
In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

author:The Museum of The History of the Hearth

In December 1970, Li Desheng was meeting in Anhui to discuss the Third Party Congress in Anhui Province. Just halfway through the meeting, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room, and the secretary hurried in and whispered in Li Desheng's ear: "The Central Committee has just called and said that the chairman is looking for you and will leave for Beijing tomorrow." ”

The secretary's words surprised Li Desheng. He holds several positions, holds the work of presiding over the overall situation in Anhui, and also has a very busy work in the central authorities; this time for the party congress in Anhui, he took a leave of absence from the central authorities to come here, so why did the chairman suddenly call him back? Li Desheng was puzzled, but it was clear that Chairman Mao had very important things to explain.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

After the meeting, Li Desheng urgently handed over the work at hand to other colleagues and flew to Beijing the next day. Unexpectedly, after Seeing Li Desheng, Chairman Mao went straight to the subject and said: "Comrade Desheng, this time I asked you to return to Beijing because I wanted you to serve as the commander of the military region in Beijing. Li Desheng was even more dazed after hearing this, he was already the commander of the military regions in Nanjing and Anhui, in addition, he also held many positions. Why did Chairman Mao suddenly propose that he be concurrently the commander of the Beijing Military Region?

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the chairman and has been promoted many times</h1>

At the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Enlarged Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in 1968, Chairman Mao learned that Li Desheng was also at the meeting, so he took the initiative to ask: "Which one is Li Desheng?" Li Desheng in the crowd stood up excitedly and nervously, not knowing what the chairman had to say.

However, to Li Desheng's surprise, Chairman Mao did not ask him to explain anything, but wanted to get to know him. It turned out that Chairman Mao had known that there was a man named Li Desheng in the team, but he had never seen him. After this meeting, Chairman Mao remembered Li Desheng, and he also had new arrangements for this general who had been beaten out of the army.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

Due to various reasons, the politics in Anhui Province are relatively complicated, and there is an urgent need for a leader who can hold the scene and deal with the complicated politics and cumbersome internal affairs of Anhui. Chairman Mao planned to arrange for Li Desheng to handle work in Anhui. After discussion, the Party Central Committee decided that Chairman Mao's proposal was feasible, and the appointment arrangements of the Central Committee were soon announced.

In this arrangement, Li Desheng not only served as the secretary of the anhui provincial party committee, but also concurrently served as the commander of the Anhui Military Region and the commander of the Nanjing Military Region. After Li Desheng took office, he did not fail to live up to the trust of Chairman Mao and the central authorities; he properly handled the political turmoil within Anhui, vigorously reformed the local policies, discarded the original irrational policies, and made important contributions to the stability of the situation in Anhui.

In the second year of Li Desheng's tenure as commander of the Anhui and Nanjing Military Regions, he attended the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and in that year he was elected a member of the Central Military Commission, entered the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and other localities, and began to participate in the political work of the CPC Central Committee. This decision was made by Chairman Mao together with Premier Zhou.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

It turned out that Chairman Mao had arranged for Li Desheng to go to Anhui and Nanjing, and he also had the idea of testing Li Desheng. As for the reforms that Li Desheng made in Anhui before, Chairman Mao saw it in his eyes. In fact, this transfer is equivalent to a probationary period for Li Desheng to work in the central authorities in the future.

At that time, the country was in an important period of construction, various policies were not very sound, many affairs and contradictions were intertwined, and it was very necessary for capable leaders to preside over the overall situation and resolve these contradictions and storms. And 1968 was a special year, when the leaders of the government not only needed to remain loyal to the party, but most importantly, they needed to have super resilience and professional level. Chairman Mao was very confident in Li Desheng's loyalty to the party, but whether he had other characteristics still needed to be tested, so he first arranged Li Desheng in Anhui.

And Li Desheng did not live up to Chairman Mao's trust, his work in Anhui handled very well, not only has excellent management ability and construction level, but also can defuse super pressure. Therefore, the above results are obtained. Despite his several duties and busy work, Li Desheng did not slack off in any work, he properly handled the work in the jurisdiction he was responsible for, and during this period, he also participated in the construction of the Gezhouba Dam with Premier Zhou.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

In addition, when Sino-US relations were loosened, he and Premier Zhou strictly implemented Chairman Mao's ping-pong foreign policy, which played a great role in promoting the development of Sino-US relations. At this time, the burden on Li Desheng's body was already very heavy, and his pressure was also very large. Because he not only needed to handle the work of the Politburo and the Central Military Commission, but also the work of Anhui and the Twelfth Army, he once proposed to Chairman Mao the idea of relieving himself of some posts. But Chairman Mao said: "None of your posts can be reduced, and your talents are destined to require you to carry the girder." ”

Chairman Mao also instructed Li Desheng to divide his time into three parts, one-third of his time for study, one-third for his work, and the other time for going to the grass-roots level to conduct research and investigation. Chairman Mao's instructions and importance are deeply remembered by Li Desheng. In the days that followed, he was conscientiously responsible for the work in hand, and at the same time, he did not forget to study every day to increase his insight and level, and he went deep into the region many times to conduct local investigations and studies. Li Desheng's time is spent in busy work.

Chairman Mao has always looked at Li Desheng's performance. In 1970, when the commander of the Beijing Military Region was short of personnel, Chairman Mao thought of Li Desheng again, and there was the opening scene.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

Looking at the whole country, Li Desheng's promotion speed is unmatched, and he is also the first person to jump to the top among the founding major generals. Why did Chairman Mao value Li Desheng so much and let him hold so many important positions?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > Lee's anti-japanese war career</h1>

In fact, Chairman Mao's attention is inseparable from Li Desheng's loyalty to the party organization and his contribution to the organization. Li Desheng was born at the time of the popularity of Beiyang warlords, when social unrest and the people lived at the lowest level, suffering from all aspects of oppression. Li Desheng grew up in this difficult life. Later, the whole country opened the prelude to the Northern Expedition, and by 1928, the Beiyang Army had been completely annihilated, and Li Desheng's hometown of Xinxian County, Henan, had also been liberated.

It just so happened that the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was recruiting new recruits, and Li Desheng did not hesitate to sign up and become a boy scout in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Training in the team allowed Li Desheng to grow up quickly, and he also changed from a teenager to a warrior who could stand alone.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

In 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression officially began, and Li Desheng joined the 129th Division and fought with the troops in the War of Resistance Against Japan. In 1945, the troops were about to launch an attack on the Japanese troops stationed at the Mafang stronghold. The location of this place is extremely important, controlling the entrances and exits of the three roads, which is very unfavorable to the operation of our army. Our army had attacked the Mafang stronghold twice before, but both were defeated by the Japanese army, which occupied favorable terrain.

This time, in order to successfully seize the Mafang stronghold, Li Desheng conducted a full investigation of the place, and he learned that the Japanese army had recently been short of food, so he disguised himself as a vegetable farmer with several subordinates and carried vegetables to successfully enter the Mafang stronghold, which was heavily guarded by the enemy army. After Li Desheng entered the stronghold, he immediately began to act, he memorized the various locations in the town and the distribution of Japanese personnel, and after returning to the camp, he formulated a plan specifically for the Mafang stronghold.

After many days of preparation, Li Desheng led the commandos to launch an attack on the Mafang stronghold, and with careful planning and strategy, annihilated the Japanese army in one fell swoop, and none of our troops suffered casualties. By attacking the Mafang stronghold, it can be seen that Li Desheng will not attack recklessly during the battle, but will use flexible tactics and make careful preparations to complete the task with minimal casualties.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

In the Liberation War, Li Desheng also gave full play to this characteristic, and he led his troops to break out of the enemy's encirclement circle many times and annihilated the enemy's entire regiment through several dangers. In the Battle of Xiangfan, he took over the burden of splitting the three passes from the commander Wang Jinshan, successfully captured the three passes, attacked Xiangyang in one fell swoop, and captured the senior Kuomintang general Kang Ze. In the Liberation War, Li Desheng fully demonstrated his superiority, he fought flexibly and bravely, and was always able to seize positions from the enemy's guns by surprise.

Almost all of Li Desheng's war of resistance against Japanese aggression was spent crawling and fighting in the rain of bullets and bullets, fighting in bloody battles under machine gunfire, and his life was also accompanied by various dangers. Once he was commanding a battle on the front line, a bullet flew towards his head, fortunately Li Desheng wanted to talk to others sideways, just sideways to dodge the bullet, but the consequences were unimaginable.

Such a danger Li Desheng has never been afraid, but can further stimulate his fighting spirit in the war, he brought out the soldiers like him, very brave on the battlefield, over time, Li Desheng's fame will be out.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

However, Li Desheng's real point of fame was on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Here he has two very important achievements. The first was that when the Thirty-fifth Division under his leadership was surrounded by enemies, Li Desheng flexibly formulated a strategy and led his troops to successfully complete the evacuation from the mountains, while the 138th Division of the conformist 60th Army suffered heavy losses. The second is the brilliant battle record in the Battle of Shangganling.

In the Battle of Shangganling, Li Desheng led two divisions of the Twelfth Army into battle, holding the high ground for forty-three days, during which the enemy launched hundreds of fierce attacks on the high ground, Li Desheng also fully observed the environment, formulated a flexible and effective strategy, led the soldiers to fight in blood, and repeatedly fought with the enemy.

The road to deliver supplies was strictly guarded by the enemy, and nothing could be sent in, but Li Desheng and the soldiers in Shangganling never thought of giving up. In this way, they held out in the artillery fire and gun smoke for nearly two months, buried in the smoke of gunfire all day, endured hunger, and repelled the enemy's attacks again and again, and under their stubborn resistance, our army finally won the victory in the Battle of Shangganling.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > devoted to politics and performed well</h1>

Li Desheng was indispensable to the victory in the Battle of Shangganling, and after returning to China, he was awarded the rank of major general. From Li Desheng's achievements on the battlefield, it can be seen that he is extremely leadership, careful in his work, and does not rigidly carry out tasks, but through full observation of the current situation, formulates appropriate and effective strategies.

What Li Desheng made Chairman Mao optimistic about was not only his achievements on the battlefield, but also his achievements in building among the troops. After returning from the Korean battlefield, Lee served as the commander of the Twelfth Army, and he summarized the characteristics and formulated guidelines and policies in response to the serious decline in military discipline and combat effectiveness after the war.

Li Desheng focused on improving the combat effectiveness of the army, and he believed that the most important thing for an army is to have the ability to fight wars, and once this ability is lost, then the army will not be able to assume the responsibility of defending the country. In addition, he used scientific methods to improve and manage the work construction of the troops, and he asked the soldiers not only to exercise their physical fitness and conduct military training, but also to learn ideological education and cultural knowledge.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

Li Desheng's construction has promoted the all-round development of the army, effectively raised the various levels of military personnel, and solved the problem of slackness of military personnel after the war. His method was affirmed by Chairman Mao, that is, this time, Chairman Mao saw Li Desheng's ability in state construction and management, so at a meeting in 1968, Chairman Mao specifically asked Li Desheng, and after that, he was assigned many important posts, and Li Desheng lived up to Chairman Mao's expectations and completed every work very conscientiously.

Just as at the beginning of the article, Chairman Mao urgently ordered Li Desheng to return to Beijing and hand over to him the important post of commander of the Beijing Military Region. This task put a lot of pressure on Li Desheng, because Beijing is the capital, and the military region here is responsible for more important things, and at that time, China's relations with the Soviet Union were tense, and as the commander of the military region in Beijing, he was not only responsible for domestic military work, but also focused on international defense. Li Desheng is now in several positions, and he is worried that he will not handle this job well.

Seeing Li Desheng's concern, Chairman Mao said: "This is the order of the Central Committee, and you should take office at the end of the month." Knowing that this matter could no longer be resigned, Li Desheng could only accept it. After he became the commander of the northern district of Beijing, he devoted most of his energy to Beijing and treated every task very seriously, but the situation in Beijing was not stable at that time, especially after a serious political incident occurred, and the pressure on Li Desheng suddenly sank.

In 1970, why did the central authorities urgently order Li Desheng to return to Beijing and appoint him as the commander of the Beijing Military Region? The chairman valued it, and repeatedly promoted Li Desheng's anti-war career into politics, and his merits were outstanding

In accordance with the instructions of the central authorities, Li Desheng properly handled the turmoil caused by this incident, and in addition, he also assisted Ye Jianying in reorganizing the army and resolved Beijing's political problems by crisp and neat means. At the same time, he also strictly followed the strategic guidelines issued by Chairman Mao, organized and guided the army to conduct tactical exercises, and strengthened the training and deployment of the army. In 1973, chairman Mao made an important decision on the transfer of the commanders of the eight major military regions after careful consideration, and Li Desheng came to Shenyang from Beijing to continue to serve as the commander of the military region.

After he went to Shenyang, he first thoroughly studied and investigated the local situation, and then adapted it to local conditions to form a set of reform policies suitable for the northeast region. During his twelve years in the northeast, he not only strengthened the construction of the northeast army and improved the local economic level, but also focused on eliminating the residue of biochemical bacteria in the northeast region. And in order to eliminate infectious diseases, he has traveled to the epidemic areas of the country, formulated many effective strategies, and made important contributions to the elimination of the epidemic in the country.

In 2011, Li Desheng passed away in Beijing. In his revolutionary career of more than eighty years, he has always been loyal to the party and the people, and when the territory of the motherland fell, he desperately defended the country, and for the integrity of the country and the peace of the people, he rushed to many battlefields, and he also left countless bullet marks on his body. In the era of peace, he was keen on reform, devoted himself to the construction of new China, and made outstanding contributions to the party's political work and the development of the people's livelihood and economy.

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