
What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

Teacher Liu Xiaoyan's love story, that is widely known. The story of Huawei Guo Ping is recommended by today's headlines.

Since there was so much content, I cut some of it.

It took me seven years for a guy to go from liking it to finishing. I liked him when I was a freshman in high school, and he liked me very much, and our beautiful, love story that ended without beginning really ended without beginning, didn't pull a hand once, didn't touch an arm and shoulder once, and really wasn't determined together. We were first-year students in high school, and at that time I was particularly fond of talking, can you see it? He doesn't like to talk, every afternoon he looks at the view from the balcony, several of us kids are generous, and I especially like people who don't like to talk. And he prefers to talk to me. Even enjoyed handing me notes. The note shows that the clothes you are wearing are very beautiful, often like this for the fourth or fifth yuan of the day, at least four or five notes. Every time he studied late, he would go home, because those of us who were far away would not go back. Then put all kinds of food in my drawer. We all went to school together, and in my junior year of high school, he wanted to go to Wuhan University. I've been trying! Later, he was admitted to Jilin University, and because I filled in the volunteer, the private score was very high, but it fell off the list. I had no choice but to repeat it for a year. Went to a university in Shangqiu, Henan. He also called me when I re-read it. Freshman, sophomore, junior, we all keep communicating and communicating all the time. I also gave him the money I saved to buy him food, clothes, and even a train ride to see him.

The Spring Festival of my junior year was when I went to see him once, and I went to their school once, and it was the World Cup, the match between China and Brazil. It was him, and we watched a game together. Because he likes to watch football, I stay with him. He said that all of China except me. He wouldn't get married for the rest of his life, and neither of us would be able to do it.

I said you misunderstood, in fact, I also want to be friends with you, this sentence is my most regrettable sentence so far, what should I say at that time? Why did you flirt with me in the first place, and what did you flirt with me?

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

First insight. Whether there is love in marriage or not, it may be that the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wise. But in the early 20s, love can often judge a person's career development.

Regardless of whether you are faithful in marriage or not. Just talk about attitudes towards love.

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

First of all, let's talk about the Huawei executive Guo Ping, who personally thinks he is quite a man. It is his emotional life for himself, dare to pay. Not so chicken thief, facing a long-distance relationship. It's often about who has deeper feelings for each other, or who is more willing to make sacrifices. He dared to take responsibility for his love life and gave his girlfriend more security and a stable life. Similarly reasoning to his career, he must also be a very responsible person. In addition, he is a technical talent with high education. He is also diligent enough at work. So it's not surprising that he can be an executive-level figure. (Of course, it also states.) His wife must have been a particularly excellent person. He recognized his wife very much. )

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

With this kind of truth, it is inferred that Teacher Liu Xiaoyan spends time in love and is used to build his own career. Therefore, Teacher Liu Xiaoyan's career is excellent and normal.

As for the man that Teacher Liu Xiaoyan said. Personally, I think he's sure his career isn't that great. Maybe even very average. Because he just wants to enjoy that ambiguous beauty. I can't even be sure of the relationship. Don't want to take responsibility. It is very likely that in the career, you can push and push, and you can hide.

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

Article 2. In long-distance relationships, women accommodate men, and the probability of failure is as high as 80%. But if men dare to take the initiative, the success rate is often more than 90%.

Article 3. Human nature cannot stand the test, especially women, often overestimate their position in men's hearts, trapped by feelings, IQ is not online, or learn more male thinking! Men if you think you're particularly nice. That will definitely be eager to confirm the relationship and get married early. People who have always been ambiguous, but treat you as a chicken rib.

What insights can be gained from the long-distance love story of Huawei executives Guo Ping and Teacher Liu Xiaoyan?

Article 4. You have to work hard, work hard! Otherwise, when you talk about these things, others will just treat them as ordinary things. Once you've achieved fame, your love story will be widely spread. Relish.

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