
Deng Huizhong, a heroine who is admired by people

author:Jin Qinghe
Deng Huizhong, a heroine who is admired by people

One morning in October 1948, in the lobby of the Yuechi County Government, when the agents saw the interrogated person walk in, it turned out to be a three-inch "golden lotus" with his feet wrapped, and how could he not be with the legendary woman Deng Huizhong, who was in the limelight, and they were very surprised one by one with their eyes wide open. The agent knew that he could not ask anything, so he wanted to use torture to conquer her, first beating her with a whip and a stick, then twisting her hands back, hanging her hands on the beam of the room and pushing them around, which was called hanging "duck floating water", burning her breasts with a red soldering iron, and then beating bamboo sticks from the tip of her fingers, etc., trying to force Deng Huizhong to confess. Although she was in great pain, she was as firm as steel and did not say anything. The agents could not get what they wanted from her mouth, and they were furious, so they arrested her sons Deng Yejia and Deng Cheng, her daughter Deng Yefang, and her niece Zhang Shuzhen in an attempt to shake them with affection. The agent also used torture such as "hanging duck floating water" and "wrenching the ground to peck" to make her children submit, but still to no avail.

This Deng Huizhong, one of the prototypes of the old woman we later called the two-gun old woman, named Zhang Huizhong, was born in 1904 in Changtan Temple, Yuechi County, and after marrying the teacher Deng Fuqian, when Deng went to Shanghai to study, he was influenced by revolutionary ideas and joined the Communist Party. After Deng returned to his hometown of Yuechi, he immediately joined the revolution. His revolutionary thoughts and actions had a great influence on his wife Zhang Huizhong, and he also participated in the revolution. Zhang Huizhong, with deep affection for her husband, changed his surname to Deng, so his name was Deng Huizhong.

In 1938, when Deng Huizhong's husband Deng Fuqian went to Yan'an to participate in the anti-Japanese war, she sold all her land and property to her husband for travel expenses, took her three children with her, and continued to engage in revolutionary work. She attended classes during the day and traveled in the mountains and townships at night, organizing the masses to participate in underground party peripheral organizations such as the birth period meeting and the poor association, and developed more than 50 underground party members and more than 200 guerrillas. Mobilize the masses to carry out the struggle against grain, against Din, and against donations.

In 1948, in the process of the guerrilla preparations for the huayingshan armed uprising, Deng Huizhong, in addition to trying to do a good job in logistics, actively participated in military training and learned to use long and short guns and disassembly techniques. Because of her accurate aiming and fast shooting, she is called a "sharpshooter". She sometimes hid a pistol and ran around, becoming a strange woman. One day, in order to deliver her weapons to the township of Soba, she dressed as Mrs. Kuo and sat on a slider, and the bullets were placed under her head in a delicate suitcase. Qin Manpeng, a communist, dressed in a Kuomintang uniform, followed close behind. As the sun set, when the two Baoding blocked the road to check, Qin Manpeng pointed his pistol at Baoding's waist and said, "Lao Tzu wants to send his wife to Wusheng, don't delay Lao Tzu's time, less excitement!" The two baoding were so frightened that they had to let them go. Deng Huizhong ventured to deliver the weapon to the guerrillas.

Once, a bao commander in Yangliu Township, adjacent to Zongcang Township, pulled four guerrillas to be Zhuangding, and Deng Huizhong led the guerrillas to disguise themselves as township dings and rescue them in the name of inspection. Once again, Deng Huizhong led the guerrillas to ambush on the side of the Sichuan-Hubei Highway, intercepting and rescuing n captured Zhuangding, educating and warning the township and baochang who had done bad things. There is a landlord named Cao Keji in Youxi Township, because he is short and fat, cross-legged, walking and swinging around like a chicken woman, according to his name harmonic, someone gave him the crooked name Cao Black Chicken Woman. The guerrillas knew that his family had rifles and bullets, and in order to disarm him, Deng Huizhong, after investigation, disguised as a man disguised as a passing merchant, led the partisans in makeup, took advantage of Cao Keji's birthday celebration for his father, entered the Cao family compound, and forced him to hand over his guns and ammunition at the climax of the banquet.

On September 10, 1948, agents arrested Deng Huizhong and her children in an attempt to soften them to their knees.

In October 1948, the secret agents escorted Deng Huizhong and her second son, Deng Cheng, an underground party member, to Chongqing and imprisoned them in the Slag Cave Prison of the Sino-US Cooperation Institute. Deng Cheng was only 20 years old when he died. Her eldest son Deng Yejia, daughter Deng Yefang, and niece Zhang Shuzhen were held in Hechuan prison until the Chinese People's Liberation Army went south to occupy Chongqing.

The legendary experience and fearless dedication of the heroine Deng Huizhong are widely praised in the folk. Her deeds touched the writers Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan, and became one of the prototypes of the two-gun old lady in the famous novel "Red Rock". Deng Huizhong's spirit inspires us to work hard.

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