
The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

author:Reading a book

The successful expulsion of the Dutch colonists and the recovery of Taiwan occupied by the late Ming Dynasty is a feat that will be forever remembered by history.

But there is an incredible coincidence in him, and this coincidence will give people an illusion:

He existed for the historical task of recovering Taiwan.

Born in Japan in 1624, the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty, the year the Dutch invaded Taiwan, the year he died in 1662, the year he had just expelled the Dutch and brought Taiwan under his rule.

The coincidence that Guo Ye lived for a total of 38 years, and Taiwan also happened to be colonized by the Dutch for 38 years, is not only intriguing, but also bizarre.

Of course, in the process of resisting the Qing Dynasty and recovering Taiwan in his early years, Guo Surname Ye encountered all kinds of dangerous and unpredictable, and even life-threatening wars, but he could always be unexpectedly murdered.

However, he died in a hurry a few months after the recovery of Taiwan.

So is it really providence in the dark that the national surname, which is known as "the king does not die", can successfully expel foreign enemies and recover Taiwan?

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

1. The king of the anti-Qing period does not die

After Zheng Zhilong did not heed the advice to surrender, Zheng Chenggong announced that he had broken with him and cleaned up the mess and rebelled against the Qing.

According to the Italian missionary Li Corro, who had long been under Zheng Chenggong's account, Zheng Chenggong's early anti-Qing process and hardships.

When he first started his army, there were only two warships, the starting capital was only more than a thousand taels of gold, and there were only a few dozen of his men who followed him.

After that, he successively recruited troops in Xiamen, Nan'ao and other places, plus recruited nearby pirates and the remnants of his father, and finally accumulated the strength to confront the Qing court.

However, in this process, Zheng Chenggong was on the verge of crisis several times, but he was able to coincidentally avoid the crisis several times, and his lucky value could not be described as explosive.

For example, on the eighth day of November in the third year of the Yong calendar (1649), after Zheng Chenggong led his army to defeat the pirate Xu Long, he boarded the pirates occupied by Xu Long, and as a result, he was attacked by Xu Long's ambush troops.

"On the shore of the clan, there were several thieves crouching on the shore, believing that it was the clan, and suddenly charged the driver, and jumped and fell on a horse." (Records of the Conscription)

When Zheng Chenggong was patrolling the shore, suddenly several Xulong remnants jumped out to attack, and they recognized that the rider was Zheng Chenggong, so they took the guy and attacked him.

This caused Zheng Chenggong's mount to be frightened and overturned, a scene somewhat similar to the assassination of Sun Ce during the Three Kingdoms period, thinking that the accident came too suddenly, and Zheng Chenggong did not have time to do an emergency response.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

When he saw that he was about to be cut down.

Cai Qiao, Li Chang, and others who were guarding him quickly rushed up to stop him, and then the army stabbed and killed everyone, and Zheng Chenggong was lucky to escape this fate.

"The thief violently raised his blade to stab him, and fortunately protected Ban Cai Qiao, Li Chang, and others to meet the assassination, and they had to ensure that nothing happened, and this danger was also there." (Records of the Conscription)

In the first month of the fourth year of the Yong calendar, Zheng Chenggong led an army to conquest the local peace village in Chaoyang that did not want to submit, and was almost killed by a shot by the fire.

At that time, Zheng Chenggong personally went to the front line to command the battle, and was accompanied by a Pan soldier to inspect it, and after the two people watched and discussed in front of the battle for a while, Zheng Chenggong turned around and prepared to leave.

This turn successfully saved his life.

"Only then did he turn around and move, and a bullet hit Pan's right finger, which was where the clan stood, and if he didn't turn, he would be mistaken." (Records of the Conscription)

Zheng Chenggong turned around and prepared to leave, and Pan Joinjun also followed to leave, but at this time, a bullet came, and Zheng Chenggong, who had just turned away, was lucky to dodge.

However, Pan, who had only just reached Zheng Chenggong's position, was unlucky enough to be hit in the finger by a bullet and shot for Zheng Chenggong that could be fatal.

It is hard to imagine that if this bullet hit Zheng Chenggong, if he really died young, history would not change because of this bullet.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

As for whether the bomb was deliberately fired or a stray bullet flying around the battlefield, it is not known.

In June of the same year, Zheng Chenggong and the Qing army engaged in a fierce battle in Chaozhou, and after repelling the Qing army, the two sides began to encamp and confront each other.

One day, when Guo Surname Ye was drinking with his generals on the hillside outside the city, he was found by the Scouts of the Qing Army, and immediately called for artillery fire to attack.

"The inspector of this clan returned to the town, drank under the high mountain pine stones on the edge of the city, and the prisoners found out that they were stationed at the festival and urged the cannons to be fired." (Records of the Conscription)

As a result, the Qing army fired artillery shells at the Guo surname Ye's garrison, and one shell did hit the side of the Guo surname Ye, but Zheng Chenggong escaped unscathed.

"Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and its housekeeper Ah 3 Ping Fan was carrying a pot next to him, and he was smashed to death by the cannon, and the lord of the clan had no obstacles with the towns, that is, he moved away from it." (Records of the Conscription)

However, Zheng Chenggong's housekeeper A 3 did not have such explosive luck, and he who was pouring wine for the generals was directly blown to pieces, and zheng chenggong presented this fatal shot.

Subsequently, the Qing army sent troops to investigate the results of the battle, and after learning that Zheng Chenggong was not injured, he couldn't help but sigh that Zheng Chenggong was really a man with a circle of destiny on his head!

"The detective is shocked, saying 'the king does not die.'" (Records of the Conscription)

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

There is really nothing wrong with calling Zheng Chenggong the king immortal, because he still has historical tasks to complete, how can he be easily killed?

At the critical moment, someone will naturally carry the thunder for him.

2. The king who recovers Taiwan does not die

In 1661, due to Zheng Chenggong's unfavorable resistance to the Qing on the mainland, especially the heavy losses after the failure to retake Nanjing, it was decided to open a new anti-Qing base.

He targeted Taiwan, which had been occupied by the Dutch, and it happened that the Dutch translator He Bin came to his aid and presented Zheng Chenggong with a map of Taiwan.

Therefore, Zheng Chenggong decided to lead the army to retake Taiwan.

Of course, in the nearly one-year battle with the Dutch, Zheng Chenggong was also almost killed several times, but his luck was too good to be solved.

When Zheng successfully landed in Taiwan and besieged the city of Prominsha, Guo Surname Ye placed his Chinese army tent in the back hill of the castle, but it was too much to be discovered by the Dutch artillery.

"In the enemy camp to the south, there was a prominent black tent embellished with blue, the largest of all the tents. We (the Dutch) guessed that it was a tent with the national name, so it was like firing a cannon there. (The Diary of May)

The artillery of the Dutch is fiercer than the artillery of the Qing army, and the accuracy is higher than that of the Cannon of the Qing Army, and the big tent of the Chinese army where the key country surname is located is also exposed under the eyes of the Dutch.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

It is said that after being washed by the Dutch, the chances of Zheng succeeding in surviving are not too great, and as a result, the shells did hit the chinese army's big tent, but the country's surname was still not a fart.

"One shell hit them, and they (Zheng Jun) moved a little farther away. Afterwards, I heard that one of them had a broken leg. (The Diary of May)

The shelling of Zheng Chenggong's Chinese army tent is not only recorded in the Netherlands, but also recorded by Yang Ying, a military officer under Zheng Chenggong, in his book "Records of Conscription".

It can be confirmed by two aspects.

"It was late, and the long cat in Chikan City was difficult to bite, and he shelled my camp and burned the stables." (Records of the Conscription)

Even the Qing Dynasty, which was hostile to Zheng Chenggong at the time, detected the shelling according to relevant channels and left relevant records in its archives.

"The puppet general Lin Fu's hand was interrupted by the cannon, and the vanguard soldier, the soldier of Wu Hao in the former town of Xuanyi, also suffered many casualties from the cannon." ("Liang Qingbiao et al. Titled Report on Zheng Chenggong's Entry into Taiwan")

However, Zheng Chenggong did not suffer a little harm, this Destiny Circle is simply absolute, saying that he is not too much like Kaihang, right? It is sent to the Dutch without blood.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

After that, Zheng Chenggong successfully forced a landing on the city of Prominsha, and sent his troops to besiege the city of Zeelandia, where Yu Yi was located, and this siege lasted for more than half a year.

The Dutch fort of Zeelandia was exceptionally strong, and Utterlicht Fort was built on the periphery as a bridgehead, inflicting heavy casualties on the besieging Zheng army.

Zheng Jun's artillery had no way to take these castles.

It so happened that later, a German Dutch mercenary named Hans Gergen Ladis could not resist the pressure of the siege and asked Zheng to successfully surrender.

He also instructed the country's surname to find the weakness of Utrecht Fort and bombard it.

After assisting Zheng Jun in successfully bombing Utterlicht Castle into slag, Zheng Chenggong excitedly and accurately inspected the ruins, but the Hans soldier advised Zheng Chenggong not to go.

"He warned that it was dangerous to inspect a newly occupied area, and that there were often mines buried underneath." (The Forgotten Formosa)

It turned out that this Hans was right, the Dutch soldiers in Utrecht Fort did bury mines inside before retreating, that is, waiting to retaliate against the attacking Zheng army, and as a result, the Zheng army in the castle was killed and wounded.

Without the advice of this Hans, if Zheng Chenggong insisted on going over to check it out, perhaps he would not have seen the scene of Yiyi's surrender.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

There was no way, the man in the Circle of Destiny would always be taken special care of until he successfully recovered Taiwan.

3. The celestial signs all open the way for the national surname

After Guo Surname Ye decided to use troops in Taiwan, he first needed to lead the marine division to Penghu, and then sailed to Taiwan after repairs.

As a result, the army of the national surname Ye encountered a monstrous storm in Penghu, and Zheng Chenggong had no choice but to let the fleet take shelter in Penghu for a while, otherwise going out would be equivalent to sending him to death.

It is said that it is not impossible to attack Taiwan for a few days, the key is that the platform army does not bring much grain and grass, and it will be hungry for one day.

"Reclaim Penghu Inner Island." At that time, most officers and men did not bring grain, because He Tingbin said that when he came to Taiwan for a few days, the grain and rice were inexhaustible, so that they could block the wind and lack grain. (Records of the Conscription)

Yang Ying, who was the logistics officer of the household department, could only urgently collect grain and grass on Penghu Island, but it was not enough for Zheng Jun to eat for a day.

At that time, Zheng Jun had been trapped in Penghu for three days, either waiting to starve to death on the island, or going out to sea and burying himself at the bottom of the sea.

The living must not let the urine be choked to death, and Zheng Chenggong decided to gamble with the heavens on the sky, betting that the wind and waves would stop after he went to sea.

"The clan was frightened and starved of food, and feared that the north wind was indefinite, so it drove with the order of thirty nights. When the wind (storm) does not stop, the wind and rain are overcast. (Records of the Conscription)

The generals who accompanied Zheng Chenggong all knelt down and begged Zheng Chenggong not to be impulsive, but Zheng Chenggong did not want to starve to death on this, so he gave a high light to the generals.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

As long as the sea wind and waves will definitely stop.

"Ice is strong enough to cross, providence is there." If Providence pays me to pacify Taiwan, after driving tonight, the natural wind and waves will be quiet. Otherwise, the officers and men would not be able to sit on the island and suffer from hunger! (Records of the Conscription)

I always feel that Zheng Chenggong is a man who is spoiled by history.

He enlightened the generals who were afraid to set sail and said: If heaven entrusts me with the task of recovering Taiwan, then after we get on the boat tonight and leave Penghu, we will naturally have nothing to do with the calm and calm waves!

In fact, as Zheng Chenggong predicted, after the army left Penghu on the first day of the night, the wind and waves came out of the moon on the third day.

"After the third change, the clouds and rain dispersed, the weather was clear, and the wind was driving." (Records of the Conscription)

In addition to being favored by the celestial signs in Penghu, Zheng Chenggong's army was also favored by the celestial signs when they landed in Taiwan.

Zheng Chenggong's army, at the suggestion of He Bin, chose Luermen on the Bund in Taiwan as the landing point, but the shallow water here is deep.

If nothing else, Zheng Chenggong's warship may be stranded, and the magical scene appears again.

After the arrival of Zheng Chenggong's army, Lu'erMen suddenly rose tide, and Zheng Chenggong's army successfully crossed the shore.

"At first, this port was quite shallow, and there were no big ships in and out. It is the daily water that rises several feet, and the great one in my boat has not rested, and it is Providence that silently helps. It was late, and I arrived in a boat, berthed to heliao port, and landed. (Records of the Conscription)

In this way, Yang Ying, who has been following Zheng Chenggong in the southern expedition to the north, has to sigh that Zheng Chenggong is like a god, how he can smoothly overcome the danger every time.

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

It is not false to say that he was "tacitly assisted by Providence", after all, he is a man who wants to recover Taiwan, and it is normal for Heaven to open him up.

However, after he regained Taiwan, all kinds of bad things came rushing in, such as his son Zheng Jing, such as the heavy damage to the mainland's anti-Qing base, such as the massacre caused by the failure to conquer Luzon, such as his sudden health.

In short, only four or five months after the recovery of Taiwan, Zheng Chenggong, the immortal king, died suddenly, and it has also become a historical mystery.

Perhaps it was only the completion of his historical task.

(A word of family, seek common ground while reserving differences, thank you for reading)

The King Does Not Die Zheng Chenggong: Is it really providence to let the guo surname ye recover Taiwan?

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