
When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

author:Dr. Jiro

Under normal circumstances, the amount of hair loss per day is less than 100, which is physiological hair loss, mainly related to diet, hair follicle atrophy and mental anxiety and tension.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

If the recent hair loss situation is getting more and more serious, especially when washing the hair, the hair falls down a lot, pay attention, because the factors that induce severe hair loss may be the following 4.

Only targeted improvements can avoid the consequences of baldness.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

1. Strong oil secretion

One of the reasons for hair loss is that the scalp oil secretion is too strong, especially after the arrival of summer, the temperature is high, if you do not clean the oil secreted by the head in time, it is easy to block the pores and darken, resulting in the hair can not get enough nutrients, and eventually the consequences of hair loss.

In general, the prolapse caused by this factor will gradually improve or disappear after careful cleaning of the head.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

2. The fume is too heavy

For female friends, the trigger for frequent hair loss is likely to be caused by the stimulation of oil smoke in the kitchen for a long time, because relevant studies have found that oil smoke not only irritates the skin of the head, but also affects the life of hair follicles and platelets, resulting in serious hair loss.

Therefore, for housewives, if the hair loss is becoming more and more obvious recently, it is necessary to consider whether it is the influence of this factor.

At this time, if you want to alleviate it, you must first ensure that you avoid staying in an environment with too much fume for a long time, for example, you must open the hood in time before stir-frying.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

3. The shampoo product is not suitable

The choice of shampoo is also particularly important, because everyone's hair type is different, for people with dry hair, it is best not to choose a silicone-free product, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the problem of dry hair.

Conversely, people with oily hair should not choose moisturizing shampoo products. In addition, you must not choose irregular shampoo products because of greed, otherwise the chemicals in them will stay on the hair and scalp, which will aggravate the symptoms of hair loss.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

In addition to this, the hair scales are in an open state when washing hair, and choosing the right shampoo will not only remove the dust that sticks to the hair, but also will not harm the hair.

Of course, in order to better protect the hair, you can also choose a targeted conditioner, so that you can shrink the hair scales.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

4. Insufficient qi and blood in the body

In the case of sufficient qi and blood, the human skin is in a rosy state, and the blood flow is more comfortable, which can maintain the physiological operation of various parts, but if the qi and blood are insufficient, the hair part cannot get enough nutrients to nourish it, and it will become extremely fragile.

As a result, when the hair is stimulated during washing, there will be a more serious hair loss problem.

For hair loss caused by this factor, you can eat more easily digestible foods, such as coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and insist on doing aerobic exercise, which can also play a role in regulating qi and blood.

When washing your hair, your hair falls down a lot, look for the reason, is the oil secretion too strong?

All in all, hair loss may seem like an innocuous little problem, but it indicates the hidden dangers of the body's disease, so it is reminded that if the symptoms of hair loss are getting worse and worse recently, it may be the influence of the 4 factors mentioned above.

In this case, you must not ignore it, please seek a doctor and find the cause of targeted treatment improvement, so as to prevent the amount of hair from becoming less and less.

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