi produced the only title——— Wang Jie of Miaohou Village in Hancheng County (present-day Hancheng). He was raised in the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong, when the township test Xie Yuan (equivalent to the first place in the provincial examination). In the twenty-sixth year of Qianlong, Wang Jie became the only Shaanxi emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty. As a leader, why did he have to climb on the coffin for his mother to carry out when he came out of the funeral, the matter had to start from the beginning

He was the only ruler in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, he was the first assistant of the Qianlong Jiaqing Dynasty, and he actually climbed the coffin to let the people go

Qing Zhuangyuan Wang Jie (Image from the Internet)

He is guided by his father's aspirations in his studies

Wang Jie's father, Wang Tingzhao, was the chief bookkeeper of Shimen County, Hangzhou Province, Zhejiang Province, from Zhengjiupin. At that time, Jiangnan talents gathered, in order to let his son receive a good education, four-year-old Wang Jie was taken to Hangzhou by his father, and hired local famous teachers to teach his son Enlightened. Wang Jie has a very high level of understanding, knows how to read and write, is familiar with subsets of the history of the scriptures, and gives poetry to literature. After Wang Tingzhao resigned and returned to his hometown, his life was poor, but he did not slack off on Wang Jie's studies. In the twelfth year of Qianlong, Wang Jie studied at the prestigious Guanzhong Academy, where he studied under the inheritors of Guanxi, the Master of Guanxi, and the Great Confucian Sun Jinglie of the Qing Dynasty, and this study experience later benefited Wang Jie for life, and in his later years, he sighed: "Born parallel to his own official is able to do this." ”

He was the only ruler in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, he was the first assistant of the Qianlong Jiaqing Dynasty, and he actually climbed the coffin to let the people go

Guanzhong College

In the eighteenth year of Qianlong, Wang Jie's father died, and the family had reached the point of exhaustion, so in order to support his mother, Wang Jie began to travel in all directions to find a way out. In the sixteenth year of Qianlong, Wang Jie entered the temple examination with the tenth place in the examination. At that time, Shaanxi had not passed the title since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. When the Qianlong Emperor looked through Wang Jie's examination paper, he saw that the handwriting on this examination paper was beautiful and familiar, and after carefully recalling it, he remembered that the handwriting on the previous Shaanxi and Gansu Governor Yin Jishan presented to him was the same as the handwriting on the examination paper in front of him. Later, it was verified that Wang Jie had been a secretary under Yin Jishan, and not only had good writing and writing, but also had excellent character, so he was selected as the first.

He was known as the official Qing intermediary Geng Zhi honest and beautiful

When he was studying in the upper study as the chief master, Pope Ziyan, he taught him strictly and punished him for kneeling and standing. Once Qianlong saw that the crown prince was punished to kneel, he ordered him to stand up and said, "After you teach, you are the Son of Heaven, and if he does not let you teach, he will also want to be a son of heaven. Wang Jie said, "After education, you will be a monarch like Yao Shun, and if you don't educate, you will become a monarch like Yao Shun, and this is the way to be a teacher!" ”

He was the only ruler in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, he was the first assistant of the Qianlong Jiaqing Dynasty, and he actually climbed the coffin to let the people go

The Jiaqing Emperor and Wang Jie

It is said that at that time, He yan once told Qianlong about Wang Jie's complaint, saying that Wang Jie had a "three-king mansion" and "four royal palaces" in Hancheng. Qianlong was more suspicious, and when he heard this, he immediately sent someone to Hancheng to investigate secretly, and when he came, he found that Wang Jie's house was hidden in a remote and narrow alley, which was particularly difficult to find, and the door of the home looked even more shabby than that of ordinary people's homes. Later, I learned that the locals felt that this shabby residence was really not worthy of Wang Jie's identity, so they used their surname to jokingly call it "Wangfu". Qianlong was very touched to learn of this result, so he rewarded him with three thousand taels of silver and asked him to build a better house, but Wang Jie refused.

He respected his mother and kept filial piety strictly

After the death of Wang Jie's father, the family was very poor, and in order to support his mother and family, he worked as a secretary outside for many years to make a living. When he was admitted to the Yuanyuan and served as a zhejiang supervisor, he took his mother to Zhejiang to support him, and whenever he finished his official duties, he hurried home to serve the elderly with his wife. When he went to Hunan to serve as the deputy chief examiner of the township examination, his mother said to him: "Ru was still a person last year, and now the emperor has appointed Ru as an examiner. After arriving at the post, Wang Jie was very diligent in reviewing the examination papers, often checking them repeatedly, for fear of making a mistake and violating the teachings of the old lady. During the period of supporting his mother, he never went to the gardens of the house to enjoy, resulting in the garden in the house being deserted and the pavilion withering.

In the forty-eighth year of Qianlong, Wang Jie's mother died, and he sent his mother back to Hancheng for burial according to customs, at that time, although the funeral was relatively simple, because Wang Jie was in a high position, the people who came to pay tribute came and went, which was very lively. However, there was a good story later passed down as a good story, according to local customs, Wang Jie's mother belonged to the side room and not to the main room of her father Wang Yanzhao, so the coffin of Old Lady Wang could not be carried out of the main gate of the Wang family to the mausoleum, but Wang Jie, as a filial son, felt that her mother had worked hard all her life and should be treated as if she came out of the main gate. After some debate, he was still dissuaded by the relatives of the Wang family. Just when Mrs. Wang's coffin was about to be lifted out, Wang Jie suddenly climbed on his mother's coffin, and he told the people around him, today you not only carry my mother, but also carry me, can I go out of the front door, the Wang family relatives standing on the side saw this scene, instantly dumbfounded, and replied in unison: "Yes, yes, you are the grandfather of the Yuan, and you are also a courtier, you must be able to", Wang Jie said: "Then carry me and my mother out of the main gate." So there is the story of Grandpa Yuan, who crawled on the coffin when his mother came out of the funeral and was carried out. To this day, the locals still circulate this good story. From this story, we can see that Wang Jie, as an important courtier, has great respect and filial piety for his mother.

He was the only ruler in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, he was the first assistant of the Qianlong Jiaqing Dynasty, and he actually climbed the coffin to let the people go

Hanseong Province

In 1805, Wang Jie died of illness in Beijing. The Jiaqing Emperor gave Wang Jie the title of "Wen Duan" and personally wrote a tribute: "Wen is long, the wind is clear and the sleeves are not afraid of the powerful; the quality is high, the words are all over the place, and they dare to rebuke evil." This is a true portrayal of Wang Jie's life as an official.

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