
Movie "A Beautiful Life"

author:Atuber yd
Movie "A Beautiful Life"

Many years ago, the Internet encountered a World War II movie, at the beginning it did not matter whether to watch or not to watch, in front of it was a bunch of Italian standard coincidences and funny, the male protagonist chattered, the music light was unsurprisingly light and bright, anyway, with me than who is more bored, turned around to see the protagonist's family into the concentration camp, the heroine or voluntarily entered, the whole light also dimmed, and then there are all kinds of fancy coaxing heroines and children of the male protagonists... Dada, the male protagonist who was still performing extraordinarily exaggerated was directly shot... What's going on here? How can this be made up? 我‬当时‬有点‬懵‬

Movie "A Beautiful Life"

主角‬儿子‬从‬铁柜子‬里爬‬出来‬,看到‬眼前‬巨大‬的坦克‬,笑的‬那么‬夸张‬那么‬满足‬,熊‬孩子‬,你‬爸‬没了‬你‬知道‬不? 你‬还‬笑‬的那么‬开心‬?

Movie "A Beautiful Life"

不对‬,我‬肯定‬漏‬了什么‬,于是‬又‬拉‬回去‬从头‬快进‬了一遍‬,哦‬,原来‬后半段‬男主‬是编‬了个‬故事‬骗‬儿子‬,说‬在集中营里只是一个游戏‬,就是‬要‬服从‬命令,就是‬要‬对‬发布‬命令‬的人‬表现出‬害怕‬,什么‬躲猫猫游戏‬‬,什么‬不让‬任何人‬发现游戏‬‬,什么‬沉默‬游戏‬...... 居然‬还‬敢‬骗‬儿子如果‬赢了‬就能‬得到‬‬一辆‬崭新‬的‬坦克‬! 天‬,一个‬父亲‬,为了‬让‬儿子‬不‬害怕‬,也是‬挖空心思‬设计‬了各种‬贴切‬集中营‬的‬环境‬,却又‬以‬孩子‬能‬接受‬的快乐‬游戏‬方式‬活在‬恐怖‬里‬,是的‬,成功‬的‬让‬孩子‬一直‬以为‬是在‬进行‬一场‬大型‬游戏‬...... 我‬不知道‬该‬怎么想‬了,真的‬,不能想‬,别说‬那种‬环境‬,就说‬现在‬,又有‬多少个‬父亲‬能‬做到‬?

Movie "A Beautiful Life"
Movie "A Beautiful Life"

Look into the child's eyes

熊孩子‬,你‬真‬幸福‬! 哥们‬,你‬真‬不容易‬!

再‬拉回去‬,从头开始‬,点上一支烟‬,慢慢‬再‬品味‬一遍‬,是啊‬,美丽‬‬的‬人生‬! 那是‬做‬父亲‬用‬自己‬的生命‬换来‬的美丽‬啊‬‬!


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