
Representatives of more than 100 countries attended the online reception of the Permanent Mission of China

author:American Overseas Chinese Daily Network

On the 27th, the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations held an online reception to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 50th anniversary of the restoration of legitimate seats in the United Nations. Ambassador Zhang Jun, Deputy Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Dai Bing and Ambassador Geng Shuang, Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, gathered with the Permanent Representatives of various countries to the United Nations and senior officials of the United Nations Secretariat. During the event, the Chinese piece "Jasmine" specially played by lang Langlang, a well-known Chinese pianist and a united nations messenger of peace, was played for the event.

Shahid, President of the 76th session of the General Assembly, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Peacekeeping, Economic and Social Affairs, general assembly, public information, disarmament, counter-terrorism and development, senior officials of the CTED, UNITED Nations Development Programme, UN Women and other agencies, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Algeria, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, Ethiopia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Germany, Italy, More than 200 permanent representatives and senior diplomats from more than 100 countries, including Ireland, as well as Chinese staff and friendly people from all walks of life working in the United Nations, attended the congratulations via video link.

The celebrations are always filled with a festive and peaceful atmosphere. Ambassador Zhang Jun thanked all international friends who are concerned about and supported China's development and modernization drive, and on behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, wished the motherland prosperity and strength, and wished all the sons and daughters of China happiness and health. Zhang Jun also counted the tremendous development achievements made by Chinese society on the occasion of the centenary of the Communist Party of China.

At the same time, Zhang Jun said that 50 years ago, the People's Republic of China restored its legitimate seat in the United Nations, which was a victory for New China's diplomacy, a victory for world fairness and justice, and a victory for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Over the past 50 years, China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a defender of international order, and a provider of public goods, and has shouldered its responsibilities in safeguarding the common interests of human development and progress.

In addition, Zhang Jun also mentioned a series of new propositions, new arguments and new measures put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping in the general debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on September 21 on issues such as solidarity against the epidemic, economic recovery, development of international relations, and improvement of global governance, and said that China will work with other countries to strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation, accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, actively respond to climate change, promote democratization and rule of law in international relations, and practice the concept of mutual respect and win-win cooperation in international relations. Practice genuine multilateralism and build the United Nations into a core platform for all countries to jointly safeguard universal security, share the fruits of development and jointly grasp the destiny of the world.

In his speech, UN General Assembly President Shahid said that China is a great country and has made extraordinary achievements. Ancient China gave birth to splendid civilizations and great sages. Modern China has become the world's second largest economy and a major country in science and technology, and has completed great projects such as lifting 1 billion people out of poverty and chang'e-5 lunar exploration. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China is an important force in defending multilateralism and has made great contributions to promoting the development of the United Nations and the progress of the international community. We look forward to and believe that China will continue to vigorously support the work of the United Nations in fighting the epidemic, post-epidemic reconstruction, protecting human rights and responding to challenges.

Permanent Representative of Algeria Mimuni said that 50 years ago, Algeria and Albania and other developing countries promoted the adoption of the historic Resolution 2758 by the General Assembly, which had a profound impact on international relations and the work of the United Nations. Developing countries have waged a protracted struggle and made arduous efforts to restore the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations, and history has shown that the struggle and efforts of that year were correct and worthwhile. Since the restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations, China has actively promoted cooperation between China and African countries on the UN platform and safeguarded the rights and interests of developing countries, and is a reliable partner of African countries and developing countries.

The Permanent Representatives of the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Egypt, Zimbabwe, the United Arab Emirates, Cuba, Thailand, Singapore, Mexico and other countries also delivered speeches one after another, highly appraising China's development achievements and affirming China's important contributions to the cause of the United Nations in the fields of peacekeeping, poverty reduction and climate change. At the end of the event, the guests enjoyed the Chinese song "Jasmine" played by Lang Lang, a United Nations Messenger of Peace and a pianist.

Representatives of more than 100 countries attended the online reception of the Permanent Mission of China

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