
A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

author:Love in the countryside

Introduction: 36 years ago, on a stormy dusk, a strange happy event occurred on the coast of Futian. Whenever this matter was mentioned, the cousin was still frightened and unconsciously shivered, and the cousin once choked up tears. I thought it was the end of each other's lives, but I didn't expect it to be the beginning of a love story.

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

It is said that in 1985, my cousin had gone to Shenzhen Futian to do business for three years. One afternoon in the summer, the cousin who returned from business suddenly found that the 5,000 yuan he had hidden under the bed was missing, and he searched everywhere he could find, but he still found nothing, so he was very depressed. He patted his head in pain, confused, but it was the painstaking effort he had made for three years of hard business, originally thinking of returning to his hometown to build a house and marry his daughter-in-law, but it turned out to be empty.

Sadly, he drank two bottles of spirits in one gulp, and then wandered to the beach. He said to the sea: "O sea, sea, you say that people live all their lives, why are there all kinds of unsatisfactory?" Why are dreams always so hard to come true? Why does fate always play tricks on honest people? "Let me bury myself in your arms today and feed your children!"

The sea responded wordlessly, but it was still rolling and rolling, raging on the shore, as if to warn him: "Life is not satisfactory in ten, you should face it correctly." He sighed a long time in the face of the emptying turbid waves, and then staggered towards the deep sea, and when he was really half-lying in the waves, he found out how difficult it was to ask for death, and thought that a hundred really should not be the work of a man.

Just as he was hesitating, a whirlwind suddenly struck, and he fell solidly into the water, and he struggled desperately in the huge waves, in pain. After several times up and down, after tasting the bitter taste of the seawater, he instantly sobered up a lot, and many people would still regret the moment death came, and he was no exception!

In the confusion, suddenly the thunder burst out, shaking his weak breath and making his head buzz. He seemed to hear the Dragon King's call in the distance: "Boy, cheer up, you have your mission, you shouldn't die for it!" ”

The cousin was about to scream for his life, and then a bolt of lightning broke through the long sky, and another whirlwind blew through, saying that it was too late and fast, and he was actually taken to the shallow water by this whirlwind. He opened his eyes vigorously, trembling and trying to get up, only to have another blinding bolt of lightning streak across the place where he was struggling, almost knocking him down again.

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

He simply half-knelt down and crawled up in the water, taking two or three steps, when suddenly a soft body in the cold water blocked his way. This touch did not matter, almost scared him half to death, and soon he reacted: this is a girl who fell into the water, as for how to fall into the water is unknown, fortunately, she still has a weak breath, and perhaps some rescue.

At that time, although the cousin was already weak, he still tried very hard to drag the girl's head to prevent her from drowning again and choking to death. One minute, two minutes, three minutes, another knife of lightning across the sky, this time the cousin vaguely saw the girl's face: about 20 years old, although pale, but still beautiful and lovely, the whole body of a red dress, in the background of lightning is particularly pitiful.

When my cousin saw this, he couldn't help but feel refreshed, and said with a bitter smile: "Is there anyone in the world who is as depressed as me, the key is that this woman is still so beautiful." Originally, I wanted to die, but did God still arrange for you to be my companion? And I didn't die, and I definitely won't allow you to die! ”........

Time passed minute by minute, and as the sea breeze waned, the sea gradually receded, while my cousin was still muttering and thinking on the shoal. All this was clearly heard by the girl in her ears and engraved in her heart, although she never opened those clear eyes.

After an hour, the cousin saw that the girl had no sign of waking up, and because he was eager to save people, he unconsciously gave her artificial respiration. One, two, three times, the girl finally couldn't resist his strong pressure, and she coughed angrily. In this scene, the girl was so ashamed that she woke up with a crimson face, and her cousin had to bow her head and dare not speak. Perhaps because of the cold weather, the two still unconsciously snuggled together.

About an hour later, the cousin's physical strength recovered a lot. The cousin thought that if they continued like this, the two would not be drowned by the sea, and sooner or later they would freeze to death. So he began to propose, "I have some strength now, and you are still very weak, so why don't I hold you and go to the bridge over there to rest!" When you're better, I'll send you home, okay? ”

When the girl heard this, she seemed a little frightened and said softly, "I don't go home, who let you save me!" It was they who forced me to be homeless, and I was looking for short-sightedness, do you still want to harm me once? ”

After listening to the cousin, he quickly responded: "Be well, don't go home, let's go to the bridge cave to roast the fire, after all, we are all wet and sticky!" ”

Before the words could be heard, the girl found herself lying in her cousin's wide arms, and her face was crimson again. Then the girl subconsciously wanted to push her cousin away, but she was helpless and powerless, and soon fell into her cousin's arms and could not move.

The cousin was very anxious to see this, and he couldn't care about what men and women could not afford to kiss. Thinking that it was important to save people, he picked her up and rushed to the bridge hole not far away, arranging the girl in the dry place, and then he built a campfire there, which was the autumn material prepared by the homeless people in the early days.

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

In the small space obscured by the bridge hole, he dried clothes for her, boiled water, roasted sweet potatoes, and tossed and turned until midnight. Fortunately, after drinking water and eating sweet potatoes, the girl finally recovered some of her vitality. Although the things used by the homeless were once used, when the hunger and cold were forced, there was really no such thing as hygiene and elegance.

The girl who basically returned to normal, this has the mind to start looking at the cousin: one meter and eight heads, a great figure, although the skin is somewhat dark, but the appearance is also handsome, in short, this is more than a hundred times stronger than the slope man he wants to marry. And she recalled the moments when he fed her water and peeled sweet potatoes, making her think that he was a careful man who would take care of people and hurt people, perhaps it was really the Prince Charming he was looking for in his dreams.

She just thought like this, but she didn't dare to have extravagant expectations, and she didn't dare to ask questions, for fear that he had already started a family, and she had indeed jumped from one fire pit to another bigger fire pit.

When the cousin devoured 6 sweet potatoes, his mouth and face were all gray, and the image was as funny as the clown played by Chaplin. The girl couldn't help but sneak a few glances, couldn't help but giggle, and said, "Can you pay attention to the image, see if you touch like a ghost, scared to death!" ”

After listening to it, my cousin touched the back of his head and said sheepishly: "I was also very hungry to ignore these details, I saw that I was scared to death by you, and finally saved you, do I feel okay?" If you have three long and two short, I can't say it when I jump into the Yellow River, then it's really a sin! ”

The girl saw that he had been worried about himself, so she said embarrassedly: "Much better, thank you for saving your life, the moment I dived into the water, I knew that life is really precious, but it is too late to regret it!" Especially the moment when thunder and lightning combined and the huge waves rolled over me, I knew that this life was over, so I closed my eyes and prepared to die. I didn't expect you to appear in front of me in a critical moment, it was like a dream! ”

"By the way, how did you end up where you were, I'm confused, are you a rescuer who fell from the sky?" The girl asked incomprehensibly. After the cousin listened, he no longer hid it, and gave the whole story of the matter. When she heard that he was single, she immediately became interested and quickly asked: "Do you really have not married?" Why is it so stupid for a small amount of money? ”

My cousin said sadly: "I have come here thousands of miles away, I have worked hard for three years, and I still have no money to marry my daughter-in-law. So why did you choose to jump into the sea? And your family is rich and beautiful, so you shouldn't be so stupid! ”

The girl was asked by her cousin, a little confused, simply no longer concealed, directly said: "They forced me to marry someone I did not like, and that person is still a slope, today is the choice of the big day, I choose rather than for the whole, is not OK?" ”

When my cousin listened, it suddenly dawned on her, no wonder she was wearing a big red dress today, it turned out that it was this one, and then thinking back to the unavoidable plots in the water just now, she seemed to have become the unexpected groom official, and the next second her eyes were fixed on her, and she couldn't help but laugh.

The girl looked at him with some ill will, and her face seemed to be a little hot. Pretending to be angry, he said, "You bastard, taking advantage of others, and smiling, see how I can clean you up!"

Soon, the two of them got into a fight in the small space of the bridge hole. You chased me, you went up and down, and finally the girl softened, and then buried her head deep in her cousin's arms. That night, he accidentally became her bridegroom, she accidentally became her bride, there was no mountain or sea oath, but the longest love was achieved.

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

The next day, in order to avoid her family's search, she resolutely chose to elope with him. He took her quietly from Futian to her hometown in Shandong. In their days in Shandong, they ran farms, raised pigs and sheep to grow vegetables, did small business, and quickly built their own new house three years later. He was 30 and she was 27.

Soon, the spring breeze of reform blew in Shenzhen, and high-rise buildings began construction, and Futian, the cousin's hometown, was part of Shenzhen. The cousin can no longer resist her homesickness, and now that it has been five years, she says that she does not want her parents to be fake, after all, she is also a mother of three children, and she does not know the grace of her parents if she does not raise children.

Therefore, after the couple agreed, they decided to choose to face it calmly, after all, their parents are also old, and they can no longer be willful and let them look aimlessly. To say that the mistake of that year, in the end, it is no longer important whose fault it is, after all, the wood has become a boat, and he has found his true love. Maybe all this is predestined in the past life, everything is fate, everything is providence.

In 1991, they took the accumulation of their own business, stepped on the train to the south in a vague anticipation, and finally returned to Futian after several turns, a place that they will never forget. When the cousin saw her parents again, the family almost cried into tears, and when the cousin's father-in-law saw the cousin and the three children, he suddenly understood everything.

After listening to their adventures, my cousin's father-in-law deeply shook my cousin's hand and said, "Chen Laifu, your name is really good, not only saved my daughter Li Tiantian, but also avoided a wrong marriage, thank you, from now on you are my own son!" ”

The cousin was moved to tears after hearing this, and thought that his father-in-law would blame himself for eloping with his daughter-in-law, but he did not expect that his father-in-law not only did not blame, but also treated his son with such courtesy, and anyone would be moved. The cousin couldn't help but say hoarsely: "Great, it's my fault, I shouldn't have brought Sweet Field to see you so late, I hope you forgive your son-in-law for not filial piety!" ”

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

On the day of the recognition, the family greeted each other for a long time, and the mood gradually calmed down. The cousin also sorted out the helplessness of the father-in-law at that time, it turned out that the father-in-law did not want to marry his beautiful daughter to that pozi, but the father-in-law was not good at business and borrowed a lot of debts from others, and people proposed to marry his daughter-in-law in order to let him go.

Later, when the other party heard about Li Tiantian's investment in the sea for this, he gave up. And his father-in-law's business has gradually improved with the arrival of the spring breeze of reform, and has been smooth sailing in the future, and now his family's shops are not only all over Futian, but also fill the streets and alleys of Shenzhen.

In the years when his daughter was never heard, the more his father-in-law's business was doing, the more his father-in-law felt guilty, always feeling that he had killed his daughter-in-law, and not finding the corpse always felt that this was a knot that could not be solved in his heart. At that time, some people said that she was swallowed by whales after throwing herself into the sea, some people said that she was snatched away by pirates, and some people said that she was swept away by the waves,....... In short, there are many rumors, but his father-in-law always firmly believes in a sentence that the godmother once said: Born in the field of blessings, there will be blessings after the great difficulty of not dying! ”

During the banquet, after three glasses of wine, the old father-in-law was excited again: "Everything has passed, and the heavens treat me not thin, I have not only met my precious girlfriend in my lifetime, but also three precious grandchildren, which is a great joy in life." I was drunk and willing! ”

Seeing this, the mother-in-law hurriedly covered the old man's mouth and said, "Oh, what is life and death, there is a blessing, everything is not a thing, in the future, how their lives are sweet, this is called first bitter and then sweet!" Because we were born in Futian and grew up in Futian! ”

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

Now, more than thirty years later, my cousin not only inherited all the property of his father-in-law's family, but also under his management, his wealth has grown geometrically, as for how many suites he has, we do not know, in short, in our eyes he is a low-key rich man, because his biggest hobby is to invest in shops and run homestays, which is the most valuable asset in Shenzhen.

Some time ago, I went to Shenzhen on a business trip and participated in the 2021 Futian Night Economic Activity Month activity. I sat in his shop sipping tea, looking at the beautiful handsome women walking in front of the door, and couldn't help but sigh that the city is really young. Busy streets, bustling, some people are lively acting, some people are tasting food, some people are drinking, some people are looking at the stars, and I accidentally listened to the love story of my cousin's youth.

That day, he also took me to the trestle bridge, standing on the trestle, he leisurely pointed to the beach under his feet and said: "This is where my love once set sail, but the original arch bridge has become the current trestle, Futian has changed in thirty years, Futian is still rich and sweet!" ”

A dusty 36-year past unveils an untold Fukuda love story

Conclusion: More than 30 years of reform and opening up are the 30 years of Shenzhen's rapid progress, and it is also the 30 years of Futian's thorns and thorns. Thirty years of time is fleeting, but thirty years of love stories are still beautiful. Friends, if you have time to come to Futian as a guest, there are not only legendary stories, but also attractive beautiful scenery and food, and there are attractions such as Xiasha Style Street, Space Crop Garden, Beacon Hill and so on waiting for you to punch in! #湾区之yeah Happy in Futian #

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