
From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

author:Picachu Film and Television

Speaking of the giants of the business circle, the names of Ma Yun, Liu Qiangdong, and Ma Huateng must be thunderous, but when it comes to Chen Ailian's name, many people are deeply unfamiliar, but when it comes to its industry Wanfeng Otter Holding Group, I believe that many people have long looked up to the big name, and Chen Ailian is the founder of Wanfeng Ott, step by step with his own efforts and sweat to write a great business legend.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

Chen Ailian was born in Jiangnan water town Zhejiang, with the femininity and tenacity of Jiangnan women, the father is a veteran, the mother is the leader of the commune, since childhood the family is well-off, in addition to Chen Ailian, there are four daughters in the family, compared to other sisters, Chen Ailian's personality is biased towards boys, lively and active, often fight with boys, and play small is very assertive, once firm faith to adhere to the end, because of this stubbornness, when she was a child, Chen Ailian was a big trouble in the eyes of her parents, often causing trouble. In the end, I didn't listen to people.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

When Chen Ailian was in high school, she happened to catch up with the big wave of the Cultural Revolution, because the college entrance examination was cancelled and the education system was once stagnant, Chen Ailian had to temporarily leave the campus and fall into a situation where she had no books to read, so she had to return home to work as a farmer to help her parents reduce the burden on the family. Chen Ailian, who returned home, followed the local production team to engage in production, in the inherent concept, women's physiological conditions are naturally inferior to men's, so they are always in a weak position in the field of farming, but Chen Ailian does not accept defeat, but to prove that women's ability is not weak, should not be looked down upon.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

In her work, Chen Ailian was hard-working and hard-working, showing super enthusiasm, and working no less than the men around her, because of her outstanding performance, a year later, Chen Ailian was promoted to the commander of the commune militia company. In 1976, the country entered a new stage of socialist modernization, the countryside is to invest funds in the use of gold technology, in order to improve production efficiency, the superior to the township areas are equipped with agricultural distribution period, each commune has set up a unified agricultural machinery station, Chen Ailian's county town allocated four tractors, one of which was assigned to Chen Ailian's commune.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

Tractors were a new thing at the time, and many people had never seen or heard of them before, so almost no one volunteered to learn to drive, but Chen Ailian drove a tractor and became interested. For this reason, Chen Ailian and her family once had a disagreement, parents felt that driving a tractor is a man's business, women should not be mixed, but Chen Ailian's idea has been decided, for this reason she concealed her family from the commune cadres for many times to learn the opportunity to learn skills, at first the village cadres also refused, thinking that driving a tractor is not a woman's protégé, but can not stand Chen Ailian's repeated home requests and soft grinding hard bubbles, and finally the superior agreed to Chen Ailian's request to follow other boys to participate in tractor training.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

The entire training period is as long as three months, because of the fear of their places being occupied by others, Chen Ailian has always been full of enthusiasm, on the second day of training, Chen Ailian, who is bold in nature, dares to directly get on the car for practical exercises, so that other boys participating in the training are ashamed of themselves. Because the tractor has a large chassis and is extremely difficult to drive, many people dare not try to get on the car at the end of the training, and at this time, Chen Ailian has fully mastered the driving skills.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

During this period, Chen Ailian's cousin got a large truck from other places for work reasons, Chen Ailian took the opportunity to be her cousin's escort, in fact, she followed her cousin to practice driving and mastering skills, coupled with her hard practice of not being afraid of hardship, and finally stood out and became a tractor driver within the commune.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

It is understood that this quota was originally set by the superior to a veteran, Chen Ailian's father did not want to let his daughter be exposed to the wind and sun outside, hoping that she could find a leisurely livelihood, such as working as a salesman in a supply and marketing cooperative, but Chen Ailian was obviously not here, she preferred to work in the commune freely, full of energy. Because of Chen Ailian's steady and enthusiastic performance, in the end, the superior decided to set aside another position for the tractor driver, so Chen Ailian became the only female tractor driver in the county, which caused a sensation at the time.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

With the development of the economy and the progress of the times, Chen Ailian has the opportunity to contact different models, from large trucks to small cars, Chen Ailian is all the same, and at the beginning, Chen Ailian is keen to drive, enjoy the feeling of galloping and galloping. During this period, Chen Ailian also harvested a perfect love, got to know her husband Wu Liangding, then Wu Liangding was the director of xinchang new textile equipment general factory, Chen Ailian was invited to drive in the factory, Chen Ailian not only had first-class driving skills, but also a beautiful water spirit, the dress was also exquisite and exquisite, and gradually attracted Wu Liangding, Wu Liangding initially intended to promote Chen Ailian in the field of career, hoping to cultivate it into a leadership talent.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

After getting along day and night, the two grew in love, and finally the two married as they wished, and After marriage, Chen Ailian could have lived a carefree life without having to run outside, but with great ambition, she still chose to accompany her husband to develop her career. At that time, the competitiveness of the textile market was particularly fierce, and the market was still saturated, the wise strategy was to replace the field, at that time Chen Ailian already had the idea of starting a business in her heart, because she liked to drive, Chen Ailian also wanted to play in the automotive field, at that time she expected that the future day the automobile would show a popular trend, so under repeated consideration, Chen Ailian decided to open an auto parts company.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

At the beginning of the establishment of the company, Chen Ailian faced a shortage of funds, lack of equipment and other hardware problems, for which Chen Ailian had to borrow money from the bank, obtained a start-up capital, after the establishment of the company, Chen Ailian named it Wanfeng Aote, mainly engaged in the production and manufacture of automobile tires, initially exclusively for motorcycle aluminum wheels.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

Because there were very few domestic automobile manufacturers at that time, so Chen Ailian has not been able to find a development market, in order to find a partner, Chen Ailian will set her sights on foreign countries, when the foreign automobile manufacturing industry has been booming, Chen Ailian began to supply car aluminum wheels to foreign countries, because of the incomparable price advantage, Chen Ailian quickly won the favor and trust of many foreign manufacturers.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

In the field of production, Chen Ailian strictly controls the quality, in order to meet the quality standards, Chen Ailian once smashed the aluminum wheels made by employees working overtime overnight, at the expense of their own interests, just because of the attitude of excellence, Chen Ailian soon made a name in the industry. After the achievements in the foreign market, Chen Ailian immediately put the development of attention back to the country, with the upgrading of technology, Wanfeng Aote's production of main products into equipment creation, embarked on the road of independent innovation, and tried to enter the professional field of automobile vehicles and mechanical equipment.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

In 2018, Wanfeng Aote Group ranked first in the global production of automotive aluminum wheels, in addition, Chen Ailian also boldly and innovatively manufactured aircraft, which is more famous inside and outside the industry, and is praised and admired by the outside world. After that, Wanfeng Aote Group was officially listed, with the increasing development and prosperity of the automobile industry in China, Chen Ailian's career is growing stronger and stronger, and has always been in a monopoly position in the industry, that year, Chen Ailian became a rich woman in Zhejiang with a super high value of 19 billion.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

The successful operation of the enterprise and the hard work of employees are bound to be inseparable, Chen Ailian is also clearly aware of this, so privately she is quite caring and compassionate to employees, and has formulated a generous reward mechanism for employees. In 2010, Wanfeng Aote Group was proud of the world with its outstanding performance, and in the first time of achieving good results, Chen Ailian thought of the employees who followed her day and night, so she specially prepared a hundred BMW and donated them to employees free of charge, which is extremely rare.

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

According to Chen Ailian's career plan, on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the group, it is necessary to become the leader of the domestic general aviation industry and the robot industry that can only be equipped, and is committed to becoming a pioneer model of "Created in China".

From tractor drivers to hundreds of billions of rich women, Chen Ailian, who bought hundreds of luxury cars to send employees, is stronger than Ma Yun?

In Chen Ailian's body, we see the power of example, on the way forward, it is rare that she has not forgotten her original intention, nor has she ignored the efforts and sacrifices of her peers, it has always been difficult to succeed single-handedly, only unity can achieve the ambitious goal, Chen Ailian undoubtedly has the excellent elements of a leader, and it is not surprising that she can embark on such a brilliant road. What do you think of such a generous boss?

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