
The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

author:Summer Lotus
The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

It was only in front of Carla that I felt a bit human

With the progress of the times and the improvement of living standards, people live in high-rise buildings, there are more houses, and the space is larger, but the closed security door blocks the intimate connection between people.

The busyness of work, the increase in the pressure of life, and the lack of communication between people have made us snubbed our family and friends for various reasons, and at the same time, we have been ignored by everyone.

But the inner desire for emotion is more intense than ever, we are eager to be companion, eager to soothe, so people have a simpler way to raise a pet dog to pin their emotions.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

The second and Carla's mother

In 2003, "Kara is a Dog", which is the most proud work of the late director Lu Xuechang, the carla in the film, is a pet dog raised by the protagonist's second brother, a worthless Jingba string, the market price is 300 yuan, but it is the "top of the heart" for the second elder.

This is a movie that depicts the humble life of a small person, and the protagonist played by Ge You is only a code name "Old Second", an ordinary worker, who is paid a few hundred yuan, who is everywhere outside to please and laugh, who is strict with his wife at home, and who is "nothing" in the eyes of his son.

Through two lines, the film tells the tragic and helplessness of the little man in 18 hours to bring back Kara.

The beginning of the film is a subtitle about the citizens' dog ownership regulations, the core content is to keep dogs to apply for a license, each certificate 5,000 yuan.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > main line: Carla was captured, and the second brother tried everything to get it back. </h1>

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Magnolia didn't run, and Carla was caught

This night, the second wife Yulan, for the night shift of the second elder walking Kara, just in time to catch the police station to catch no dog license, Carla of course did not have a certificate, so was arrested, the police told Yulan: If you want to continue to raise, tomorrow before 4 p.m., go to the police station to apply for a dog license, but the kind police told Yulan that her dog is not worth 5,000 yuan, just don't want it.

Carla was arrested, and Yulan was sad in her heart, but what to do in the end she had to see the second eldest, mainly because there was no 5,000 yuan spare money at home.

It's still 18 hours before Carla is processed.

After returning home from the night shift, the second eldest learned that Carla had been arrested, and he was not in the mood to eat, nor did he dare to vent his dissatisfaction in front of his wife, so he could only count her down against the wall in the public toilet.

In front of the strong wife, the second eldest who only promises, does not dare to complain, can only vent against the wall in the toilet, so that the second eldest of the nest, he lacks the ability to communicate with his wife, can only deceive himself and vent his dissatisfaction.

After the second brother came to the police station to see Carla, and was told that he must apply for a dog license to take the dog, the second brother was worried.

But soon he thought of Carla's mother, and he went to give him Carla, the former card friend Yang Li.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Come over and borrow a dog card

Yang Li is a divorced woman, who has been chatting with the second elder because of emotional problems, and later developed into a ma friend, and the second brother stopped playing mahjong after Yang Li gave him kara.

Yang Li was good to the second brother and lent the dog card to the second brother, but after taking it to the police station, she was found by the police and almost withheld the dog card.

This method did not bring Kara home, and the second brother was frustrated, but he did not give up.

Yang Li is really good to the second brother, learned that the second did not bring Kara back, he led the second brother to find his ex-husband, the ex-husband has some doorways, so one to one, are not a big person, after a toss, in the end still did not work.

The second brother took a lot of effort and found that there was no way to get Carla to come back except to spend money.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Life trivia

The second brother who returned home took out the private money he had saved for more than 1 year, a total of 1500 yuan, and thought of the rest to let Yulan think of a way to get a certificate for Kara.

His wife Yulan told him that in addition to the living expenses and the tuition fees of the children, there was 30,000 yuan of death savings left in the family, and for a worthless dog, the second brother needed to save for three years, is this worth it? But the second elder said: What does it mean to live without Kara.

The wife asked the second brother to borrow money, but the second brother could not pull down the face.

No money to get a dog license, he also tossed a circle, the second is tired, but the heart is still stupid, Carla did not come back, the second is not stable in sleep.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Son of rebellion

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > side line: the rebellious son was caught injuring the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. </h1>

The time has come to the afternoon, Yulan said to the second brother, her son Liang Liang has not returned, let the second brother go out to find it.

Son Liang Liang is in a period of rebellion, he looks down on his father, but he also loves his father, he knows his father's feelings for Carla, so Carla was arrested, in the middle of the night he found a classmate fat man to help catch the dog, but this time not only did not succeed, but also because he owed the fat man's affection, helped the fat man block the bad youth Yellow Hair, let the Yellow Hair fall injured, and entered the police station by himself.

The second boss always said that the son did not have a dog to kiss him, in fact, the son has always remembered the father, knowing that Carla may not come back, he picked up a cat on the road and wanted to give it to the father to raise, but because of the difference between the father and the son, he put the cat in the grandmother's house and let the grandmother give it to the father.

Liang Liang wants to express his heart for his father, but he is ashamed to express it, which can be seen that the communication between father and son is very small, and the second brother said that his son ignored him, but he also did not fulfill his responsibility as a father.

Compared with the second brother's rush for Kara, the second brother is absent-minded about Liangliang, and he is more like looking for Liangliang when he thinks of a way for Kara.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

The second oldest and the older mother

He went to his mother to find Liangliang, in fact, he wanted to borrow money from his mother, because Yulan told him that his mother-in-law lost 3,000 yuan because the house was blocked, but when he saw his elderly mother, he really couldn't say it.

The second elder fed Kara three times a day, Carla ate better than him, but the second elder just threw down the living expenses for his mother, here the second mentioned "Xiao Feng", should be the sister of the second brother, the mother replied to him: "She brings me vegetables every day after work," fortunately, the mother also has a competent daughter.

The second brother said that only Carla was intimate with him, but he ignored his wife, son, and mother, who were closest to him, but gave all his time and care to a dog.

He didn't find a bright light at his mother's place, but the second brother didn't see any hurry, and he went to the pet market to buy a dog instead of Carla.

At this time, he still only thought of himself, if there was no Carla, he would find another spiritual sustenance, but he did not want to pay more attention to his elderly mother, young son and wife who was about to reach menopause.

The second brother returned home after being cheated of 300 yuan in the pet market.

Downstairs at home, Yang Li told him that Carla's business was done, and he could go to pick up the dog at night, at this time he smiled, but he forgot, Liang Liang has not found it?

When he returned home, Yulan told him that his son had not returned, and a yellow hair was looking for his son with a stick, so the second brother decided to report the case, at this time he was a little anxious, but also a little impatient: "How did two things come together." ”

He wouldn't have known that if it wasn't for Carla, Liang Liang wouldn't be fine.

And Magnolia also figured it out, she took out the money and wanted to give Kara a certificate.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Find a way to get Carla back

But when he arrived at the police station, the second brother still looked at Kara first, and Yulan urged him: "Whether people are important or dogs are important." ”

At this time, he saw that Liang Liang was locked up by the police station, and the yellow-haired parents wanted to sue Liang Liang for deliberately hurting.

When the second son saw him, he did not ask what really happened, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he reprimanded his son, of course, in exchange for the son's shouting at the second son.

The discordant mode of getting along between father and son, after the occurrence of things, is only accusation and complaint, and the feelings between them are becoming weaker and weaker under the violent communication.

Liang Liang is a rebellious child, he listens to rock, wears fat leg pants, sleeps in class, but Liang Liang's behavior is also the lack of education for his parents, the second brother will only shout to him, tear his pants, and his mother Yulan only cares about his thirst?

Parents did not communicate well with their sons: what happened, where is the son right or wrong?

Didn't the film finally explain that Liang Liang finally came out? But when they see that the police officer in charge of their mediation is the father of the fat man who is bullied by yellow hair, he is quite at ease, and the police should investigate the truth of the matter, right?

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Carla was pulled away

The film ends with Carla being pulled away.

Finally played subtitles, in the evening Carla returned, the next day the second elder went to the police station to get a dog license.

18 hours for Carla, the second brother begged everywhere, even became a dog dealer, made a lot of efforts, although the process was hard, but the end is that Carla came back, which shows that all things, if you work hard, there is hope for success.

But will the second brother also find that he loves dogs more than his son?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > watching this film will have such feelings, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escapism, do not think of progress. </h1>

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

Accompanied by a smiling face

The second brother in the film earns a salary of several hundred yuan, his wife Yulan is laid off, there are old and young, life is not satisfactory, not smooth, but the second brother has taken the simplest way to escape, get by.

I don't want to change, just through a more boring way to get rid of the inner loneliness and escape from reality.

There is a saying that "poor people think of change", but the second brother is numb, just like the son LiangLiang's evaluation of him: "Since I understood things, he has not done anything", the father's incompetence, and the rudeness to the son, but also in exchange for the son's indifference, the father and son when they meet, they quarrel, look at each other unfavorably, and even the second brother has "the son is not as close as the dog".

But what did the second brother pay, and the reason for the weak feelings of father and son was precisely in him.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

The second elder and Yang Li could talk

Do not cultivate feelings with the family, but comfort each other with a divorced woman, ignore their wives' feelings, and say convincingly: "We have nothing", blaming her for her unsympatheticity.

Later, I became obsessed with mahjong until I found comfort in a dog, and found comfort.

In the face of life, if he can summon up the courage to change it, just as he did when the dog was taken away, and struggled like this in life, then his life will definitely change.

If he shares his concern for the dog with his family, he must have received more love than he would have received from the dog.

In fact, the second eldest in the film, his family originally had no conditions to raise dogs, but he said to his wife Yulan: "Do not keep a dog and then play mahjong", with a threat, but this attitude to life, it is also decided that he can only complain that people are not as good as dogs, while continuing to paralyze himself and find a sense of existence in dogs.

So instead of complaining and running away, life is better to work hard, even if it is like when Carla was taken away, knowing that it is difficult to get back without a certificate, but trying to work hard, and the final outcome always gives people hope.

The embarrassing life of the little character in "Carla is a Dog" is the main line of misplaced love and unenterprising life: Carla is captured, and the second brother tries his best to get it back. Side line: The rebellious son was arrested by bumping into the bad youth, and the father's handling method was simple and rude. After watching this film, you will have such a feeling, dogs live more exquisitely than people, but everything will have a source - love dogs more than loved relatives, escape from reality, do not think of making progress.

For Carla forgot to eat breakfast

Sometimes life is like this, hard work, even if there is no success, but with this process, life will not have regrets, and it will not be so empty and boring.

When complaining about human indifference, it is better to release more love and love to others, and everyone is in mutual communication, understanding each other and getting care for each other.

Regardless of feelings and careers, there is hope for hard work.

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