
Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

author:Mupetal grass seeds

Bao Zhao, also spelled Mingyuan, was a native of Donghai (郡治 in present-day Tancheng, Shandong). He came from a humble background, but he was full of food to learn. In the sixteenth year of Yuan Jia (439), he was appreciated for his tribute to Liu Yiqing, the king of Linchuan, and was promoted to the position of State Attendant. Twenty-one years later (444), Liu Qing died and resigned. In 452, he accompanied King Sixing to Guabu and soon left. Later, he served as Yong'an Ling and Haiyu Ling. At one time, he was a prince doctor and a zhongshu sher. It is issued as the Moling Order and the Yongjia Order.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

Later, Liu Zixiang, the King of Linhai, joined the army in the former army. Zi Yan was defeated against Emperor Ming, and Bao Zhao was also killed by the rebel army. Bao Zhao is a poet from the Han ethnic group with strong feelings. His social experience and status made his poems less courtly and more generous and sad. There are about 200 poems of Bao Zhao's poems, mainly Lefu and Wuyan ancient poems, of which more than 80 Lefu poems have the highest achievements, and the 18 poems of "Difficulty in Planning to Walk" are the representative works of his Lefu.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

Bao Zhao's poems are rich in content. Because he is "talented and small", he can more deeply understand the darkness and injustice of the door valve system, and is indignant and indignant about the repression of talents of the Gaomen clan, so many of his poems are dissatisfied with and attack this social phenomenon. For example, "Difficulty in The Proposed Road" VI: "The case cannot be eaten, the sword is drawn and the pillar is long sighed, when will the husband be born?" Ann can hang its wings. Abandon the dismissal of the official, and return home to rest. Asagiri and kissing, Twilight is still on the pro-side. Get bed foreplay and watch the women weaving in the machine. Since ancient times, the sages have been poor and lowly, not to mention my generation is lonely and straight. ”

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

Another type of content of Bao Zhao's poetry is the works of the Biansai Zhengshu theme. Some describe the hardships of the border plugs and the determination of the generals to defend the country, such as "Dai from the Jibei Gate Line": "Yu Tan raised the side pavilion, and the beacon entered the sun." Enlist Tun Guangwu and divide the troops to save Shuo Fang. ”

Some write about the pain of people who are homesick and cannot return, such as "Difficulty in Planning to Travel" XIV: "If you don't see a young man and a strong man join the army, the white head cannot be returned." The hometown is separated day and night, and the sound and dust are cut off to block the river pass. The wind was depressed and the white clouds flew, and Hu Fu was anxious and cold. In addition, Bao Zhao also has poems on women's themes.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

The artistic achievements of Bao Zhao's poetry can be described as the highest among the poets of the Southern Dynasty. First of all, his Lefu poems have a lyrical and flowing beauty. He used to use Lefu poetry that was good at telling other people's affairs, and developed into a poetic style that directly expressed his feelings and described his own encounters, and integrated strong lyricism with the beauty of composition to express his own surging feelings. The theme can be nothing new, but it is done in one go, fluent and smooth, so the emotion is strong and moving. His poems are bold and bold, with an intense tone and a steep and urgent style.

Secondly, Bao Zhao's poetic language is also distinctive. He pays attention to tempering words and sentences, and his words are magnificent and have a shocking effect, so he is called "carving algae and erotic, pouring out the soul". For example, one of the "Difficult Roads to Be Traveled", "The fine wine of the Fengjun Golden Jade, the carved piano of the tortoiseshell jade box." The feather tent of the colorful hibiscus, the brocade of the Nine Flowers. Bao Zhao also paid attention to absorbing folk colloquialisms, which also made his poems as easy and fluent as if they came out of their mouths. Attention is also paid to the use of bold imaginations and metaphors to make the poems very vigilant, such as "The city of Japan and China is full, and the cars and horses are flowing" and so on.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

Bao Zhao made great contributions to the development of the Seven Words Poem. Bao Zhao's "Difficulty in Planning to Walk" is a miscellaneous statement based on seven words. The pure seven words of Cao Pi were boldly changed, and the rhyme was changed sentence by sentence to rhyme in intervals, and the rhyme was changed freely, so that the rhythm of the poem was sonorous and frustrated, and it was more convenient to express the unrestrained feelings.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

Bao Zhao's bold innovation and active creation greatly developed the seven-word poetry style, which directly affected the creation of the seven words and songs in the Tang Dynasty. Li Bai's songs are bold and bold, lyrical and strong, obviously contaminated by Bao Zhao's poetic style. Du Fu also praised "fresh Gengkai Province, Junyi Bao joined the army", which shows the great influence of its influence.

Bao Zhao and his Lefu poems, the poems have an uneven atmosphere and are impressive

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