
Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

author:Old Xu edited the little master

Nanxiang small cage steamed buns

Nanxiang Xiaolong Steamed Bun, also known as Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, is a traditional snack in Nanxiang Town, a suburb of Shanghai, with a history of more than 100 years. Known for its thin skin, filling, heavy brine and fresh taste, this product is one of the flavor snacks that are popular with customers at home and abroad. The filling of Nanxiang Xiaolong Steamed Bun is made with sandwich leg meat into a meat sauce, without green onions and garlic, sprinkled with only a little ginger and meat skin jelly, salt, soy sauce, sugar and water. The skin of the steamed bun is made of unleavened refined flour, which can be wrapped in 8 pieces of 50 grams of flour and a cage of 100 grams. Steamed steamed steamed buns, small and exquisite, shaped like a pagoda, translucent, crystal yellow, a bite of a packet of soup, full of raw jin, delicious taste. If eaten with shredded ginger, balsamic vinegar and a bowl of shredded egg soup, it tastes better. The filling of Nanxiang Xiaolong steamed bun can also change with the seasons. Add shrimp in early summer and crab meat, crab yellow and crab oil in autumn. Nanxiang steamed bun in Yuyuan Mall is one of the famous flavor snacks in Yuyuan Mall.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Open the onion oil noodles

Open onion oil noodles are a famous snack in Shanghai. The method of opening onion oil noodles is very exquisite, it first cuts the onion white into inches and is fried in a warm oil pan (the color of the onion oil boiled by this method is dark red and yellow, the green onion is fragrant, and the smell can increase appetite). Then the onion oil is mixed with the kaiyang that has been fried in vegetarian oil and soaked in wine sugar, which is made into onion oil. Cook the noodles, drain the broth and mix with the onion oil to make the onion oil noodles. This noodle view is brightly colored, the food is lubricated and refreshing, the shrimp flavor is fragrant, the green onion is fragrant, and the nutrition is rich, which is very popular. Kai onion oil noodles is a special snack of Shanghai Hubin Dim Sum Shop and one of the famous snacks of the City God Temple.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Date paste shortbread

It is a pasta made with puff pastry as the skin, black date paste as the filling, and is fried to maturity. Its golden color, small and exquisite, crispy skin, sweet and delicious filling, is popular with Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and Japanese tourists. In 1988, he won a silver medal at the Second National Culinary Competition.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Raw fried steamed buns

Shanghai calls buns steamed buns, so raw fried steamed buns are actually raw fried buns. Stuffed with semi-fermented bread, drained into a pan, fried in oil and sprayed with water several times to cook. It has a golden brown, hard and crispy bottom, white bread, soft and fluffy, tender meat with a slight marinade, and the aroma of sesame seeds or green onions when chewed. It is best to eat it hot in the pot. Raw fried steamed buns were originally a tea house, tiger stove (boiling water shop) and a variety of concurrently operated varieties. The filling is mainly fresh pork with skin jelly. After the 1930s, Shanghai's catering industry has a professional shop for raw fried steamed buns, and the color of filling has also increased the variety of chicken, shrimp and so on.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Steam the cold noodles

It is a noodle dish that is steamed and then boiled, then cooled by cold wind and seasoned. In the Shanghai food market, cold noodles have always been a popular variety in summer. Around 1937, noodles were cooked and rinsed in cold water. After 1949, the health department banned the sale of cold noodles for being washed with raw water. In 1952, Siruchun Dim Sum Shop was successful in steaming the noodles and then cooking them, and then using cold wind to cool them. Not only does it meet the hygiene requirements, but the processed noodles are hard and smooth, which is welcomed by the majority of customers.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Yangchun noodles

Also known as glossy surface. Folk customs call the lunar month of October as Xiaoyangchun, and the Shanghai Jingyin language takes ten as Yangchun. In the past, this noodle sold for ten yuan per bowl, so it was called Yangchun noodles. Boiled onion oil noodles are also known as sea rice shallot oil noodles. It is served with simmered shallot oil and deeply boiled sea rice (known as Kaiyang in Shanghai) and mixed with cooked noodles. The noodles are tough and smooth, the sea rice is soft and delicious, and the green onion oil is fragrant. After 1945, a stall surnamed Chen in the City God Temple was trafficked to boil green onion oil in the daily method of his hometown in northern Jiangsu and use it to mix noodles. The green onion is rich and distinctive, very popular, and has been passed down to this day. Now it is a characteristic snack of the lakeside dim sum shop.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Pork ribs in oil Rice cake

Pork chops are served with small, thin rice cakes, which are boiled in oil and boiled. There are two ways to make this snack in Shanghai, represented by the Shuguang Hotel (formerly known as Xiao Changzhou, known as the King of Ribs) and the Xiandelai Dim Sum Shop, both of which are famous for their rib rice cakes, but the production methods are different, the tastes are very different, each has its own characteristics, and became famous in Shanghai in the early 1930s. Rib rice cake is an affordable and unique snack in Shanghai, which has a history of more than 50 years. There are two famous pork rib rice cakes in Shanghai - "Little Changzhou" and "Fresh Come". "Little Changzhou" pork rib rice cake is made of pork backbone meat from Changzhou, Wuxi and other places, marinated in soy sauce, and then put into a pot of oil mixed with soy sauce, oil, sugar, minced onion and ginger, wine, etc., and taken out when the color is purple, the meat is tender and the taste is strong. At the same time, after the Songjiang rice is cooked, it is placed in the stone mortar and beaten repeatedly with a hammer, and when it is beaten until the rice is no longer a whole grain, it is taken out, cut 20 sticks per 500 grams, wrap a small piece of the ribs that have been soaked in each root, and then boiled in the sauce oil pot, when eating, sprinkled with five-spice powder, it has both the strong aroma of the ribs and the soft sticky crispness of the rice cake, which is very delicious; the "fresh" rib rice cake is to mix the flour, diamond flour, five-spice powder and eggs together and wrap them in the surface of the ribs, and put them into oil to cook. The ribs are golden in color, crispy on the surface and tender in flesh. Meanwhile, matsue rice is served with red soy sauce and ribs with sweet noodle sauce and topped with chili sauce. The entrance is sticky and fragrant, slightly sweet and spicy, tender and delicious. The "Little Changzhou" rib rice cake of Shuguang Restaurant in Shanghai and the rib rice cake made by the "Fresh Come" dim sum shop are the most distinctive.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Small Shaoxing chicken porridge

The chicken porridge operated by Xiao Shaoxing Chicken Porridge Shop is an authentic Shanghainese snack. The store was founded in 1947 by a Shaoxing person, because the founder and the main operator are Shaoxing people, here has formed a small Shaoxing people's world, so people named it "Little Shaoxing Chicken Porridge Shop". Xiao Shaoxing chicken porridge is a kind of snack made of stalk rice porridge cooked with chicken soup original juice, accompanied by chicken and various ingredients. When eating chicken porridge, cut the cooked chicken into 3 cm long and 0.6 cm wide pieces, plate it, and put the chicken porridge into a bowl, add green onion, ginger and chicken fat, and serve together. At this time, the chicken porridge is yellow with green, and the chicken color is white and bright, which is pleasing to the eye and the appetite is greatly increased. When tasting, the chicken porridge is sticky and slippery, fresh and fragrant, the chicken is tender and refreshing, rich in nutrition, and the more you eat it, the more fragrant it is. This delicacy is served in The Chicken Porridge Shop of Xiao shaoxing in Shanghai.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Vegetarian buns

Vegetarian food bun is a special snack of Shanghai Chunfeng Songyuelou Vegetarian Restaurant. The restaurant has a history of more than 70 years, it is a fusion of Beijing, Su, Yangbang flavors in one, but also has a local Shanghai flavor of vegetarian restaurants. The shop's vegetarian assortment, stir-fried mushrooms, Luo Han Zhai, mushroom pot soup, fried crab flour, gluten noodles and other dishes are quite famous in Shanghai, especially the vegetarian dishes made by the shop are well-known and very popular. Vegetarian vegetable buns are made of refined white flour as the skin, and the filling is made of green vegetables, gluten, shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, and spiced tofu dried and chopped with sesame oil, sugar and other condiments. After the wrapped vegetarian vegetables are wrapped in the basket and steamed, the skin is white and soft, the filling is green and green, bright and pleasant, as soon as the cage is opened, the room is full of raw fragrance, the taste of food is beautiful and refreshing, eat more is not greasy, and it is not tired of eating. This snack can be enjoyed at the Chunfeng Songyuelou Vegetarian Restaurant in the Shanghai Yuyuan Garden Mall.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

Roll the sand circle

Huangshayuan is one of the flavor spots of Shanghai Qiaojiazhai Dim Sum Shop, which has a history of more than 70 years. Legend has it that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, an old lady surnamed Lei in the Three ArchEs of Shanghai, in order to make the soup dumplings easy to store and carry, pioneered the method of rolling white powder on the surface of the cooked soup dumplings, and in order to commemorate her, posterity named this soup dumplings Huangshayuan. Qiao Jiazha Dim Sum Shop operates a rice ball that boils the red beans of Chongming County, grinds them into sand, dries them to become purple-red powder, and then cooks the glutinous rice soup dumplings wrapped with fresh meat or bean paste, sesame seeds and other fillings, drains the water, and rolls over a layer of bean paste powder. This kind of soup dumplings, colored and fragrant, hot to eat with a strong red bean flavor, and soft and refreshing, easy to carry, has always been popular with tourists.

Old Shanghainese may not know the historical and cultural story behind Shanghai's famous snacks

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