
Representatives of the SCO countries gathered in Chongqing to discuss new paths for the development of e-commerce

author:Bright Net

Chongqing, 23 Aug (China News Service) -- The e-commerce sub-forum of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Digital Economy Industry Forum was held in Chongqing on 23 August. More than 300 guests from China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and other SCO countries gathered in Chongqing to discuss new paths and trends in the development of e-commerce, and exchange new models and applications of e-commerce.

The sub-forum aims to display the achievements of e-commerce development in the SCO countries, strengthen cooperation in the field of e-commerce in the SCO countries, promote the docking of the digital economy development strategies of the SCO countries, explore and build a new engine for economic and trade cooperation, promote the expansion of mutual investment scale, smooth the regional economic cycle, and accelerate the recovery of the regional economy.

Zhuo Nong, deputy secretary-general of the SCO Secretariat, said in his speech that e-commerce can not only directly drive economic development, but also create many employment opportunities, and the importance of e-commerce is more obvious in the epidemic. It is hoped that the SCO can further establish a good e-commerce ecology, focus on the development of information systems, transportation and logistics, delivery platforms and other fields, and cooperate more closely with universities and colleges to cultivate e-commerce talents. At the same time, we will open up more ways to provide services in transportation, finance, logistics and other aspects to Central Asian e-commerce enterprises, and promote the further growth and development of e-commerce in SCO countries.

Qian Fangli, director of the Department of E-commerce and Informatization of the Ministry of Commerce of China, said that in the eight years since the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed, e-commerce has become a new engine with a high degree of activity and great development potential in the economic and trade cooperation of the "Belt and Road" construction. China actively promotes the construction of a mutually beneficial, win-win, open and transparent e-commerce rule system, creating a favorable environment for the common development of e-commerce in countries along the "Belt and Road". China looks forward to cooperating with the SCO countries, giving full play to their location advantages, resource endowments and industrial characteristics, promoting mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation in e-commerce, sharing the dividends of the development of the digital economy, and jointly building a closer SCO community of common destiny.

During the forum, nine e-commerce industry associations, institutions, enterprises, etc. from China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries signed a memorandum of cooperation on "Jointly Building a Cross-border E-commerce Platform" online, aiming to promote international economic and trade cooperation with e-commerce, and carry out multi-faceted exchanges and cooperation in the field of e-commerce such as talent training, technical exchanges, resource sharing, and joint construction of facilities and equipment. (End)

Source: China News Network

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