
What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

author:Yang Ge food world

In this issue: What do you eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home cooking dishes that are guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once

Today is February 10th, the epidemic has not yet passed, and many enterprises have begun to work. However, a large number of people continue to stay at home, staying at home, eating, watching TV, playing mobile phones, and sleeping every day. During this free time, I have done all the dishes I can cook. After eating the last meal, I don't know what to fry the next meal. Do you have the same situation as me?

Today Yang Ge recommends 6 special delicious home-cooked dishes to everyone, each dish is full of color and flavor, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once you eat it, the method steps are explained in detail, and you can make it immediately after reading it. Let's take a look at the specific methods.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > [the first delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot]. </h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Three sauces simmered in a pot

【Ingredients required】

Appropriate amount of chicken wings, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of raw soy sauce, one green and red pepper, one handful of celery, one potato, one section of lotus root, appropriate amount of cooking oil, one spoonful of salt, one spoonful of chili powder, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger slices, one onion, appropriate amount of enoki mushrooms, one plate of cooked quail eggs, one spoonful of tomato sauce, one spoonful of Korean hot sauce, one spoonful of soybean paste, one spoonful of oyster sauce, one appropriate amount of honey, one spoon of raw soy sauce, one spoon of starch.

【Procedure steps】

1: First, put the chicken wings on a flower knife, put them into the pot, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce, grasp and marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Side dishes can be matched according to their own preferences. Prepare one green and red pepper and one into pieces, one celery into pieces, one potato into hob pieces, and one lotus root into slices.

3: Place all the cut side dishes in a large bowl. Drizzle with cooking oil, a spoonful of salt, and a spoonful of paprika, and grasp well and set aside.

4: Prepare a casserole or rice cooker, add a small amount of cooking oil, add garlic and ginger slices. After sautéing until fragrant, pour in the onion and enoki mushrooms, then add the mixed side dishes and add a plate of cooked quail eggs. Finally, add the marinated chicken wings.

5: Without adding water, directly cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with a sauce in a simmering pot, add a spoonful of tomato sauce, a spoonful of Korean hot sauce, a spoonful of soybean sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a suitable amount of honey, a spoonful of soy sauce, and a small spoonful of starch to the bowl and stir well.

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Pure Northeast Sauce Bean Paste Farmhouse Flavor Sauce 2000g Shallot Dipping Sauce Dipping Sauce Soybean Sauce Soybean Sauce Package ¥19.89 Purchase

6: Then pour directly on the chicken wings, cover and simmer for another 10 minutes. Such a simple and delicious lazy version of the three-juice stew pot is ready, and friends who like it can collect it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [The second delicious home-cooked dish: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures]. </h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Vegetarian stir-fried four treasures

Fresh dutch beans, 1 yam, 1 red pepper, tender corn kernels, fungus, garlic, spring onions, vegetable oil, salt, and a little oil.

1: Prepare an appropriate amount of fresh hollandaise beans, peel a yam, cut it into segments with a slanted knife, and then cut into horseshoe slices. Prepare a red pepper, open it with a blade and cut into horseshoe slices for color matching. Also prepare an appropriate amount of tender corn kernels and soak the fungus. The preparation of the ingredients is also very simple, a few slices of garlic, a few shallots cut into segments.

2: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a little vegetable oil, pour in the dutch beans, yam, corn, blanch the water for 15 seconds, and then scoop up the cold water. Add the fungus again, blanch for 30 seconds, and set aside.

3: Put the oil in a hot pan, add the green onion and garlic, sauté the aroma, then pour in all the ingredients, turn on the maximum heat and stir-fry. A large fire is key to preserving the crisp taste of the ingredients.

4, the seasoning is also very simple, add the right amount of salt, continue to stir-fry into the flavor, and finally a little bit of bright oil to increase the color and flavor. Stir-fry evenly before starting to pan and plate.

This dish is very simple and delicious, original, crisp and sweet, like friends can collect it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root]. </h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Osmanthus glutinous rice root

A suitable amount of glutinous rice, a section of lotus root, a suitable amount of brown sugar, a few red dates, a suitable amount of sugar osmanthus flowers or honey, and a spoonful of red yeast rice.

1: First prepare an appropriate amount of glutinous rice and soak it in cold water for 2 hours. Choose another section of the lotus that looks fat and round, peel it and cut it at the end of the head, leaving the root for later.

2. Then pour the soaked glutinous rice from the incision of the lotus root, fill it with chopsticks and compact it, cover it with lotus tips after covering it, and insert the toothpick obliquely to fix it.

3. Then put the finished lotus root into a non-ferrous container, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar, a few red dates, sugar osmanthus flowers or honey, and a spoonful of red yeast rice into the material package. Then pour in an appropriate amount of water to drown the lotus joints.

Xinjiang Red Jujube Special Grade Washed Jujube 2500g First Grade High Quality Jujube Hetian Specialty Ruoqiang Gray Jujube Package Shipping ¥14.9 Purchase

4: Bring to a boil and simmer for 45 minutes. Let the sugar juice slowly enter the lotus knot and cook until the chopsticks can be easily inserted to turn off the heat. Remove the boiled lotus root naturally when it is cooled to warmth.

5: The glutinous rice is already very soft and sticky, cut into slices while hot, put into the plate, and then thicken the soup in the pot and pour it on the plate.

Such a dish of osmanthus glutinous rice root is ready, the aroma is strong, soft and sweet, delicious and nutritious, the elderly and children are particularly fond of eating. Favorite friends can collect it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Fourth delicious home-cooked dish: crystal jelly].</h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Crystal jelly

1 pound of pork skin, 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger, cooking wine, white wine, salt, baking soda.

1, five dollars a pound of pork skin cold water pot, put in the green onion, ginger slices and cooking wine, boil after the froth, cook for another 5-10 minutes, fish out the cold water.

2, and then use the blade to remove the fat on the pig skin, be sure to slice clean, which is the key to the crystal clear of the pig skin. The side of the pig skin has a fishy smell and should be scraped clean with a knife.

3: Cut the treated pork skin into strips and cut it as finely as possible. Add the cut pork skin to the white wine and a small amount of warm water. Wash by hand for 1 minute, this step is mainly to remove the fishy smell of the pig skin.

4: Then add salt and baking soda and wash again for 1 minute. Finally, rinse several times with water until the water becomes clear and drain.

5: Add pork skin and warm water in a 1:3 ratio, that is, three bowls of warm water for a bowl of pork skin, add green onion and ginger, put on a steamer, cover and steam for 80 minutes.

6: After 80 minutes, pick up the green onion and ginger, add salt to taste, turn the pork skin to a square container, let it cool naturally, and refrigerate for 2 hours. Remove until the jelly is completely solidified and elastic. If you knock on it with full elasticity, it means that you have done it successfully. Then cut it to the size you want.

So that the same as the crystal jelly is ready, looks very appetizing, dipped in the sauce can be eaten, smooth into the taste, Q elastic and transparent, cheap and delicious, like friends can collect it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo]. </h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo

Appropriate amount of bamboo, appropriate amount of fungus, a few grains of garlic, a few spicy millets, an appropriate amount of chili noodles, an appropriate amount of shallot white, a cucumber, two spoons of light soy sauce, two spoons of vinegar, a spoon of sesame oil, a half spoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a little coriander, and an appropriate amount of cooked peanut rice.

1, first of all, the bamboo and black fungus in advance to soak the hair, the bamboo soaking soft after cutting into sections, under the pot blanched, the bamboo is more easy to cook, half a minute can be, and then fish up the cold water. The fungus is not easy to cook, and it is blanched in water for about a minute.

2: Let's mix another garlic juice, stir the garlic and millet spicy into a minced, put it in a bowl, then add the chili noodles, shallot white, pour hot oil to stimulate the aroma.

3: Prepare a cucumber, wrap in plastic wrap and crush it, put it into a bowl, pour in the bamboo, fungus, garlic juice, add two spoons of soy sauce, two spoons of vinegar, a spoonful of sesame oil, half a spoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, first grasp the flavor, then add parsley, cooked peanuts, mix slightly and then eat.

In this way, our cold mixed vegetable cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo is ready, especially crisp and refreshing, looks very appetizing, very suitable for the degreasing after the big fish and meat. Favorite friends can collect it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]. </h1>

What to eat at home? Recommend 6 delicious home-cooked dishes, guaranteed to make you fall in love with it once [First delicious home cooking: lazy version of the three-juice stew pot] [Second delicious home cooking: vegetarian stir-fried four treasures] [The third delicious home cooking: osmanthus glutinous rice root] [The fourth delicious home cooking: crystal jelly] [The fifth delicious home cooking: cucumber mixed with rotten bamboo] [The sixth delicious home cooking: garlic vermicelli baked shrimp]

Garlic vermicelli baked shrimp

Appropriate amount of fresh shrimp, two heads of garlic, a few spicy millets, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, a moderate amount of salt, a moderate amount of sugar, a suitable amount of hot oil, a suitable amount of cooking wine, a suitable amount of onion, a suitable amount of ginger slices, an appropriate amount of vermicelli, and an appropriate amount of steamed fish sauce.

1, fresh shrimp in the refrigerator frozen for 20 minutes, vermicelli in advance with cold water to soak hair, and then prepare two heads of garlic, a few millet spicy, with your right hand to pull into garlic, put into the bowl, and then pour water, filter out the garlic mucus. The garlic paste that comes out of this will not be bitter.

2: Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sugar, stir well and pour hot oil. This way the home-cooked version of the garlic paste is ready.

3, the shrimp after the freezing, shrimp meat shrinks, remove the shrimp head, easily peel off the shrimp. Then open the shrimp back, remove the shrimp line, wash it and put it in a bowl.

4: In the peeled shrimp, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, two spoonfuls of garlic paste, grasp well with your hands and set aside.

5: Prepare 1/2 onion and cut into strips. Heat the oil in a casserole dish, add the garlic and ginger slices, sauté until fragrant and turn off the heat. Pour in the onion, the vermicelli, and spread the shrimp in turn. Put garlic sauce, the amount of garlic sauce can be determined according to your preferences.

6: Pour steamed fish soy sauce, cover with lid, then drizzle with rice wine along the lid of the pot, bake for 3-5 minutes, until the shrimp tail turns red. Sprinkle with green onions.

In this way, a garlic vermicelli baked shrimp is ready, very fresh and delicious, like friends can collect it.

The above is Yang Brother to share with you 6 special delicious home cooking, each dish is full of color and flavor, guaranteed to let you eat once to fall in love with it, the method steps are explained in detail, and you can make it immediately after reading it. If you don't have all the ingredients for the time being, you can collect the recipes first, and when the ingredients are in place, we will start to make them. Favorite friends can collect it.

Hello everyone, here is Yang Ge cuisine, like the food I shared, please move your finger to help like the comment collection and forward, thank you for your support and attention, every day will share a variety of food, with simple ingredients to make a different delicious.

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