
During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China, the founding emperors of the Southern Dynasties were all national heroes of the Northern Expedition and the Five Hus?

author:Super Saint Overseer

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China, the founding emperors of the Southern Dynasty were all national heroes of the Northern Expedition, the Founding Emperors of the Northern Expedition, and the founding emperors of the Northern Dynasty were all wise and divine warriors.

Since the "Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wuhu and Sixteen Kingdoms Period", the Eastern Jin Dynasty has launched several wars of the Northern Expedition and the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, the most famous of which are the "Huanwen Northern Expedition" and the "Xie'an Northern Expedition". After the fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, China officially entered the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, represented by "Song Wudi Liu Yu" and the Northern Dynasty represented by "Wei Daowu Emperor Tuoba Jue".

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties initiated by "Liu Yu" and "Tuoba Jue", four founding emperors appeared in the Southern Dynasty, namely: "Song Wudi Liu Yu, Qi Gao Emperor Xiao Daocheng, LiangWu Emperor Xiao Yan, Chen Wudi Chen Baxian"; the Northern Dynasty appeared three founding emperors, they were: "Wei Daowu Emperor Tuoba Jue, Qi Wenxuan Emperor Gao Yang, Zhou Xiaomin Emperor Yuwen Jue". Compared with the founding emperor of the Northern Dynasty, the founding emperors of the Southern Dynasty were all militants, and the founding emperors of the Northern Dynasty were all Shoucheng Ling Lords.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties period, since the beginning of the "Eastern Jin Dynasty", every Northern Expedition of the Southern Dynasty was actively attacked by the Southern Dynasty and passively beaten by the Northern Dynasty. It was not until the "Southern Chen Dynasty" period that the Southern Dynasty began to be passively beaten and the Northern Dynasty took the initiative to attack. The most common Northern Expedition of the Southern Dynasty was during the founding emperors of the Southern Dynasty. However, every founding emperor of the Northern Dynasty never presided over the launch of the "Southern Expedition" war against the Southern Dynasty.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, from the beginning of "Liu Yu", to "Xiao Daocheng, Xiao Yan", and then to "Chen Baxian", every founding emperor of the Southern Dynasty personally presided over the war of the Northern Expedition of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the most famous Northern Expedition was the "Northern Expedition of Liu Yu, the Northern Expedition of Xiao Daocheng, the Northern Expedition of Emperor Wu of Liang, and the Northern Expedition of Chen Baxian".

When Liu Yu was a general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he personally presided over three wars of the Northern Expedition and the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, and after Liu Yu became emperor, Liu Yu never presided over the Northern Expedition again.

When Xiao Daocheng was a general of the "Liu Song", he also participated in the Northern Expedition several times, such as the "Yuanjia Northern Expedition", Xiao Daocheng had participated in it; after Xiao Daocheng became emperor, he also presided over the Northern Expedition for the only time, but in the end, "Southern Qi" never launched the Northern Expedition again.

When "Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan" was a general of the "Southern Qi" at that time, he once resisted the invasion of the Northern Dynasty, and after Xiao Yan was proclaimed emperor, "Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan" presided over the Northern Expedition war several times, although all of them were fruitless, but "Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan" was honored by the Northern Dynasty monarchs in his later years as "Shengweng Liang Emperor", from which it can be seen that the fierceness of the Northern Expedition War launched by "Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan" has been affirmed by the Northern Dynasty monarchs.

Chen Baxian, when he was a general of the Liang Dynasty, relied on the Northern Expedition to establish military merits, and also personally presided over the Northern Expedition War three times, after Chen Baxian became emperor, the Chen Dynasty monarch relied on the Yangtze River Graben, and the Chen Dynasty never held a Northern Expedition War again, gradually making the Southern Dynasty passively invaded by the Northern Dynasty.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the founding emperors of the Southern Dynasty launched the Northern Expedition war several times, but none of the successor kings of the Southern Dynasty could preside over the Northern Expedition like those founding emperors, and gradually the Southern Dynasty began to decline, the Northern Dynasty gradually became stronger, and finally the last dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, "Southern Chen", was annexed by the successor of the Northern Dynasty, "Sui Wendi", and the Period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties ended.

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