
Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

author:Lucky Evening Wind z8

Two world wars returned, and two crashes survived.

While living his life as wonderful as a Hollywood blockbuster, he also won a Nobel Prize in Literature.

This award-winning work is "The Old Man and the Sea", which no one knows and knows.

This novelist known as a "literary tough guy" is Ernest Hemingway.

Ernest Miller Hemingway, born July 21, 1899 and died July 2, 1961, was an American writer and journalist who is considered one of the most famous novelists of the 20th century. The founder of the "news style" novel, Pen Feng is known as a "literary tough guy".

Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

His literary status is even higher than many people think. Márquez, a giant of literature and the author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", revered him so much that he did not even dare to come forward to say hello. Calvino, who has been called "one of the best fable writers in the world," said Hemingway was a god. The New York Times wrote that Hemingway himself and his people influenced entire generations or even generations of Americans. He is a spiritual monument to the American nation and an internationally renowned cultural hero.

When he died, former U.S. President John Kenny personally wrote a eulogy for him. He single-handedly influenced and changed the literature of almost all countries of the world, and the way people think.

Looking at The Country, anyone who has a little interest in literature will not be unaware of Hemingway.

Zhang Ailing called Hemingway's novels the most beloved foreign literary works of her life.

Wang Xiaobo said that he saw the fate of mankind from his book.

Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

Hemingway and his cat

As a famous writer, Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature, which can be described as a success. But in Hemingway's view, these worldly names were not important to him, he wanted a turbulent life. Half of all the honors Hemingway received in his lifetime were military medals, and he participated in almost all the wars since he was able to run. In war he was a typical American cowboy, wherever there was gunfire, where there was explosions, wherever there was the sound of horses' hooves, he would run to wherever he went. During World War I, Hemingway gave up the opportunity to go to college in order to go to Europe, and he could have gone to Illinois State University, one of the best public universities in the United States. As a result, he worked as a journalist for half a year because of his age, and then went to Europe.

Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

Hemingway during World War I

In fact, the First World War at that time did not have much to do with the United States, mainly in Europe, but the United States went to a lot of volunteers. When Hemingway arrived at the front, he ran wherever the war was fierce, and he thought that he was not running fast enough, so he rented a car to rush to the front, because he wanted to see the scenes of the war with his own eyes.

Such a person who likes war, of course, war will not easily spare him. Because of his poor eyesight, he was unable to go to the front, so he became an ambulance soldier. On the Italian front, in order to rescue a wounded soldier, he was hit by a shell himself, leaving more than two hundred pieces of shrapnel on his body, and there was still some on his body until his death.

Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

Hemingway was concentrating on writing

After the end of World War I, Hemingway returned to Paris. At that time, artists and writers from all over the world gathered in the Montmartre Mountain in Paris. There are many bars on this hill, and there is also a cathedral on the top of the west hill called the Church of the Sacred Heart. Hemingway used to drink in the bar there.

To what extent does he love to drink? During the period when prohibition was issued in the United States, Hemingway could not drink alcohol in the United States, so he ran to Paris and drank every day. He wrote many classic works in Paris, when there was a large number of American writers in Paris, and when they returned to the United States, they called themselves the "lost generation".

Hemingway was great and lonely. For the Nobel Prize in Literature, Hemingway himself did not accept the prize, but let people collect it on his behalf. At the awards ceremony, his speech was: [Writing, at best, is a lonely life.] In fact, when he won the Nobel Prize in Literature and climbed to the top of the peak of literature, he was already doomed to experience spiritual loneliness, after all, the high places were cold, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

Hemingway was undoubtedly lonely, not only in literary creation, but also in family life. His lifelong love life was complicated, and he experienced many marriage failures. Due to the sake of his original family, Hemingway has never been able to get rid of the childhood shadows and psychological trauma left by his parents, and throughout his life, he has wandered in anger and resistance, struggled in reason and prejudice, entangled in love and hatred, and finally can only fall into endless loneliness and despair, and it is difficult to extricate himself. Hemingway's mother was a music teacher with a strong personality; His father was a doctor with great medical skills, but a cowardly personality. Hemingway's early life was completely shrouded in the domineering promises of his father and his mother. Growing up, his mother always interfered roughly in his personal life in the name of love and protection, trying to make him completely dependent on himself, always obedient to himself, obeying his own will and arrangement. Hemingway had rebelled many times, but in vain. Therefore, his mother's selfishness and domineering made him feel deeply lonely and desperate. Throughout his life, he could not forgive his mother, and his relationship with her was always mixed with sharp-edged hostility. Perhaps it was because of his mother that Hemingway always had fear and hatred for women, and was full of misunderstandings and prejudices about gender relations, which also led to the misfortune of his later married life.

For his father, Hemingway also loved to hate. From the age of three, his father began to teach him to hunt and fish, which became the main hobby and hobby of Hemingway's life. He was always grateful for his father's love and understanding, and as he grew older, this gratitude continued unabated. Hemingway has been trying to imitate and try to surpass his father, but his father finally ended his life by suicide by drinking bullets In 1928, Hemingway's father shot himself because he could not bear the suffering of the disease. Hemingway had been extremely resentful of his father's suicide, but who knew that the lion had ended his life in the same way a few years later.

At 7 a.m. on July 2, 1961, at his home in Ketchum, Idaho, Hemingway took out his beloved silver-encrusted double-barreled shotgun, shoved it into his mouth, and then pulled the trigger, drawing a cruel end to his life. To this day, there are still many people who cannot understand that Hemingway, as a tough guy writer, ended his life by suicide, without any tough guy spirit. However, when you understand Hemingway's loneliness and despair, it is not difficult to understand his final choice. Hemingway fought in two world wars and the Spanish Civil War, experienced two plane crashes, was seriously wounded many times, and passed the grim reaper. He personally experienced the blood and cruelty of war, witnessed familiar comrades turned into mutilated corpses, and his fresh lives died because of war, and he knew the cruelty of war, the fragility of life and the impermanence of fate. Coupled with his father's later suicide by drinking bullets, he cast the shadow of death in his memory, becoming a terrible nightmare that he could not get rid of in his life, making him feel the desolation and terror of death with trepidation, and also let him fall into the despair and loneliness of extricating himself.

In the last days of Hemingway's life, suffering from as many as 11 diseases caused great pain to his body and mind, resulting in the depletion of his imagination and the loss of his creative ability, thus destroying the last pride and hope of his life, deepening his loneliness and despair, and accelerating his depression and depression. From the glory of winning the Nobel Prize in Literature to the sadness of Jiang Lang's talent, the huge reality gap is an unbearable low point in life for Hemingway, who has reached the highest peak of the literary world and has a very high self-esteem, which makes him fall into extreme mental depression, forming a negative and pessimistic extreme emotion, and eventually leading him to liberate himself by suicide.

Hemingway finally suicidally brought an end to his lonely and great life, and painted his public image with the last color, making the world remember him as a man who could be destroyed but could not be defeated. Like the old fisherman in The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway was willing to self-destruct rather than be defeated by fate, and in the process of rising up and fighting, even if he was lonely or dead, he was great.

Hemingway – a man who coexists with loneliness and greatness

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