
I read the Sixty-first (662 BC) of the Zuo Zhuan in the thirty-second year of the Reign of Lu Zhuang


The ancients' view of God was not what we imagined, they did not think that "God is in control of everything", respectful, and never dependent.

In the autumn of July, a god descended on Xin. King Hui of Zhou consulted Doctor NeiShi, "Why did God come this time?" He replied, "The nation is going to be rejuvenated, God will come to see how you are developing (doing good deeds), the country is going to perish, and God will come to see your decay (doing bad things), so God has come, and there are revitalized and perished, and this has been the case throughout the ages." King Hui of Zhou asked, "Then what should I do?" Answer: "Just sacrifice according to the rules." According to the order of King Hui of Zhou, Nei Shi guo went to Xin to investigate the specific situation of séance, and learned that it was the monarch of the state of Yu who invited the gods to come to Xin in order to obtain land, so he returned to the capital of Zhou and gave the conclusion of the investigation of the séance, "Only obey the orders of the gods, tyranny to the people, and the kingdom of Yu must be about to perish." ”

Shi Shi of the Kingdom of Yu held the same view: "I have heard that the country is going to be revitalized, centered on the people, is going to perish, depending on God, and the kingdom of Yu is going to perish?" ”

The Duke of Luzhuang was approaching, and he was not at ease with the issue of heirs, (Duke Zhuang had three younger brothers, the eldest brother Qingfa, the second brother Shuya, and Ji You again) first summoned Shuya to inquire, and Shuya said: "The second brother Qingfather is more talented. Ji You was summoned to inquire again, and Ji You said, "I will fight to the death to ensure that Li Zi is like (the son of Zhuang Gong and Meng Ren)" Zhuang Gong said: "Shu Ya just said that Qing Father is more talented!" So Ji You made an appointment with ShuYa at the house of the Grand Master, and asked Shu Ya to give Shu Ya a cup of poisoned wine, saying: "The eldest brother of the monarch said that there is a serious mistake in your position on the issue of the heir to the monarch, and now that you have drunk this cup of wine, the family is fine, don't drink, kill your whole family." So Shu Ya took the sprinkler cup and drank it all, went home, went to Kuiquan, and fell to the ground and died.

In August, Duke Lu Zhuang died, and Ji You embraced Li Zi. In October, Gongzi Qing's father sent a fierce soldier to stab Zi like a son, and changed his uncle Jiang Zikai to the state of Lu, for the Duke of Lu Min. (I don't understand that Lu Zhuang only killed The Uncle Ya of Father Qing, why didn't he kill Father Qing?) There is also no record of asking about the attitude of qingfu. )

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