
The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, so that your life is more delicious.

Steamed noodles are a classic noodle dish in Henan, but also an indispensable delicacy in the daily life of the people, almost every household will do it, so how to make steamed noodles the best to eat?

Today, the chef will share a correct method with you, the noodles are fragrant, not tired, and those you like can try it at home.

Let's take a look at our operation:

1. First look at the ingredients we need: thin noodles, pork, soybean sprouts, beans, shallots and ginger.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

2. Add water to the pot, put on grates and spread out steamer cloth.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

3. We put the noodles in a basin, add a little cooked oil, and then mix the noodles well, which can prevent the noodles from sticking when steaming.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

4. Mix the noodles well. Place in a steamer, cover and steam for 10 minutes.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

5. At this time of steaming the noodles, we process the side dishes, wash the long beans, cut into segments, and put them in the basin.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

6. Cut 1/2 green onion into diagonal slices, cut ginger into ginger slices, and put them together in a basin.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

7. Prepare a piece of pork belly, cut into thin slices, cut it well, and put it in a pot.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

8. When the time comes to turn off the heat, we will simmer the noodles and start stir-frying below.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

9. Heat the wok, add a spoonful of cooking oil, and slide the pan first, so as to avoid sticking to the pan when frying meat.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

10. After the oil is hot, pour out, add a little cool oil, pour in the slices of meat, sauté the pork belly for a minute, and fry the fat oil inside.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

11. Add the green onion and ginger, then add a few red dried peppers, an octagonal stir-fry, after frying the aroma, add a little cooking wine to fishy, stir-fry a few times again.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

12. Pour in the soybean sprouts and long beans and stir-fry well.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

13. Start seasoning below, add salt, thirteen spices, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce a few drops on the base color, and finally add a little sugar to freshen.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

14. Stir-fry evenly, add the appropriate amount of water and bring the soup to a boil.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

15. After the dishes are sautéed, we turn off the heat, which takes about three to five minutes.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

16. Next, we mix the noodles and mix the noodles well in the vegetable soup, so that the steaming is more flavorful.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

17. Mix well and put it into the steamer, then lay a layer of dishes on top of a layer of strips, after all the laying, cover the pot lid, and then steam for 10 minutes on high heat, it is almost.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

18. When the time comes, we turn off the heat and simmer for another minute, then we put the noodles in the pot, and finally pour a little sesame oil on it, and then we can eat.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

19. Well, this authentic Henan steamed noodles are ready, it seems that it is not very simple, friends who like to eat pasta, try it when you have time.

The correct way to steam noodles in Henan, out of the pot to spray incense, the chef teaches you to make at home by hand, collected

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