
Wang Hongbo, the old cellar of Luzhou: Digging deep into rich cultural treasures to help Guangzhou build an international consumption center city

author:China News Network

On October 25th, the Guangzhou International Consumer Center Urban Cultivation And Construction Dialogue and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Industry Think Tank were held in Guangzhou. Industry insiders and experts and scholars from many fields gathered together to provide suggestions and suggestions for building Guangzhou into the commanding heights of the international consumer market from multiple perspectives such as region, industry, market and big data.

Wang Hongbo, the old cellar of Luzhou: Digging deep into rich cultural treasures to help Guangzhou build an international consumption center city

(Photo courtesy of Luzhou Old Cellar)

Wang Hongbo, executive deputy general manager of Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the meeting and delivered a keynote speech on "Excavating Cultural Connotations and Leading Consumption Upgrading", taking advantage of the exchange opportunities of Guangzhou to build an international consumption center city, discussing with guests from all walks of life the understanding of China's consumption upgrading, and how to build a good brand, develop a good enterprise and build a good city in the process.

Go with the flow and accurately grasp the background of the era of consumption upgrading

Wang Hongbo said in his keynote speech that it is necessary to follow the trend and accurately grasp the background of the era of consumption upgrading. Whether it is brand building, business management, or city building, it is necessary to think from the perspective of the market and in the macro context, actively adapt to the new development stage, implement the new development concept, and integrate into the new development pattern.

At present, China's economy has entered the new normal of "double circulation", the role of consumption in economic growth is prominent, and the promotion and upgrading of consumption has become the key to creating a domestic cycle. The essence of consumption is to meet demand, and the essence of consumption upgrading is demand upgrading, which is the sublimation from material to spiritual along the "demand ladder". With China's comprehensive entry into a well-off society, the material living standards of the people have been greatly satisfied and improved, and the demand for commodities by consumers has long been not only satisfied by the needs of material attributes and the needs of use value, but also pay more attention to psychological and spiritual enjoyment. It can be said that the most important feature of consumption upgrading is the greater pursuit of the spiritual value of commodities. This is a concrete embodiment of the people's yearning for a better life, and also a concrete embodiment of the comprehensive rejuvenation of traditional Chinese culture.

Wang Hongbo, the old cellar of Luzhou: Digging deep into rich cultural treasures to help Guangzhou build an international consumption center city

Wang Hongbo believes that consumption upgrading is the need for the rise of a big country, cultural rejuvenation, and social progress, the inevitable rise of the middle class, the differentiation of demand, and the maturity of the concept of consumption, and it is also the embodiment of the survival of the fittest, the strong Hengqiang, the market differentiation, and the concentration of the industry.

Luzhou Laojiao is committed to promoting cultural inheritance and leading consumption upgrading

In the process of consumption upgrading, alcohol consumption is a very representative and vane market. At present, the post-80s and post-90s have gradually become the main group of liquor consumers. Elements such as appearance, spirit, personality, health and rationality have become the main focus of consumption, which has built a new scene, new model and new concept of liquor consumption, and spawned a new demand for more personalized, fashionable and healthy liquor consumption.

In terms of excavating cultural connotations and leading consumption upgrading, Chinese liquor companies have made a lot of long-term exploration and achieved a lot of achievements. Wang Hongbo took the old cellar in Luzhou as an example

"We are fully committed to inheriting the excellent tradition and promoting the ingenuity of excellence. Luzhou Old Cellar was founded in 1573 as a 'living winemaking relics' 1573 national treasure cellar pond group, which has been used uninterruptedly for 448 years; the national intangible cultural heritage 'Luzhou Old Cellar Wine Traditional Brewing Technique' has been passed down for 697 years and 24 generations, and still interprets the extraordinary charm of the incense technique. ”

"We are committed to innovating cultural expressions and telling the story of wine-filled China. The upgrade has created the special cultural IP of Luzhou Old Cellar, such as the Sealing Ceremony, the International Poetry and Wine Culture Conference, the Sorghum Red, and the Winemaking Skills Television Competition, which has created a unique brand culture story and become a model for the industry to imitate. ”

"We are committed to building an excellent brand and are determined to let the world taste China." With the help of cross-border marketing, it has launched trendy products such as perfumes, wine heart chocolate, 'broken slice' ice cream, and 'drunken walking on the road' milk tea. Implement young marketing, launch innovative liquor products such as fruit wine, pre-mixed wine, cocktails, etc., and create immersive interactive experience activities such as the National Cellar 1573 Ice JOYS Pop-up Shop and the Cellar Age Research Institute. Deeply implanted in the Russian World Cup and Australian Open, together with Tan Dun, Cai Guoqiang and other world-class artists to carry out the 'Let the world taste China' global cultural journey, using wine as the medium to convey oriental culture and lifestyle. ”

Build an international consumption center city and strive to do a good job in "two highlights"

The construction of an international consumer center city has brought historic development opportunities to Guangzhou. "We must give full play to our advantages and dig deep into rich cultural treasures to help build an international consumption center city." Wang Hongbo pointed out that to build a city brand and an enterprise brand, it is to seek cultural identity, refine and establish spiritual connotations and values with strong attractiveness and appeal, and achieve resonance, empathy and sharing with friends from all walks of life and countries. The key to Building An International Consumption Center City with Global Influence lies in deepening, enriching and using cultural resources, establishing values that are in line with the market economy and common to global consumers, creating a market environment rooted in a thick culture, responding to the voice of the times, and meeting the expectations of the people, and shaping the soul of the city with a broad and distinctive personality.

To this end, Wang Hongbo suggested that efforts should be made to do a good job in "two manifestations": first, highlight the oriental charm, highlight the promotion of consumer brands that carry the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese lifestyle, and become the window for Chinese brands to go to the world; second, highlight the global atmosphere, vigorously introduce consumer products with both material and spiritual consumption in various countries, and become a stage for the world's famous products to shine together.

"I believe that consumer goods with Chinese characteristics such as liquor, tea, silk, and porcelain will continue to go abroad and shine in the process." And the rich variety of exotic goods and services with high quality and good prices will also add color to our lives. Wang Hongbo said.

Source: China News Network

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