
Playboy Hemingway's evolutionary history of top writers


There is such a person, he has everything.

He, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature; he, was a handsome rich man; he, almost all women, liked him.

He, with a rich and colorful emotional life, has been married 4 times, and has cheated on him many times in marriage, and is a typical playboy.

He was Ernest Miller Hemingway, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

So how did Hemingway become a top world writer?

01 From an early age, I firmly believed that I could become a writer

Hemingway was born in the United States on July 21, 1899, to a happy family. His father loved outdoor sports, often taking Hemingway to camp and hunt, which developed his spirit of perseverance and bravery; his mother loved literature, under her leadership, Hemingway read a lot of books from an early age and was keen to imitate the characters in the books.

In 1917, Hemingway graduated from high school. At the age of 18, instead of applying for university, he applied to a newspaper and became an intern journalist.

Someone once asked him, "When did you decide to become a writer?" ”

Hemingway replied without hesitation: "I have always wanted to be a writer. ”

Writing is what he loves the most, even if he is rejected many times, even if he is injured, he never wants to stop writing.

Playboy Hemingway's evolutionary history of top writers

02 In the days when there are ups and downs, insist on creating

In 1921, Hemingway, who had recovered a life from World War I, had to write a press release at one newspaper in order to survive.

Here he met the famous American poetess Stein. Stein, believing Hemingway to have great literary potential, suggested that he focus on literary creation, so Hemingway quit his job as a tabloid reporter and became a professional novelist.

However, at this time, Hemingway was still only an obscure journalist and needed to earn income by writing. Without a job, he quickly fell into extreme poverty, and at one point he could not even eat.

But Hemingway insisted on not creating for the sake of making money, arguing that good literature could make money, but writing books to please readers was a must.

He even believes that hunger is a good exercise that allows people to learn.

Finally, in October 1926, Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" came out, which helped Hemingway establish his position in the literary world in one fell swoop with his wonderful narrative.

Playboy Hemingway's evolutionary history of top writers

03 Close to cruel self-discipline, the pursuit of the ultimate quality of the article

Hemingway took the quality of his articles to the extreme.

After writing a book, he would revise it from beginning to end, ask someone to copy it, change it again, and revise it again after the final sample came out.

"Farewell, Weapon" he spent 6 months to write, but it took 5 months to revise, of which the end of the book was actually changed 39 times.

Hemingway used to write every morning from 6 a.m. to 12 noon, and when he was done, he had to check the number of words written for the day, and he couldn't even eat if he didn't complete the day's tasks.

Not only that, but unlike other writers, he always writes standing up.

He said it was done to put himself in a state of tension, forcing himself to express thoughts as briefly as possible and make the article look more perfect.

04 Write at the end

A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.

This was Hemingway's lifelong belief.

Some people think that he is a genius; some people think that he is crazy; some people think that he is a scumbag.

But his love for literature has never changed.

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