
The cultivation of shiitake mushrooms in Ruzhou City leads the development of characteristic industries

author:Henan Economic News

Henan Economic Daily reporter Gina correspondent Feng Linke, Liang Yabo, Zhang Mengqi

"Working in the mushroom planting base, a day of work to 80 yuan wages, a month down can earn about 2,000 yuan, in the countryside such an income is already very good, I think the burden on the body is suddenly lighter, more hope for the future life." At the mushroom planting base in Zhuzhai Village, Wenquan Town, Ruzhou City, Zhu Xiaojiang, a poor household, said happily while spraying water on the mushroom greenhouse to cool down.

Zhuzhai village mushroom planting base covers an area of more than 160 acres, with a total investment of about 6 million yuan, completed and put into use in 2017, there are currently 82 mushroom greenhouses in the base, which can generate more than 800,000 yuan for the village collective income every year. The base adopts the operation mode of "branch + company + cooperative + poor farmers", while vigorously developing the large-scale characteristic agricultural industry of shiitake mushroom cultivation, it also builds a migrant work platform for poor households to increase the income of poor households.

The cultivation of shiitake mushrooms in Ruzhou City leads the development of characteristic industries
The cultivation of shiitake mushrooms in Ruzhou City leads the development of characteristic industries

Poor households can work in the base and grow shiitake mushrooms. Poor households can get a series of free services for planting shiitake mushrooms in the base, covering technical guidance, loans, sales, etc., and can also enjoy preferential policies, rent greenhouses and buy mushroom sticks can enjoy preferential prices, and each mushroom greenhouse can enjoy preferential funds of about 2,000 yuan. The provision of these free services and preferential policies ensures that poor households can effectively benefit from the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms, and also enhance the ability to resist market risks.

In addition to the mushroom planting industry in Zhuzhai Village, Wenquan Town has also implemented special agricultural industries such as cherries, blueberries, marigolds, rosemary, "golden potatoes", catalpa trees, and oil grapes according to the actual conditions of each village, encouraged poor households to participate in planting, provided preferential policies such as seedling subsidies and technical guidance for the poor, and broadened the channels for poor households to increase their income steadily.

In recent years, in the process of implementing precision poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation, Wenquan Town has taken the industry as the starting point, changed the "blood transfusion" poverty alleviation to the "hematopoietic" poverty alleviation, changed the "development" poverty alleviation to the "participatory" poverty alleviation, and the cadres and the masses worked together to play a good combination of industrial poverty alleviation, realizing that there are industries in villages and villages, households have projects, and the industrial poverty alleviation work has achieved remarkable results.

"In the work of poverty alleviation, Wenquan Town has continued to strengthen the leading and leading role of the poverty alleviation industry, sought ways to increase income and development for poor households, and effectively improved the material living standards of poor households." Li Huazhou, secretary of the Party Committee of Wenquan Town, said, "Poverty alleviation has entered a critical period of the final general attack, and we will continue to take the characteristic poverty alleviation industry as the main direction of attack, accurately implement policies, and accurately exert forces to effectively increase the income of the people in difficulty and stabilize poverty alleviation." ”

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