
Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

Source: World Wide Web

【Global Network Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping】Fancy eating pineapples, "national army" food with pineapples... In the clamor of "eating pineapples and saving Taiwan" on the island, a picture issued by a vegetable farmer in Yunlin, Taiwan, made many netizens on the island dumbfounded: The origin of canned pineapples from Taiwan Sugar Company is Thailand...

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

Screenshot of Taiwan's "ETtoday News Cloud" report

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

Screenshot of taiwan's Zhongshi News Network report

After the mainland announced the suspension of the import of pineapples from Taiwan from March, the DPP authorities, who were worried that the move might impact the pineapple industry, shouted the slogan of "eating pineapples to save the peasants", hoping that the people could help digest the pineapples originally sold to the mainland. On February 28, Taiwan authority leader Tsai Ing-wen, deputy leader Lai Ching-te, and su Zhenchang, the head of the administrative agency, split into three routes and went south to "save pineapples." Lai Qingde also attached a pineapple car shape to Facebook on the same day, calling on everyone to "eat the pineapple of Taiwan". On 28 February, Taiwan's defense department also announced that it would cooperate with the "Committee of Agriculture" promotion plan to encourage food groups affiliated to the Taiwan military to enthusiastically purchase pineapples to take care of the peasants on the island.

However, in the afternoon of the same day, Yunlin Vegetable Farmer Lin Jiaxin posted a picture on Facebook showing that the canned pineapple of Taiwan's sugar company originated in Thailand... Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network said that this made netizens dumbfounded. ↓

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

Lin Jiaxin posted a picture of canned pineapple on Facebook, only to see the words "Origin Thailand" written on the picture. Pictured from Taiwan media

According to Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network, Lin Jiaxin posted a photo of canned pineapples produced by Taiwan Sugar Company on Facebook on February 28, pointing out that the source of canned pineapples was not Taiwan, but marked "Thailand". Lin Jiaxin said bluntly that instead of constantly making internal propaganda and wanting to support the peasants, it would be more practical to ask Taiwan Sugar to first move the planting areas and the production lines of the processing plants back to Taiwan.

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

Screenshot of Lin Jiaxin's Facebook

Taiwan's "ETtoday News Cloud" said that Lin Jiaxin bluntly said that he did not think that the ban on pineapples was retaliation, because if he wanted to retaliate against Taiwan, it would be better to directly ban the import of rice. He believes that the pineapple issue only highlights one issue, "whether the DPP should actively face agricultural problems."

Lin Jiaxin also said that the DPP must seriously face the problem of export and domestic demand of all fruits, not a sentence of "the mainland does not eat" let the Taiwanese eat two more, if so, cabbage, oranges, grapefruit ... In the future, if any agricultural products are not sold, will it be solved that Taiwanese people can eat two more? He held that at present, Taiwan's planned production is often exported by political orders, and Taiwan's agricultural products are very weak in international competitiveness. He called on the DPP authorities to stop covering their ears and snuffing the bell and face the current situation together.

Zhongshi News Network said that Lin Jiaxin's photo also made Taiwan netizens dumbfounded, some people directly called never noticed, some people said "irony", because "pineapple 'national team' sells Thai pineapples." Some people also said, "The Great Inner Propaganda, the Great Inner Propaganda, why don't you dare to directly say that you are deceiving people." ”↓

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...
Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...
Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...
Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

According to the report, some people have also proposed that Tsai Ing-wen's "new southbound" policy over the years has made no progress at all, and the sales growth of pineapples in Southeast Asia alone has not improved at all, but the number of sales to the mainland has doubled. Some people say that Southeast Asia itself produces more tropical fruits than Taiwan, so why do they need to buy our fruits? Is this development strategy really the right one?

Embarrassed! The island is "eating pineapples to save Taiwan", a look at the picture: Taiwan canned pineapples originated in Thailand...

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