
North and South Wind and Clouds - Yuan Jia San's Bao Zhao


Today we talk about the last of Liu Song Yuanjia's three masters, Bao Zhao. Compared with Xie Lingyun and Yan Yanzhi, Bao Zhao and them do not seem to be of the same era, and from the perspective of age, he and the two are nearly thirty years apart. At the same time, Bao Zhao is also the worst of the three.

North and South Wind and Clouds - Yuan Jia San's Bao Zhao

Bao Zhao was born in a low-level scholar family with no background, which was not a little bit different from Xie Lingyun's Chen Jun's Xie Clan and Yan Yanzhi's Langya Yan Clan. His family was very poor, and the young Bao Zhao had to engage in farming to make ends meet. Compared with the other two, such a birth also affected Bao Zhao's career, Xie Lingyun could inherit his grandfather's title at the age of eighteen, and although Yan Yanzhi's family road declined, after all, the skinny camel was bigger than Ma, and Bao Zhao's side could only find a way out on his own.

In the twelfth year of Yuan Jia (435 AD), Bao Zhao began his journey to Jingzhou in the west. During this period, he created many works, such as some poems in the group of poems "Eighteen DifficultIes on the Road", and "Climbing the Great Thunder Shore and the Sister Book". At the end of the year, Bao Zhao was preparing to meet Liu Yiqing, the prince of Linchuan, who was a talented son in Liu Song's court. Although Bao Zhaomao introduced himself, he did not receive Liu Yiqing's attention. But he did not give up, dedicated poetry and zhi, after seeing Bao Zhao's works, Liu Yiqing felt that his poems were strange, so he gave Bao Zhao twenty horses, and then promoted Bao Zhao to be a waiter in the Kingdom of Linchuan, after which Bao Zhao successively created works such as "Xie Brown Xie Shilang Table", "Autumn Show Hugh Shangren", "Answer hugh Shangren" and so on.

North and South Wind and Clouds - Yuan Jia San's Bao Zhao

During his service under Liu Yiqing, Bao Zhao could be described as highly prolific, such as "Denglu Mountain", "Denglu Mountain Wangshimen", "From Dengxiang Furnace Peak", "Ling Yan Lou Ming", "Wanggu Shi", "Ode to the Buddha's Shadow", "Xie Xie Forbidden Table", "Xie Sui'en was originally evacuated", "Shangxun yang also in the middle of the capital", "Three songs in the middle of the capital road", "Also to the three mountains to look at the stone city", "also the slogan", "Turning to the constant waiter Shangshu" and so on. Liu Yiqing is best known for the compilation of the "New Language of the World", as Liu Yiqing's staff, Bao Zhao, He Changyu, Lu Zhan, Yuan Shu and others all participated in the compilation of the "New Language of the World".

North and South Wind and Clouds - Yuan Jia San's Bao Zhao

In the first month of the twenty-first year of Yuan Jia (444 AD), Liu Yiqing died of illness, and Bao Zhao also decided to leave the Linchuan Palace, and after serving Liu Yiqing for three months, Bao Zhao wrote to Liu Ye, the son of Linchuan Shizi, and asked for his dismissal, and wrote two articles, "Tong Shizi Self-Liberation Qi" and "Heavy and Shizi Qi", Liu Ye approved Bao Zhao's request.

Leaving the Linchuan Palace did not mean that Bao Zhao ended his career, but this time he still served under the King of Fan, and he became Liu Yu's seventh son, liu Yiji, the general of the Northern Expedition, who was a staff member of Liu Yiji, the king of Hengyang, and during the period under Liu Yiji, Bao Zhao wrote works such as "From the Old Palace", "Song of Daizhuo", "Song of Daizhuo", "Song of The River Qingsong" and so on.

In the twenty-fourth year of Yuan Jia (447 AD), Bao Zhao left Liu Yiji and returned to Jiankang, and then became Liu Mao's staff, during which time he left behind works such as "Bai Shilang Shangshu", "He Wang Cheng", "From Bailing to Jingdan", "Garlic Mountain Was Ordered by King Sixing", "Four Songs of Dance Lyrics of DaiBai Ling", "Birth Of the Northern Shizi", "Farewell to Wang Xuancheng", "White Horse Chapter of Dai Chen Si Wang" and so on.

In the twenty-eighth year of Yuan Jia (451 AD), Bao Zhaoshilang resigned and began a period of travel. He has successively written works such as "Daifang Song Line", "Seven Songs of Cailing Song", "Wucheng Fu", "Sunset Wangjiang Gift Xun Cheng", "Daimen Has a Carriage and Horse Passenger Line", "Denggua Bushan Tatawen" and so on.

In June and July of the 29th year of Yuan Jia (452 AD), Bao Zhao went to visit his friend Yixing Taishou Wang Shengda, and left behind works such as "He Wang Yixing Qixi" and "Learning Tao Pengze Body". In February of the thirtieth year of Yuan Jia (453 AD), Liu Shao killed Liu Yilong, Liu Jun and others immediately rebelled, Wang Shengda took Bao Zhao with him and defected to Liu Jun, and Bao Zhao was able to serve under the emperor for the first time, so what would happen to him? Let's explain it slowly in the next article.

North and South Wind and Clouds - Yuan Jia San's Bao Zhao

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