
Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

author:First cuisine

Today to share with you a home-cooked dish "tea tree chicken" approach, chicken tender, tea tree mushrooms are nutritious, delicious and under the rice, there are likes to learn quickly.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

Ingredients: Tea tree mushrooms, vermicelli, three yellow chicken

Accessories: garlic, green onion, ginger, dried chili pepper, star anise, peppercorns

Seasoning: light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sugar, pepper, chicken powder

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a handful of tea tree mushrooms, soak them in water, wash the impurities and dust on them with clean water, drain the water, remove the roots and cut into segments.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

Prepare a handful of vermicelli and soak in warm water for 30 minutes in advance.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

Prepare three yellow chickens, remove the butt and trachea from the chicken's neck, and then chop the chicken into small pieces.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

2. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a few garlic and cut into small pieces.

Prepare the green onion in one section and cut into horseshoe slices.

Prepare a slice of ginger and cut into slices.

Put them all together and grab a few dried chili peppers, one star anise, and a pinch of peppercorns to set aside.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

3. Blanch the chicken nuggets below

Boil water in the pot, put the chicken nuggets into the pot with cold water, slowly boil out the blood water inside, after the water boils, beat the foam in the pot, cook for about 2 minutes, pour out the chicken nuggets and rinse them with water, drain the water and set aside.

Chicken nuggets are boiled in cold water, making it easier to boil out the bloody water inside and reduce the fishy smell.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

4. Start cooking below

When the oil is boiled in the pot, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, pour the onion, ginger, garlic and other small ingredients into the pot and stir-fry for a while, fry out the garlic flavor, pour in the chicken nuggets and stir-fry for about 3 minutes, fry the moisture in the chicken nuggets, after the chicken nuggets are fried, the chicken skin is tightened, add 10 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, 3 grams of salt, 10 grams of oyster sauce to add freshness, stir-fry the seasoning, and fry the color evenly.

Chicken nuggets must be fully fried in oil, and the dish will be more fragrant.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

Pour some cooking wine to fish, pour the right amount of water from the side of the pot without passing the chicken nuggets, add a little sugar to freshen, pepper 2 grams, pour the tea tree mushrooms into the pot, after the soup is boiled, beat off the foam in the pot, then cover the pot, turn the heat down and simmer for 30 minutes.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

After 30 minutes, put the noodles into the pot, add two spoonfuls of chicken powder and cook for another 5 minutes, the noodles can be cooked into the flavor and then put on the plate, and finally sprinkled with parsley, delicious.

The noodles should be put last, so as not to cook for too long and not strong enough.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

Well, a nutritious tea tree chicken is ready.

Chicken and tea tree mushrooms are stewed together, fresh to the bone, and the head chef shares cooking tips to make the meal delicious

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