
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

author:Animal world
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

A family of finches in the family, with 59 (or 60) species in 10 genera. This issue introduces several birds commonly found in China called.


Parus major

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The call of the great comes from the animal world 00:0001:25

Body length: 14-17 cm, weight 14-22 g.

Distribution: From Europe via southern Siberia to the valley of the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River. The nominate subspecies P.m.major, has a number of hybrids between large and far eastern in the eastern Part of the Heilongjiang River Valley.

Habitats and habits: deciduous forests, mixed forests, woods, shrublands, parks and gardens; mixed groups are often joined in winter.

Features: Large, noisy, light yellow abdomen with black longitudinal stripes. The head is black, the white cheeks are pronounced, and the occipital area has small white spots. The upper back , wing coverts , and waist are yellowish-green , the tail is long , bluish grey to black , and the outer tail feathers are white. Both male and female have longitudinal stripes on the abdomen (the male is wider, while the female does not reach the base of the legs), and the juvenile longitudinal stripes do not reach the lower abdomen, but have yellow lower body and subtail coverts. The wings are bluish grey , with large covert feathers with distinct white wing spots , and the third-degree flight feathers are black with white margins.

Bare area: Black beak. Eyes black. The tarsals are quite strong, black or grey.

Chirps: Calls include powerful tee-cher tee-cher.

Far Eastern

Parus minor

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The cries of the Far Eastern come from the animal world 00:0000:16

Body length: 15 cm, weight 11-20 g.

Distribution: Common resident birds from central and northern China to Sakhalin Island in Russia and Japan. The nominate subspecies P.m.minor is distributed in North and Northeast China, the Russian Far East, Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, the Korean Peninsula and Japan (south to the northern part of Kyushu Island), the P.m.kagoshimae subspecies is distributed in the southern part of Kyushu Island and goto Islands in Japan, the P.m.dagektensis subspecies is distributed in Ulleung Island, South Korea, the P.m.amamiensis subspecies is distributed in Amami Oshima and Tokuno Island, and the P.m.okinawae subspecies is distributed in Okinawa.

Habitats and habits: temperate and subtropical forests, as well as woodland habitats such as mixed deciduous forests, evergreen broad-leaved forests, shrublands, and gardens and parks in the countryside.

Features: Black, grey, and green, with a distinctly characteristic with longitudinal stripes on the abdomen. It is distinguished from the large tit by a yellowish-green color only on the upper back; the back, wing coverts, and waist are blue-gray, the tail feathers are black, the outer tail feathers are white, and the underparts are off-white or yellowish, with no yellow hue. The broad black longitudinal stripe extends from the chin to the abdomen, with the males being the widest at the abdomen and extending to the undertail coverts, while the females are narrower. The two wings of the third class are black with white feathers. The tail feathers are predominantly white , with a black base to a narrower midge (note - once classified as a large tit).

Naked area: Like a big.

Chimes: Typical repeating bee-tsu bee-tsu..., tea-cher-tea-cher, and tsupi tsupi. The song is repeated as the called sonic festival tsutsutsupii tsutsupii, tsupiitsupii, tsupi tsupi tsupi.

The backed

Parus cinereus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The call of the backed comes from the animal world 00:0000:42

Body length: 13-17 cm.

Distribution: South Asia to Southeast Asia P. c. The commixtus subspecies is distributed in eastern and southern China; c. The nigriloris subspecies is distributed in the southern part of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan.

Habitats and habits: A variety of forest habitats, but prefer evergreen broad-leaved forests and mangroves; also found in gardens.

Features: A with dark, gray plumage. The head is black, from the top of the head to the underside and the chin/throat, as well as the occipital and neck sides, and the cheeks are small white spots. The upper back, back and shoulders are grey in the middle, the wing coverts are black and the flight feathers are black with gray narrow feather margins, the wing spots of the large cover feathers are not very obvious, and the third-degree flight feathers have white margins. The tail feathers are long, grey-black, and the outer tail feathers are white. The black color of the larynx and the side of the neck extends from the upper chest to the center of the abdomen to form a black thick longitudinal stripe (the male is wider), the underparts are dark gray, and the two sides are dark gray (note - once classified as a large tit).

Chirping: Distinct from the Great and the Far Eastern, the zerr zerr zerr is harsh and electronically vibrating. The song is sung as a cheerful repetitive two-syllable whistle.


Parus monticolus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 12-13 cm, weight 12-17 g.

Distribution: Himalayas to southern China and the Indochina Peninsula. The P.m. insperatus subspecies is found only in Taiwan.

Habitat and habits: Broad-leaved forest belt (800-2800 m) in the mountainous areas of central Taiwan, some individuals descend to 200 m or less in winter.

Features: Small, brightly colored resemble large, but can be distinguished by a green upper back and two white wing spots. The head, throat, and broad abdomen are longitudinal stripes black, the cheeks are white, and the posterior margin is more rounded, which is smaller than that of the great, but more rounded, and the occipital part is white; the underparts are bright yellow. The wings are blue-black with white margins, forming two white wing spots on the wing cover feathers, the young are yellow, the third-degree flight feathers are black with white feathers, the flight feathers are blue-gray with blue-gray margins, the upper tail feathers are blue-gray, the lower part is black, and the near-feathered ends have white spots (see Big Tit). The longitudinal stripes on the abdomen of the female are shorter and end in the middle of the abdomen, while the male is almost up

to the perianal.

Bare area: short beak, black. Eyes black. Tarsal blue-black.

Chime: I don't like chime very much, and my voice is a rough and dry chichichi. The song consists of 3-4 simple and melancholy whistles tsew tsew (tsew).

Taiwan Yellow

Parus holsti

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 13 cm.

Distribution: Endemic resident birds in the mountains and forests of the middle elevation in Taiwan. Monotype.

Habitat and habits: Preference for the canopy of evergreen broad-leaved forests, as well as coniferous trees in or near broad-leaved forests, rarely going to artificial coniferous forest belts. It is generally active at altitudes of 1000-2500 m, with a small number of individuals descending to lower altitudes (200 m or less) in winter.

Features: Bright yellow with crested feathers that is not confused. The crown from the forehead to the occipital and spiny horns is blue-black, the posterior margin of the crown is white, the black over-the-eye lines extend to the base of the beak, the upper back and back are dark blue-gray, the wings and tail feathers are black with blue-grey margins, and the large coverts and third-degree flying feathers are white. The beak is bright lemon yellow from the upper eyes, cheeks and lower body, the face is the darkest color, turning white to the perianal area, and there are black spots between the legs of the abdomen. The female is duller , less blue , with a more grayish green upper back , a more lemonish yellow face , and no black spots on the abdomen.

Bare area: black beak, quite stout, black eyes, tarsal dark gray.

Chirping: A variety of calls are emitted when alarmed, with a rather low jerrr and a tithou like a large, usually also emitting an angry and sudden tsih chichi ch ch cheh!. The song is sung as a repetitive and high-pitched whistle pit pit tsee, tsu-wee-wee tsu-wee-wee-tsu, low and slow tsuweee tsu-weee... Or a mix of the two.


Periparus venustulus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 10 cm, weight 9-12.5 g.

Distribution: Southeast China, south to Zhejiang, north to Hebei forest area, periodic explosive spread, recorded on the Korean Peninsula. Monotype.

Features: Resembles a small and colorful coal with a rounder head and a shorter beak. The crown , cheeks , and throat are black , contrasting with broad white occipital spots and narrow white cheek spots ; the upper back is dark grey with black longitudinal stripes , and the wings are black with two wing spots formed by white spots ( the end of the covert feathers ) . The tail feathers are black and the outer tail feathers are white. The underparts are yellow.

Bare area: The beak is short and thick, black. Eyes black. Dark gray on the tarsals.

Chirp: High-pitched nasal si-si-si.


Periparus spilonotus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 14 cm, weight 18-23 g.

Distribution: Himalayas to The Indochina Peninsula and southern China. P. The s. rex subspecies is found east to Fujian, China, and has escaped in Taiwan.

Habitat and habits: Open evergreen broad-leaved forests (800 to 2745 m above sea level).

Features: Large, yellow, black, grey and white, with pronounced crown feathers. The male has yellow forehead, eye, face, posterior crown and occipital area, and black eyebrow lines from the crown of the head, crown of the head, from the eyes to the ear feathers, and from the chin to the perianal stripes. The upper back is dark grey with thick black stripes, the wings are black, the white ends of the covert feathers form two wing spots, the base of the primary flight feathers is white, forming white patches, and the third class flight feathers have white feathers. The tail feathers are very long and black, and the outer tail feathers on the outside are white. The thorax to the perianal area is off-white, and the female is yellowish-green with yellowish wing spots.

Bare area: Black beak. Eyes black. Tarsal blue-grey.

Chirping: The warning cry is a loud, low-pitched cherryrr, more muffled than a Far Eastern.


Periparus ater

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 10-12 cm, weight 8-10 g.

Distribution: A common resident bird widely distributed in Eurasia, the nominate subspecies P. a. ater is distributed in northwestern Europe to eastern Russia, southern Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island, south to the Far East, northeast China, the Korean Peninsula and Hokkaido, Japan, P. a. pekinensis subspecies is distributed northeast from Shanxi to Hebei and Shandong, P. a. insularis subspecies is distributed in the South Kuril Islands and Japan, and P. a. ptilosus subspecies is distributed only in the high-altitude mountainous areas of Taiwan.

Habitats and habits: Mature coniferous and mixed forests are found in mountainous and low-altitude areas, and are not common in parks and gardens. Winters like to join a flock of and usually respond to the pishing sound first. Taiga prefers coniferous forests to other.

Features: Small, fairly slender black and grey with large heads and short tails. The black head has pronounced crown feathers (subspecies P. Kelly from Taiwan). a. ptilosus is particularly pronounced), the occipital and cheeks are white. The upper back , waist and tail feathers are dark blue-grey , the wings are black , the light margins of the coverts form two narrow wing spots , and the third-degree flight feathers are white. The black spread of the chin extends to the upper thorax, the neck is gray, and the thorax and abdomen are yellow or off-white.

Bare area: Slender beak, sharp beak. The eyes are larger and the eyes are black. Dark gray on the tarsals.

Chirping: The calls are daisy-like soft-see-see and tsutsu-tsu-chi-ririri. The song is sung as a fairly loud and fast-repeating tse tse peen tse peen..., and the ringing s'pee, s'pee, s'pee, is more vocal and clearer than the far Eastern tit's call.


Cyanistes cyanus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 12-14 cm, weight 10-16 g.

Distribution: In the narrow same latitudes from Belarus to Lake Baikal and Mongolia, the C.c. yenisseensis subspecies is distributed in the Russian Far East and northeast China. It is a lost bird in Hokkaido, Japan, and it is also recorded on the Korean Peninsula.

Habitats and habits: Pure deciduous forests to mixed forests, including willow trees along the river and shrublands around wetlands. During the non-breeding period, it enjoys cluster activities.

Features: Small, pale grey-blue and white with long tail feathers. The crown and occipital area are pale grey with dark blue-grey over-the-eye lines that connect with the wider and darker back collar ring. The upper back, shoulders and waist are light blue-grey, the tail feathers are darker blue, the outer tail feathers are white, the tail feathers are white, the wings are roughly dark blue, the large covert feathers have white broad wing spots, and the third class flight feathers have distinct white feathers. The underparts are white.

Bare area: The beak is very thick and short, black. Eyes black. Tarsal black. Chimes Chi chwee chi chwee chi chwee chi chwee chi ch ch wee chi ch ch wee chi ch jii jii or tsee-tsee-tserrr de-de-de. The chants are varied, including chirps and vibratoes as well as short vibratoes.


Poecile varius

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 11-15 cm, weight 16-18 g.

Distribution: Endemic to East Asia; south Kuril Islands, and Japan from Hokkaido to the Ryukyu Islands as a resident bird; it is also distributed in northeast China and Taiwan, as well as the Korean Peninsula. Can be broken down into three species: the variegated nominate subspecies P. v. varius is found in northeast China, the Korean Peninsula, the South Kuril Islands and Japan, the P.v. sunsunpi subspecies is distributed in Tanegashima and Yakushima in Japan, the P. v. namiyei subspecies is distributed in the northern Part of the Japanese Izu Islands, the P. v. amamii subspecies is distributed in the northern Part of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan from Amami Oshima to Okinawa, and the P. v. olivaceus subspecies is distributed in The Japanese island of Nishimote. The Izu variegated P. (v.) owstoni subspecies is found in the southern part of the Izu Islands of Japan. Taiwan Variegated P. (v.) The castaneoventris subspecies is distributed in Taiwan.

Habitats and habits: deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved forests, and in winter also mixed with other in woodlands, shrublands, parks and gardens.

Features: Large, noisy, blue-grey and light maroon. The forehead, eye front, cheeks and small occipital spots are off-white or creamy white; the rest of the head, the top of the head, the side of the face to the eye line, chin and throat are black. The posterior collar and most of the lower body area are dark reddish brown or light to medium maroon, and the upper breast is yellow. The upper back, wings, waist and tail feathers are light blue-grey. The variegated subspecies are difficult to distinguish in the wild, but the plumage gradually changes from north to south to olive green. The Izu variegated is larger and darker in color, with an orange-red forehead, small occipital spots, and cheeks, a wider black portion of the upper chest, and chestnut cheeks joined together with an all-chestnut lower body. The upperparts are dark brownish blue-grey. The reproductive ecology and singing also differ among subspecies. The Taiwan variegated is significantly smaller, with pure white stripes on the cheeks and pillows, no skin yellow or orange, dark blue-gray upperparts, and dark maroon underparts.

Bare area: The beak is quite stout, black, and the Izu variegated is particularly dark. Eyes black. The tarsals are very strong and black.

Chirps: Calls include nasal nii or tsuee tsuee, fast vay vay vay and weak tsuu tsuu, and a pointy see see, like Dai Ju, warnings that emit a low tsutsu beebee bee. The song is sung as a slow and soft-pitched tsuu pee tsuu tsuu pee or a repetitive tsi-turrr, with many variations in different areas. In Taiwan, the called sonics are higher, and it is also possible to be a cheerful chay chikyechay cherr, and a high and fast tsitititititi chi.


Poecile palustris

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 11-13 cm, weight 10-13 g.

Distribution: Common resident birds in Europe, intermittent populations in East Asia. P. p. brevirostris subspecies (sometimes independently of the Asian swamp P. Brevirostris) is found in eastern Siberia, northern Far East and northerner part of Korea, P. p. ernsti subspecies is distributed on Sakhalin Island in Russia, P. p. hensoni subspecies is distributed in the South Kuril Islands and Hokkaido, Japan, P. p. jeholicus subspecies is distributed in northern Hebei, Liaoning and Korea, China, and P. p. hellmayri subspecies is distributed in northeast China and South Korea.

Habitats and habits: A variety of forest habitats, including mature deciduous forests to forest edges, riverside shrublands, shrubs, urban parks and gardens, often mixed with other,  and spiny finches in winter.

Features: small and light in color, similar in size to the Far Eastern, with a very small head, very long tail feathers, and a square tail end. The crown and pillow are bright black, the black bib is small and neat, the upper back, wings, waist and tail feathers are dark brown gray, the lower body, cheeks and head side are white, the chest and abdomen are off-white, and the two sides are stained gray or yellow. The two-wing secondary flight feathers have light margins and are very similar to brown-headed. The criteria for field identification are mainly call and wing spot shape, but the identification of birds in the region for the characteristics of the Western Palearctic subspecies does not seem to be of much help.

Bare area: The beak is short and thick, thicker and thicker than the brown-headed, black, and the beak margin is light blue-grey. The eyes are large and the eyes are black. Tarsal gray-black.

Chirping: A variety of calls include a soft tseet, a coarse twitter chichi jeejee, and a chestnut-bellied loud whistle like pew-pew-pew or cho cho cho, very similar to a brown-headed. The song is also similar to that of the brown-headed, but louder.


Poecile montanus

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 11-14 cm, weight 8-14 g.

Distribution: Common resident birds in northwestern Europe to the Russian Far East, northeast China and Japan: P. The m. baicalensis subspecies is distributed from the Yenisei River to the Russian Far East, northeast China and northern Korea, the P.m.anadyrensis subspecies is distributed along the northern coast of the Russian Sea of Koryak to Okhotsk, the P.m. kamtschatkensis subspecies is distributed in Kamchatka to the Kuril Islands in Russia, the P.m. sachalinensis subspecies is distributed on sakhalin island in Russia, and the P.m. restrictus is found in Japan.

Habitats and habits: a variety of forest habitats, coniferous forests, mature coniferate littering forests and forest edges, shrublands, and urban parks and gardens; prefer to activity in areas with dead trees than swamp.

Features: Very similar to the swamp, with slightly different appearance, a larger head and a thicker neck, shorter tail feathers and a rounder tail end. The crown and occipital parts are darker and duller than the swamp, the black areas of the chin and upper thorax are less tidy and larger than the swamp, and the third and primary flight feathers have light-colored margins, forming light-colored wing margins that are more pronounced.

Bare area: The beak is short and thick, but thinner than the swamp, and the beak end is also more pointed and black. The eyes are large and the eyes are black. Dark gray.

Chirping: Swamp and brown-headed in western Europe are easily distinguishable by their calls, but they are very similar in East Asia. The call is coarse and nasal chichi jeejee. The song is sung as a high-pitched tsupii pipii pipii pipii or cho cho cho, which is slightly metallic than the swamp.

Northern brown-headed

Poecile songara

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -
A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Body length: 12-14 cm, weight 8-12 g.

Distribution: The Tianshan Mountains pass through northern and southern China to northeast China. The P. S. stoetzneri subspecies is distributed to Hebei, China.

Features: Resembles Siberian and brown-headed, but has dark grey-brown upper back, wings, and tail feathers, and appears to have no wing spots. The top of the head is dark brownish black from the forehead to the occipital, the black chin and throat are wider, and the cheek patches are wider on the side of the face and narrower under the eyes and the base of the beak. The underparts are dark greyish brown, the sides are rusty brown, and much deeper than the brown-headed. The contrast between the gray underbody and the rusty brown flanks is not obvious, but differs from the Siberian.

Bare area: The beak end is very blunt, black. Eyes black. Tarsal blue-grey.

Chimes: Calls include coarse bjee bjee bjee and tsujee tsujee.

Various feature plates in the text

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The text of this article and an excerpt from the graphic version are excerpted

Field Atlas of East Asian Birds

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The Field Atlas of Birds of East Asia includes 25 orders and 105 families of birds in East Asia, with a total of 985 species of birds recorded, plus 19 species originating from other regions but likely to appear in the region, a total of 1004 species are described. Geographical scope includes the Russian Far East, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, eastern China and Taiwan, covering the northeast of China, east of North China, south through East China to Fujian, in addition to the above areas, bird watching in central Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, and even central China will also be helpful.

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

Each illustration strives to present as much information as possible beyond the text description. The biggest advantage of illustrations over photographs is that they can be used in appropriate poses to more clearly represent the characteristics of bird feathers. Thus, although many species fold their wings and fold their wings when the lower back, waist, upper or lower tail coverts are obscured and invisible, painters choose a special angle and posture to characterize these parts.

A group of small flower faces in the Chinese bird world -

The Field Manual of East Asian Birds is a model of contemporary bird atlases, and the English edition has been loved by readers for a decade since its publication. In terms of coverage, richness of content and quality of drawings, it is a well-deserved "top tool for identifying birds in East Asia". Essential !!! for Chinese birdwatchers

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