
"1917" Director's Photography New Film Shoots British Love Story with Coleman

author:1905 Movie Network
"1917" Director's Photography New Film Shoots British Love Story with Coleman

Sam Mendes and Olivia Coleman

1905 Film Network News "1917" "American Beauty" director Sam Mendes will work with Searchlight Pictures to create a new film "Empire of Light", Roger Deakins as director of photography, and Oscar winner Olivia Coleman is expected to join the starring role.

This was sam Mendes' first solo screenwriting, after he had only co-written the screenplay for 1917. According to the authorities, Empire of Light tells a love story set on the south coast of England in the 1980s and revolves around a beautiful old cinema.

If all goes well, this will be Sam Mendes' first collaboration with Olivia Coleman, and veteran partner Roger Deakins will once again take the helm of Sam Mendez's film after "Revolutionary Road", "007: Breaking the Sky" and "1917", judging from the story synopsis, the film should shoot the beautiful natural landscapes of England, coupled with Roger Deakins's unique photography style, it will definitely bring surprises in terms of vision.

"1917" Director's Photography New Film Shoots British Love Story with Coleman

Sam Mendes and Roger Deakins on the set of 1917

Sam Mendes won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for Best Director for American Beauty, and later won a Golden Globe for Best Director again for 1917. Olivia Coleman won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2019 for "The Darling", and in recent years she has received major award nominations and accolades for her performances in the third and fourth seasons of the TV series "The Crown" and the movie "Father Trapped in Time". Hollywood gold medal cinematographer Roger Deakins has won the Oscar for Best Cinematography twice for "Blade Runner 2049" and "1917", and now, the three Gold Medal filmmakers are expected to join forces and arouse the expectations of fans.

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